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Independent since 1920

Blog Page 2192

SEX ON THE BEAT – Wednesday 23rd April


In a word – no.


Sex on the Beat is one of those nights where the second you walk in the dance floor is your destination. No drinks deals/shots/socialising (you know – shouting “How are youuuuu?” to people you barely know…) but straight for some of that BEAT. Despite the lack of queue, there was a sufficient size crowd. It seemed full but always room to get out your moves. And I mean arms-flailing-lets-dance-like-circus-animals moves.


Sex on the Beat was started about 2 years ago by an ex-Oxford student who recognised a niche in the market for an underground house night in Oxford. Before last term it was less known about by Oxford students; being more visited by the Brookes crowd. But now it has been taken under the wing of Rock Oxford (and we all know whose wing exactly that is) and so increased advertising to the Oxford crowd has brought in the troops.


Wednesday’s crowd was relatively harmless. Slightly less glow paint, glow bands and sunglasses (this is nuh-rave darling) than usual but there was still a definite element of ‘posing’ around. I will leave you to decide whether this lay with the Brookes or Oxford clubbers. As for the venue – well, Filth is pretty much Filth whatever the night. Sadly.
Wednesday was the first Sex on the Beat since the after party of the boat race at 12 Aukland Road.


The resident DJs, such as Sam Frazier, pulled out their usual dirty electro and underground house. Some sexy beats for sure. However, it was a little extra something which made the night for me: live bongo drumming over the music. Genius.


The night stretched out till 3am with few remarkable incidents to report on. Unless, that is, one counts the slight ‘dance-off’/‘get-out-of-my-space’ that I witnessed between two people. By witnessed, I mean had. Well, it’s all light-hearted at Sex on the Beat. This is Oxford after all.


The only negative about it (apart from people hitting you in the face through extravagant dancing) is the Filth sound-system which seemed to turn dirty, heavy beats into painful screeches.


Sensitive ears? Head to Lava and Ignite. For everything else, there’s Mastercard Sex on the Beat.

Worcester ball hit by touts

Revellers at a previous Commemoration Ball


Worcester’s upcoming Commemoration Ball, an event once dubbed as “Times social event of the year”, has been mired in controversy over ticket touting.

The Ball, to be held on 20 June, promises on its website to provide “a thousand excesses” and has aroused particularly fierce competition for entry. Users on the internet forum ‘The Student Room’ have been offering non-dining tickets for up to £500 in response to one ticket-seeker’s claim that they would “pay almost anything” to gain entry to the Ball.

Tickets for the ball were only available to Worcester students as the event was completely sold out by the time ticket sales were opened up to the rest of the University, the Ball committee confirmed.

Students were able to purchase a maximum of four tickets each, but due to the high demand, a clear gap in the market has opened for people who want to sell on their tickets for a marked up price.

Ball President, Nick Waddell, said that the committee in “no way condone ticket touting”.

He said, “We have been happy to transfer tickets into another name for people who have had cancellations, but obviously we have had to take people’s word in these few cases that it is just name transfer.

“We do not condone this ticket touting and anyone who buys a second hand ticket does run the risk of being caught without correct, corresponding ID at the door,” he said.

He added that the Committee had been “unaware that large amounts of money might be changing hands for ball tickets.”


He did however add that given the popularity of the ball, it had been suspected.

He said, “If students had bought tickets specifically to sell on, then this is not really fair on the people who missed out first time round and now can’t get hold of a ticket at a reasonable price.”

One Worcester undergraduate who was selling his ticket, bought for £160, at the increased price of £320, defended his decision.

He said, “I know £320 is steep, but the tickets are like gold dust and have sold for far more.” He later offered a reduced price of £300.

A second year from Merton described her experience of the ticket touting. She said, “I tried to buy a ticket that someone needed to sell, but they were basically getting people to bid for it, and since I wasn’t willing to go over £140 (15 [pounds] more than the face value), I didn’t get it.”



