Keep Off The Grass (old)


Bop A bop is a ‘Big Open Party’, a fancy dress party organised by your JCR for your college. Bops normally happen 2 or 3 times a term. Some themes...

Creative Pursuits

Drama Oxford student drama is probably pretty different from drama at school — there’s a...

Pubs (and Kebabs)

You should not fall into the trap of thinking drinking is an essential part...

Date Spots

Given how many people you’re likely to meet in your first few weeks at...

Coffee Culcher

Oxford has a historic and beloved café culture — in fact, the UK’s first coffeehouse opened in Oxford in the 17th century! Today, drinking...

The 101 of Oxford’s Libraries

There are genuinely more than 100 libraries in Oxford, making it the biggest library system in the UK! So, here’s the 101 on a...


After two years of getting used to learning over Zoom and Teams, a return to in-person teaching for everyone is hopefully within sight. Advice...

Societies and Activities

It’s always worth joining at least one society during your time at Oxford. Whether that may be sports, music, drama, politics, student journalism, or...

Keep Off The Grass 2021

Hello and welcome to Oxford! Congratulations on getting here and starting the next chapter of your life in a place as special as this...

An Oxford-English Dictionary

0th Week (noughth week) the week before term starts, when most people move back to Oxford. This is when collections typically happen. Battels your bill for the...

Bop ’til you drop!

Cheaper, easier and all-round better than a night out, Bops are an iconic part of Oxford life

How to manage your work

Whether it's problem sheets or essays, here are some top tips to remember when it starts to pile on

Formals: The truth behind the tradition

An introduction to formal halls

Freshers’ Week – the highs and the lows

Honor Brocklebank-Fowler describes finding her feet during Freshers' Week

Oxford Club Couture

Feathers, latex, or pyjamas: the dress code for Oxford clubs knows no bounds

The Art of Small Talk

At the beginning of October a hormonal mass of teens, infused with adrenalin and trepidation, will descend on Oxford for a week of clumsy...

Life After A-Levels: Keeping up Languages

Keeping up languages requires effort, but is very fulfilling

How to: Lecture Note-taking

Scribbler or studyblr? Here are our strategies for effective note-taking.

First Auditions: Getting Involved in Performing Arts at Oxford

What to expect during your first foray into Oxford drama

Things to do in September

With friends disappearing across the country, here are some things to keep you busy before Freshers' Week hits.

Hall food: A short introduction

Not all of us are master chefs when we get to uni – but fear not!

Lessons learned: Long-distance relationships

Long-distance may seem daunting, but it can often improve a relationship.

The Cherwell Freshers’ Packing List

After experiencing three terms of packing and re-packing, you will soon become adept in knowing exactly what you take to university. The first Michaelmas...

On Reading Lists

Reading lists are springboards, not prescriptions