The Source

Dindymene: A Dream

And on the seventh day, we found HER temple, feasted on HER sight. Enthroned. Flanked by mammoths on both sides. There, there! Berry-ringed fingers on berry-strung vines: vision clipped with paralysed sparrow...

In the Beginning

I was alone with the earth and the sun before youcame along: there was...

To Julian – Ella O’Shea

you’re enwombed within stone, this anchorhold,wool on your skin, the draught on your feetink...


A letterA single-cell, Stuttering, Reoccurring, Scrap on /The page /Fragmented/Born from pain …A zygote...

Ordinary Dreams

I dreamt about you last night. It was not remarkable or extraordinary; You sent me to the local shops with a list of groceries,...

Estate Birds

Out here they live all for one and one for all; Brutal towers have brutal rules.

In Winter

if I listen to the breeze I hear night

In Regions Clear, and Far

there is no us without this city. Oxford is ours


Who’ll ask if it’s too brave to dream again?

An Afternoon in Late Autumn

And I was all the warmth and life on earth.

Eventual Ghosts

As we sailed on enthralled in the pursuit of some ardent glory

Punctuate As The State Sees Fit

Before we were mad We could dance as we wanted

We are a backwards people

The sun revolves around the Earth which revolves around our moon and the twinkling little stars.


She leant back and let the blade of his shoulder frame the picture, for that’s how she would replay it in her head.

Oxford By Night

Immortality comes not in cobweb, but in gold tinged stone.

Day to live, day to love

Today is a Sunday, and today is a beautiful day to be alive

Walking Together

Because I’ll miss you became The I love you for friends

Anxiety and Me

If I am having a bad day I am going to tell you and have no shame about it.

Wandering Walser

Walser died in the same style in which he wrote: he went on a lonely walk and never came back.

New Year

Redrafting a life with no object for feeling

Beyond the window

Fated to be caught perpetually behind the window, always waiting for that elusive tomorrow.

quarantine hands

Fingers like pharaoh’s doomed to crumble

A Nation Under Siege

Darius Parvizi-Wayne spent three weeks in lockdown at the end of his five month stay in Italy. Here he recalls the empty streets with a mixture of verse and visuals.