Another Oxford social event, Wadham’s music festival, “Wadstock” has also been hit by allegations of ticket touting.

One student at Merton has explained how high demand for Wadham’s ‘Wadstock’ event seemed to encourage touting from the moment tickets went on sale. She commented, “I queued up for a guest ticket for Wadstock on Monday evening, and bought three (for myself, my boyfriend and a friend who is visiting for the weekend).

“However, there was no limit on how many you can buy, so people all around me were buying seven or eight and saying things like ‘I’ll definitely be able to find someone to sell it to if so-and-so can’t make it.’”

She added that almost everyone in the queue bought seven or eight tickets, meaning that they sold out in about an hour, “rather than the several days organisers seemed to be planning on.”

Scouts “struggling” on wages

A College scout


The Oxford Living Wage Campaign has claimed that staff in Oxford colleges are “genuinely struggling” to live on their wages.

The student-run initiative has been pushing for a wage of at least £7 per hour for all College workers. Liam Taylor, an Oxford University student involved in the campaign, reported that a recent poll of scouts in Hertford found 93% said they “cannot afford to live comfortably on their wages,” while the figure in Balliol was 63%.

A Balliol scout commented, “[The cost of] accommodation is too high in Oxford. Transport is too high. Food is too high.


The Oxford City Council tax is going up again and again.” The campaign has especially gained momentum in the College, where the Bursar is said to be “investigating costs” and a report to the JCR in February urged students to consider “How much (if at all) would you be prepared to pay” to see a higher wage implemented.

Figures for what College employees are currently paid are difficult to obtain, with most colleges reluctant to reveal financial details. The Magdalen bursar said the college would “absolutely not” disclose employee wages, citing confidentiality issues.

He also cast doubt on the campaign’s claim that staff are underpaid, saying, “I’d be very surprised if any Oxford college staff were down on the minimum wage.”

Harris Manchester revealed, however, that their lowest paid staff receive £6.82/hr, while Balliol scouts are paid £6.09/hr. This tallies with the 2006 survey of low-paid staff wages carried out by the Living Wage Campaign, which found that most fell in the range £6 – £6.90.

The campaign is based on a similar one in London, which has been endorsed by Mayor Ken Livingston, and claims that the minimum wage – currently £5.52/hr for over-21s – fails to match the cost of living in London. Oxford City Council passed a motion in November for all Council employees to be paid seven pounds.

One result of the campaign will be the start of free English lessons for workers from overseas. “We found there was often a massive language barrier,” said Felix Flicker, a St Catz student who organises the lessons. “English lessons are so expensive in Oxford.” The initial session for the course had a turn-out of around 80 people.

Councillor Matt Sellwood, who is Deputy Leader of the Green Party Group and seconded the motion, commented, “I’m really glad that Labour and the Greens have been able to work together to ensure that the City Council is a fair and equitable employer. I hope that the University and Colleges will follow this example, and will do everything I can to support the excellent OUSU campaign on the subject.”

Anti-Tibetan violence at Anne’s

Photo: Daniel Rolle


A student at St Anne’s has been the victim of a violent attack over a Tibetan Flag hanging outside her window.

Sophie Chao, a third year reading Chinese and Tibetan, was working in her room around noon on Wednesday when she had stones “hurled at her window”.

The offender, a Chinese male accompanied by two other girls, allegedly picked up stones from the side of the quad and threw them at Chao’s open window.

Chao said that she was unable to identify her attacker as she moved away from the window to avoid being hit in the face by the stones; the attacker was allegedly shouting “Fuck Tibet”.

She said, “He seemed intent on getting the code to my building so that he could come up and confront me. He was fully aware that my window was open and that he could potentially have hurt me.”

In an email sent to St Anne’s JCR, the Dean, Dr. Liora Lazarus, condemned the attack. She said, “Such violent and intimidating behaviour is simply not acceptable, and will not be tolerated in this college under any circumstances.”

