Sammy Talalay

Misanthrope: celebrity journalists

Misanthrope turns his wrath on celebrity journalists for a last dose of vitriol before Easter

Blagging the news: The French Presidential Election

Perplexed by political postulation? Cherwell is here to help you perfect your chit-chat.

Hunt for the perfect state

Sammy Talalay contemplates the implications of the government's involvement in non-political affairs

Interview: Jeremy Leggett

Jeremy Leggett talks candidly to Sammy Talalay about the impending energy crisis

India suffers for Rushdie’s silence

Sammy Talalay argues that protecting free speech needs to be knee-jerk if it is to be effective

Misanthrope: The 2012 Olympics

Misanthrope shares some thoughts on why to be excited about the Olympic Games in London

Fame, fortune and philosophy

Robert Winston talks to Sammy Talalay about his career as an academic, researcher and thespian

Jon Snow: ‘I’m just a tawdry old creep’

Sammy Talalay takes a seat at the table with Jon Snow to talk about his recent foray into film

Blagging The News: Republican primaries

Perplexed by political postulation? Cherwell is here to help you perfect your chit-chat

Should gay men face extra restrictions when giving blood?

Sammy Talalay looks at the recent changes to the law with regards to blood donations and the vexed balance between protecting the public and not being overly discriminatory

Forgotten reforms to education

Samuel Talalay looks at the coalition's policies on secondary education which have largely slipped under the radar after the furore over university reforms

OUSU hang sweatshops out to dry

Buy Right campaigners dangle out their message on Radcliffe Square

Halfway hell at University

Celebratory meal shut down after bad behaviour

Gunning for Victory

Environment and Ethics election sparks controversial campaign

Fulbright fraud pleads guilty

Oxford tutor catches liar