Tuesday, March 11, 2025


Reflections on the perils of overthinking

here is a lot to be said for blind positivity. On a good day, I’m a manifester, a big believer in my ability to speak things into existence. During my English A-Level, I had complete confidence that the crystals hidden in my bra would provide enough luck to snag me an A*. Today, I put great faith in words, relying on the same ‘I can do it’ that gets Olympic athletes across the finish line, to help me through difficult situations.

The fourth year: Oxford after your year abroad

I’m now in my fourth year, and as such, must grapple with the reality of my Oxford days drawing to a close. Granted, this is something that every student must contend with, and I watched on as most of my friends bade a fond farewell to this city where our friendships began when they graduated last summer. Yet there is something about the fourth year that I’m certain makes the final year even more strange: a sense of something already lost, of living in a moment that has already passed.

An evening at Pierre Victoire: French bistro dining at its best

Pierre Victoire has been here on Little Clarendon Street for decades – one of...

Being Cupid isn’t easy: What I learned from a term of running Cherpse

Now, having exhausted myself with these relentless pursuits, the job has been passed on to a new bright-eyed Cupid, and in my retirement I’ve become fondly reflective, and decided to curate my insights into this list: 

Diary of a Wannabe Bilingual

I’ve never been a linguist. No amount of toil or prolonged manic Duolingo frenzy has ever or will ever change this. Nor will beginner...

Tales from the Trip

There are some magical moments amongst the weirdness and terror of tripping.

Battling the Blues

Jessica Mason guides us through the dark, blue days of January... Last Monday was ‘Blue Monday’. It was the first day of the first week...

Whoops I did it again – Big Mamma’s latest opening, Jacuzzi, brings its famed glitz, glamour and gorgeous food to Kensington High Street

The food at Jacuzzi is stunning but make no mistake, the experience of dining in a remarkable environment with such attentive and knowledgeable service is what makes the whole thing so special.

Baba, Bridge, and Academic Beat Downs

Huda Daghem tracks the highs and lows of Oxford, and celebrates the joy we find in friendship... It’s the end of term. The last essay...

The Secret Knoopologist: 1

Our new column to give behind-the-scenes insights and recommendations from Knoops: Oxford's favourite hot chocolate store.

Review: Eastgate Brasserie — A hotel restaurant finding itself

The seabass was my standout from the evening. Served on a bed of lentils and chorizo, the flavour combinations are ideal and executed to perfection.

In Defence of Hook-up Culture

Ayaat Yassin-Kassab discusses how we might come closer to a ‘reformed hook-up culture’ whereby we safeguard our feelings alongside embracing new experiences… The hook-up scene...

Red Flags: Fact or Fad?

Phoebe Walls debunks the 'red flags' phenomenon Red flags are warning signs. They indicate that a relationship is doomed to end in tears, or that...

Why JCR?

This week Ciaron Tobin runs us through the ins and out of JCR president life... The President I wave goodbye to my aunt before walking into...

Work/Life Balance at Brookes

It is vital to recognise when to ask for help, and to know where to ask for it. Sharing a problem can often lighten the load of the problem. That’s part of the learning experience.

A Case Against New Year’s Resolutions

There is beauty in new things. There is beauty in witnessing your own growth. But growth doesn’t always come with big sudden changes and bold sweeping claims about how we will change ourselves.

The Brookes Side

Michael Pista examines the differences between Oxford University and Oxford Brookes... Living in the student city of Oxford is such a unique experience. In a...

No Sex in the City

Once upon a time a young woman came to study amongst the idyllic spires of Oxford. She dreamed of being ‘Crazy in Love’ as...

Wags in the Rag

This week Ciara introduces the St John's kittens... One of the real joys of the vacation is getting to go home and spend time with...

Time to BeReal…all the time

Phoebe Walls discusses how even the realest social media yet is subject to “late” realness. Once a day phones across the world ping with the...

Oxford Date Nights

A perennial head-scratcher: where should I take my date out for a nice dinner?

Euro supermarket and the comfort of finding authentic ingredients from home

One faithful day during a stroll through Cowley, I stumbled upon a shop with my flag

Recipe – Nicole’s asparagus soup

It was a beautiful bowl of creamy asparagus goodness, paired with stretchy salty cheese and crisp croutons on the side

How to effectively pair food and wine

"Hopefully this short piece will help to shed light on the process and elevate your next evening with friends or date night."

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