JCR President, Amaru Villaneauva Rance described the event as “unacceptable”. He said, “I’m suspending judgement on the political perspective but from a JCR perspective, we must look out for students,”

“Anyone can stand where they like on the political line but when it comes to abusing someone else because of the stance they take, that’s simply not right.”

Chao has denounced the behaviour of her attacker. She said, “It is pathetic that the elite of China that Oxford welcomes is reduced to this kind of petty and menial behaviour.”

She said that resorting to physical violence to make a point was never acceptable, “[The stone-thrower] epitomises today’s China, that is morally and ethically blind to a reality that is obvious to all.”

Chao said that she had reported the matter to the Dean who “allowed me to look at photographs of all of our undergraduates as well as graduate students, but I wasn’t really able to identify a single one.”

She added that looking at pictures of foreign exchange students may well help her identify who the attacker was. In addition the Dean appealed to students for more information about the attack.

Oriel JCR President apologises


JCR President Tom Callard


JCR President Tom Callard has said he will be issuing “a full apology” after members of Oriel’s JCR proposed a motion of censure against him.{nomultithumb}

The motion, proposed by undergraduate Cameron Penny, and due to be brought up at a JCR meeting this Sunday, asserted that Callard had “abused his position […] in allowing the College to book out the Junior Common Room during the Easter vacation”.

It also claims that Callard’s actions “deprived members of the JCR, especially Finalists, from the benefit of the room.”
Penny has accused Callard of “lying” about the communications that passed between him and the college about booking arrangements for the Common Room.

Penny said, “The JCR President was sent an email by the college in January asking if it was OK with the JCR that they book out the common room during the vacation.

“He didn’t bring this to the JCR’s attention, however, and when I returned to the college during the vac itself and was prevented from using my own JCR I asked him about it and was at that stage told he had no knowledge of the situation.

“It’s just a shame when a self-serving CV point hunter with little concern for his responsibilities decides on a course of inaction in defence of JCR interests,” he added.

Since news of the motion has reached Callard, he has stated that he will be apologising to the JCR for what happened.

In a statement he said, “I understand I made a mistake and misunderstood what was being asked in the original email about how the room was to be used.

“I understand that it would have invonvenienced the finalists massively,” he added.

Penny also criticised the JCR President for not being active enough in his role. Callard declined to respond to these accusations.

Dougall Meston, ex-JCR President commented, “I think it was irritating that over the vacation Finalists weren’t allowed to use their own JCR. There was a nasty atmosphere when we were told we weren’t allowed to be in there.”

However one member JCR committee member, who preferred to remain anonymous, said, “I think Penny’s behaviour is a clear demonstration of some sort of personal vendetta Penny has had against the JCR (and the President, as its representative).

“Penny’s contributions at JCR meetings have been frequently non-constructive, regularly plainly destructive and almost universally offensive.  The situation has been blown completely out of proportion.”

Libertarian leader to visit Oxford

The leader of a new British political party is to speak in Oxford next month.

Patrick Vessey will be visiting Oxford to discuss the policies of the recently-formed Libertarianism party.  Its principal policy is to prevent intrusion into the lives of British citizens on the part of the government, and it operates under the motto ‘You Own Yourself’.

Tim Carpenter, Head of Policy for the party, said, “None of us are career politicians, we are all independent thinkers from various walks of life.”

Students representing different political views have responded in a variety of ways to Vessey’s impending visit. Patrick Vessey’s talk has been welcomed by Ben Wallace, Trinity undergraduate and member of the party. He said, “The party is very much aimed at people who have become apathetic about politics. It wants to reintroduce some personal elements back into government.”

Guy Levin, President of OUCA, said, “I’m looking forward to the visit, and I’m sure it will be of interest to some of OUCA’s members.

