Robin and Sophie discuss Oxford's call for £90 million in funding for the humanities, is dependence on philanthropy the inevitable future for higher education in Britain?
Robin and Sophie discuss St Anne's recent refusal to fly the LGBT pride flag to mark LGBT history month: should they amend college policy in order to show their support?
Sophie and Robin discuss the latest blow to hit the beleagured Murdoch empire: Harris Manchester's ban on all Murdoch publications. Join the debate on press standards and the future of print journalism.
Having warmed up on Radio 5 Live Sophie Jamieson returns with Robin McGhee to discuss perceptions of Oxford in the national media, as well as Ms Nowell's infamous rejection letter.
Sophie Jamieson and Robin McGhee are back for Hilary, bringing you their views on the latest Oxford news. This week they discuss alcohol awareness, or lack thereof.
Sophie Jamieson and Robin McGhee return for the final Cherworld of Michaelmas, discussing the latest faux pas from everyone's favourite Balliol Alumus: Boris Johnson
Robin McGhee and Sophie Jamieson are back for fifth week, discussing the Oxford Students who have recently pledged to give away 10% of their future earnings