Sunday, March 9, 2025


Sextigation 2025: Top one percent of shaggers do 15% of all shagging

You may have seen the headlines about income inequality – the top one percent in Britain earn somewhere around 15% of all income. Cherwell’s fourth annual Sextigation has found an inequality just...

“All faiths and none?”: What college chapels can offer their students

The rustle of a scholar’s gown. Dappled evening light glowing behind a stained-glass saint....

You wouldn’t steal a Cherwell article: AI and copyright infringement

Hello, Cherwell reader! Think this is a good article? A TikToker probably thinks so...

Much ado about funding: Financing Oxford student theatre

Last term, I performed in my first show at Oxford University, and I couldn’t...

St Stephen’s House – an almost love letter to the PGCE “Party college”

At the age of about 12, I saw a priest smoking a cigarette around the back of a church and knew from the look...

Marginalia: an insight into the psychology of the Oxford Student

You’re sat in the Rad Cam. It’s week five of Michaelmas. You’re hunched over, squinting through the dim yellow light to make out the...

Oxford, a University of Activists? Myths and Realities

Activism is rife in Oxford, especially student activism. Everywhere you look, you can see signs of it. Picture this: it’s the weekend and Cornmarket Street...

The Hackathon to Cabinet: How the Oxford Union shapes Britain’s political culture

CW: sexual assault It's no secret to anyone who reads the news that British politics begins in the cloisters of Oxford (and, to a lesser...

Ukraine and Oxford on the anniversary of the invasion

Cherwell interviewed Oxford Ukrainian Scholars and refugee coordinators as Russia’s invasion of Ukraine reached its one year anniversary. Friday 24th February 2023 marked a year...

“I was told that I need to better manage my time”: Living with endometriosis at Oxford

CW: suicide Underdiagnosed and understudied, endometriosis has long existed largely in the shadows. For one Oxford student who responded to our survey, this meant 15...

Opera funding cuts: What is the future of the art form?

Opera in the UK is in crisis. In the latest round of government funding allocated by The Arts Council England (ACE), many of the...

ChatGPT: The answer to your essay crisis?

ChatGPT. If you haven’t heard of it from some source yet, then I can only congratulate you. It is described as an ‘AI Advanced...

Hanging in there: The ‘Myrkl’ pill that might change the way Oxford drinks

Hangover anecdotes tend to interest their teller more than their audience. So, I’ll let you read some triumphant exceptions to the rule written by...

Pathology and Privilege: The inherent ‘Britishness’ of our political scandals

Nadhim Zahawi’s slippery handling of his tax affairs represents another droplet in an ocean of dishonour. It emerged last week that the former Conservative...

It’s time to get angry about the explosive impact of fragile masculinity

On the 11th of January, Alex Davies-Jones made a speech in the House of Commons about the "crisis" unfurling in secondary schools across the...

The apolitical alternative

Political disengagement among the younger generation is neither apathy nor ignorance, it is a highly complex product of a post-political, hyper-normalised age of absurdity,...

Cherwell 2023 ‘Sextigation’: St Peter’s Top Shaggers, Univ least happy with sex lives Almost exactly a year ago, Cherwell published its first ‘Sextigation’. Now, after multiple weeks of data collection and over 400 responses, Cherwell’s sex survey...

The ugly truth about pretty privilege

CW: Eating disorders, racism, body dysmorphia, references to sexual violence. Before I begin, I’d like to say thank you to all students that interacted with...

Preying on Oxford’s (cyber) insecurities

Harry is an MPP candidate at the Blavatnik School of Government. Prior to starting at Oxford, she worked as a senior cyber security consultant...

Oxford and Empire: An “uncomfortable” history

Oxford life is tied to tradition. From reciting Latin at the start of formal hall to donning gowns for prelims and finals, our university’s...

100 days on: I’ll give you a choice.

December 26th marks 100 days since the beginning of protests in Iran, sparked by the murder of Mahsa Jina Amini, because of a loosely...

Why have so many Prime Ministers gone to Oxford?

The question as to why so many of the Government’s top brass has come from the esteemed colleges of Oxford has long been debated....

‘Swinging the Lens’: In conversation with Adjoa Andoh

Adjoa Andoh, a ground-breaking actor and director, known most recently for her role as Lady Danbury on Netflix show Bridgerton is the 2022 –...

“Staying in the trouble” at Oxford

“Staying with the trouble”. This was a quote from feminist geographer and all-round academic queen Donna Haraway (2016), cited in Elwood and Leszczynski’s (2018)...

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