“Regardless, I think that a vote for the Libertarian Party is a wasted vote. Those who agree with broadly libertarian principles of lower taxation and less state interference would be best served by a Conservative government.
“I personally disagree with many of the Libertarian Party’s proposed policies, such as the total abolition of income taxes, the NHS, and state pensions,” he added.

Another Oxford student, who describes himself as a Liberal Democrat, said, “From their website, the Libertarian Party’s main policy seems to be abolishing income tax. That’s just infeasible in the modern era. They don’t offer any realistic solutions or projected figures. To me, their income tax policy seems irrational and ridiculous.

“If they are coming to Oxford to talk about their policies, I’m sure any audience would tear them to pieces.”

Carpenter remains confident however that there has been a “growing feeling” towards libertarianism in the UK for some time now. He also suggested that there was a general sense in the party that many people in Britain have Libertarian leanings, but do not know it.

He said, “I believe I was a Libertarian before I knew it, although at one point I might have described myself as Conservative, or even Green.”

Martin Nelson, President of the Oxford University Liberal Democrats criticised the party ‘s policy line on the grounds that its practical application was too inflexible.

He argued, “Real freedom of choice depends upon the economic situation in which you find yourself. We simply do not think that you can take a policy [of libertarianism] and extend it to every situation.”

Vessey is due to give a speech at Trinity College in Fifth Week.

Spirit of ’68

On the morning of May 11, 1968, a student reached to take a hot cup of coffee and a square of chocolate from a resident leaning out of his window on the Rue Gay Lussac. The girl was not alone; stepping back over trodden baguettes, she was drawn into close crowds of university and school students who had barricaded their position in the Latin Quarter in response to Paris’ paramilitary police encircling their peaceful demonstration.

Amidst the taut wires and red flags, cobblestones and overturned cars, young workers rushed to join them. Yet the protesters couldn’t enjoy their coffee for long, for at two o’clock the riot police began a vicious series of attacks, each marked by the crack of percussion grenades and the heavy scent of tear-gas.

It wasn’t until after six that the demonstrators were dispersed. Yet this moment would not be end of the struggle; by late morning, trade union leaders, who had listened intently to reports of the fighting in all-night meetings, called for a general strike that would show solidarity with the students against the state violence but also radicalise the grievances of the French working class. What followed was historic: an estimated ten million workers struck indefinitely or even occupied their workplaces. The students took control of the Sorbonne and produced a flourishing of radical creativity, not just in images and propaganda but in ideas – ideas for a society without chains.

Now, for all their significance, the near-500,000 teachers, lecturers and civil servants who left their workplaces yesterday and took to the streets have not pronounced another 1968. Nor has the presence of an enthusiastic student delegation at the Oxford rally opened a path to campus ‘red bases’ or ateliers populaires. But we’re getting there. Slowly. Because you don’t need a copy of Trotsky under your arm to realise that cutting the real wages of our public workers in the face of soaring food-prices is ruinous to human welfare and the services upon which so many rely. Even in Oxford the fallacy of student isolation is falling away. The port-swillers at the Union may relish their separation from the rest of society, but universities don’t exist in a vacuum: our past, present and future labours connect us to the millions. The bonds that unite us to the rest of society are inalienable and it is through  common struggle that we become  capable of realising our collective aspirations. If we join together, in the lecture-hall and on the picket-line, we will realise them.

If last term’s Oxford Radical Forum brought hundreds of us together in discussion, our goal for next year is clear: hundreds more must join the movement – and fight.

Church versus state

One of the running themes of Pope Benedict’s addresses during his visit to the United States has been that of the condition of recent immigrants, with a particular outreach to the Latin American communities. The New York Times, in a recent article, described his stance as calibrated with care, and there were certainly no direct criticisms of United States policies or specific recommendations for legislation.  Nevertheless, again according to the New York Times, there was enough there for the Republican Tom Tancredo to accuse the Pope of ‘faith-based marketing’ and suggest that it was not the Pope’s job to engage in American politics.

