Sunday, March 9, 2025

The Source

Dindymene: A Dream

And on the seventh day, we found HER temple, feasted on HER sight. Enthroned. Flanked by mammoths on both sides. There, there! Berry-ringed fingers on berry-strung vines: vision clipped with paralysed sparrow...

In the Beginning

I was alone with the earth and the sun before youcame along: there was...

To Julian – Ella O’Shea

you’re enwombed within stone, this anchorhold,wool on your skin, the draught on your feetink...


A letterA single-cell, Stuttering, Reoccurring, Scrap on /The page /Fragmented/Born from pain …A zygote...


Go, then - O girl, O derivative of...

Eve’s Laugh

Humour me with golden words...

Stalked by a bear at high table

perhaps next time i will kill the bear

Lost City

The undulating sands stretch out,  a vast expanse, sweltering under the gaze of the sun as it burns its way across the sky, dunes flowing like currents,  tides on...

Half Brit No Brit

'I hear you loudly in your echo chamber: ‘We’re in the most tolerant land of them all’ But the least racist is still racist.'

49 Years of Matrimony

Agnes need not have walked in on them fucking to know what was going on.

Ghosts in the Attic

'Unpack-repack. That recurring dream that you only have in your Home Bed...'

In Truth

'Everything I told you Came out untrue'


'The clocks cry her name from Outside the door; Their hands are stiff and still.'

Changes by the River

'It doesn’t matter how stagnant we feel, The seasons keep on flowing'


"Travelling into The sunset, a new cowboy ready to ride"

The Felling of Yggdrasil

"Worlds branch off like capillaries From an oaken aorta"

Ten Days Troilus Waits for Cressida

"Above me, the Milky wheel turns round and round"

Number 19

'Walking along the Edgware Road It's ten o'clock at night I glance down at my phone amongst it all And it's your name that glows in the light'


'a few more days of worrying about weddings, wondering why we seem to copy the lives of those we wish would love us'

Two Poems

"The memory is hazy, the photographic still of the memory I keep in my head, more so."

Love from,

'You're in all the details, taking up the small spaces/You're filling in the gaps between words in this poem.'


'something in the bagging area/I looked down, and it was me, crouched there'


"how we feel now must be the way that stars feel all their lives"

Requiem for a marriage

'I wanted you, all the more because I knew / Someone else was getting you. / What does that mean now?'

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