In fact, much of what Pope Benedict said echoes the message of John Paul II and the position articulated in the United States Bishops’ 2003 document ‘Strangers No Longer’ (see http://www.justiceforimmigrants.org). Both Popes have supported the US Catholic Church in its local response to a global situation of conflict between legality and justice, between the demands of states and the needs of the poor.  That there is a balance between the right to migrate in search of a better life and the right of states to protect their borders was already articulated by Pius XII in 1952. To find that balance is something that every economically developed state is struggling to do today.  But Benedict has again taken the opportunity to remind the States of its special status as an immigrant nation and accordingly its unique tradition of welcome for the stranger.

So what did he do?  Clearly he spoke to the US President about the issue, with particular reference to ‘humane treatment’ and families whose lives are disrupted by the new Mexican border controls.  That is an important piece of advocacy on behalf of the voiceless. When he spoke to the US bishops he encouraged them in their Christian duty to welcome immigrants and ‘support them in their trials’.  That has been gratefully received as confirmation of the work in political advocacy and pastoral support that the US Catholic Church has undertaken.   He spoke in his interview on the way to the US of the need to look for a global solution to economic migration. Well, the elephant in the boardroom for any immigration-obsessed state is the global economic inequity which makes people risk lives and dignity just to stay alive.  Finally, he spoke directly to the Hispanic community most affected, affirming that the Christian message is in harmony with our human aspirations for a life that is full and free. He offered his people hope and encouragement in their hardships.

Was it his job to engage in American politics?  At the White House, the Pope touched on that theme which is so sensitive for every secular state, but rooted it in the logic of the very origins of the US: ‘a commonwealth in which each individual and group can make its voice heard’.  Catholics in the US have a right to be heard just as much as anyone else.   And when their spiritual leader visits, he becomes their voice.

Thumbs up for Hands Up

In the past week, Hands Up For Darfur (HUFD)’s fundraising methods have come under attack. Yet for the greater good of the world’s impoverished and violated people, who cares how money is raised? Funding for aid programs facilitated by charities such as Médicins sans Frontières and Kids for Kids is constantly and desperately needed. It is our universal responsibility to contribute and respond by whatever means possible. Consequently, the £50k raised by the HUFD committee last year can and should only be seen in a positive light. Perhaps we should dismiss the £150m raised by Live Aid, another event supposedly cheapened by the shame of people enjoying themselves whilst giving to and gaining from a major charitable initiative. How dare the masses raise money, educate citizens and stand in solidarity with the world’s poor and voiceless? Controversial or not, quite frankly it works.

The fairly obvious shortcoming of Friday’s undeveloped and sensationalist attack on the Hands Up Fashion Show was its failure to distinguish its status as a fundraising as opposed to awareness raising event. As was kindly pointed out, the committee holds several educational events and programs a term dedicated to providing exposure to the massive violations of human rights and humanitarian law occurring in the region. Fundraising however, is the lifeblood of any non-profit organisation and put simply, needs to be done. The devastated refugees in the camps of Eastern Chad will not begrudge nor belittle us for the means by which their (sadly temporary) salvation comes. And neither should Max Seddon.

Furthermore, he should really get his terminology right. It is not a college commemoration ‘ball’. It is proudly a ‘fashion show’, and one for which he clearly didn’t do his research. We may be providing champagne, canapés and a catwalk showcasing the creations of dozens of the world’s designers. But one should not ignore the concerted effort to draw attention to our worthy cause throughout. A speaker from Médicins sans Frontières will open the event to discuss her experiences of the conflict. We are presenting extensive photographic exhibitions, have included several different African designers in the show itself and music from Mattafix, a band strongly affiliated with the Darfuri cause. Decadence for Darfur? Or the good old cliché of Brideshead regurgitated? How very original of you Max, how very thought-provoking. The sad truth is that HUFD, like so many other charities has had to adapt to the fact that students don’t part with £50 easily, even for a good cause. Provocative ad campaigns, appealing to the bacchanalian sides of the juvenile character-yes we are using these mediums as ‘vehicles’ for selling tickets. Perhaps we have preyed upon the abstract, detached mentality of some towards distance and far flung foreign conflicts. But at least we are a team committed to doing something asides from self publication.

 I really do sympathise with Mr. Seddon’s idealistic outrage geared towards the West’s moral corruption and relative indifference to third-world crises. If I thought it would help, I would also bravely preach about the debasement of society and corporate philanthropy in the 21st century to anyone who would listen. Even if the premises are true however, the majority of his arguments are weak and invalid. I deeply resent his self-righteous derision of a team of people who have worked phenomenally hard to produce this Fashion Show. It smacks of the very social stereotyping and snobbery he has tried so hard to expose. Are students not allowed to raise money for Darfur and get a summer job? Are only those who spend their holidays in African refugee camps deserving of the accreditation of trying to make a difference? So what if a 19 year old values teaching English on their gap year as a formative and helpful experience. That is their decision to make and not yours to patronise.

However let me take this opportunity to apologise to Max for holding the after-party at ‘Thirst Lodge’-despite the owners generously lending us the property for free I can see why the name might seem offensive. Perhaps we should have held it at ‘Filth’-that would have been far more appropriate. Or given we are talking about the plight of over a million refugees, should we have chosen ‘Escape’? Or why not ‘Imperial’? Would Mr. Seddon like HUFD to shoulder the blame for the unfortunate trend in names for Oxford clubs as well as the West’s social evils? Furthermore I am baffled by the ridiculous attempt at associating our fundraising evening with the ball held by the EAS, indeed funded by the Chinese government. The two are entirely unrelated events, run by different societies. How many people bought tickets for both? To be honest I really don’t know, but given the vast difference in the ideologies and political leanings of their organisers, probably not many.

There can be little doubt that holding a Fashion Show in aid of a humanitarian crisis provokes some deeply discomforting realisations regarding the vast gulf existing between the personal freedom of the inhabitants of Oxford and Darfur. It is important to remember however, that despite the connotations with frivolity and fantasy with which fashion is inextricably intertwined, ultimately it is a mode of creativity and individual expression. The terrible contrast that this evokes for Max, myself and many others only clarifies the urgency with which we must act in order to alleviate the plight of so many. If a film star such as George Clooney wishes to spend weeks lobbying at the UN and making films exposing the horrifying fall-out of civil war, thus making Sudan’s plight a cause célèbre, then so be it. The more people who hear of the atrocities, the more who can think and eventually act.

I would like to know of a suggested alternative from Max that will raise more than £50k in one evening. Even with that substantial sum aside, if just one person comes and understands more about the Darfur cause then the Hands Up committee will have fulfilled some of the intentions that fuelled the 6 months taken to prepare the Show. To attack and belittle the project shows a determination to publicly damage and destroy the efforts of dozens and furthermore deter people from showing their support for a deeply worthwhile project. What doe¬s such selfish article ultimately achieve for Darfur? It was with a sense of real sadness that I read the end of his piece, utterly concerned with an encompassing ‘we’ mentality of his own society’s disgusting and hedonistic notions of how to aid the underprivileged. Altruism is not purely an avenue of self-development; to end upon himself and his readers entirely neglected the pressing issue at hand. Let us keep our focus on those afflicted by the Sudanese conflict and what we as a community can do to help them. Regardless of the critics, the funding and publicity that arises from tonight’s Fashion Show is aiming to do just that.

Beware the surfer stasi

How free is the internet? Many of us perceive it as a new universe of possibility and cultural expression where we can do as we wish, oblivious to the threat of our movements being monitored. It may surprise some to find out that the internet is largely controlled from one building in California, and that a rising number of countries is seeking to restrict the access of their citizens to it. The world wide web is at risk of becoming territorialised despite its ethereality, and the cultural revolution involved could be being denied to millions.

Amazingly, until 1998 one man, Jon Postel, a computer science professor, controlled the internet from his office in The University of Southern California. Then came the explosion in online access, followed by the dot.com boom.  The US Government switched Internet control rights to an NGO called ICANN (the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers). The government still has a controversial influence over ICANN; its chief reports to the Attorney-General of California. Many other states have come to see this as just another extension of American ‘neo-colonialism’, but President Bush, ignoring mounting international pressure, particularly from the UN, made the defiant announcement in 2005 that America would control the internet for the indefinite future.

All of this is vitally important to cultural expression. On the face of it, US belligerence is easily criticised in a world where burning Bush effigies are a resident feature of the current affairs landscape. However, we should be thankful that the internet has been controlled from the USA, and lassez-faire Americanism is embedded in its development. The idea of decentralising internet control, something that would allow each country far greater ability to dictate what its citizens can do on the web, whilst logical, is incompatible with the American ethos. So the internet has grown up as a sprawling, unrestricted mass of indeterminate proportions. There are statesmen around who would like to see it mature into something far more definable.

Because of those same American values, so often bemoaned for their global influence, the internet has become the world’s new cultural hub. People dream of achieving near-instantaneous stardom not by being spotted at a small club or a film festival, but through their work being discovered by and spread among internet users. But some countries, China in particular, have made repeated calls for an international agency to be set up to control the internet, that would probably become part of the UN ‘family’ of institutions. This would give states other than the USA a much bigger say in how the internet is run. In other words, those countries wishing to suppress cultural freedom would have greater power to do so; you only have to look at the lengths some are already going to in order to prevent free expression online.

In 2006, Reporters Without Borders listed 13 ‘enemies of the internet’, these being countries that strongly suppress online freedoms. The number is set to rise with the power of internet expression dawning on further authorities.Take Syria as an example. In the last month it has introduced new legislation requiring all internet cafes to keep a log of who uses a computer and when, creating an atmosphere of fear and self-censorship. Some Syrians have been imprisoned for posting writings critical of the Syrian regime on internet forums, and to date, 153 websites have been officially blocked by the government, including Facebook, Youtube and Blogspot. A similar trend can be spotted in other countries. The ‘Great Firewall of China’ or Golden Shield Project (its official title) attempts to block all websites deemed inappropriate by the government. Emails sent by the Chinese public are scrutinised by over 30,000 government agents.

The disconcerting truth is that the internet is far from an unmonitored realm, even in the western world. Every computer has a unique number which allows internet users to be tracked wherever they go and traced to a home address. All of these numbers are stored by the ICANN and every visit made to a website is logged. People are already suffering at the hands of web-surfing Stasi; if this information became available to repugnant regimes, the consequences would be atrocious. Currently, the web is very hard to control because of its sprawling nature, but data that ICANN have on record is the type sought after by many a secret police chief.

It is a shame that in some countries, the world wide web cannot be utilised to encourage expression through new media. There are already numerous figures in the arts who were either inspired by things they saw on the internet, or were able to hone their talents or be discovered because of the networking and creative opportunities it offers; we can even become our own record label or film studio. The internet has encouraged many millions to delve into new artforms: uploading photos onto Flickr, showcasing your band on MySpace, writing whatever you like on Blogger; the possibilities are endless.

Take Diablo Cody.  A literary manager contacted her after stumbling upon her blog (The Pussy Ranch) about her experience as a stripper. Impressed, he encouraged her to write a book, and then a screenplay, which culminated in an academy award for Juno. Cody is one of a new generation of internet-inspired rags-to-riches stories. The ‘net sometimes receives criticism for playing host to amateurs attempting to make art, as it embraces mediocrity. I’m not suggesting that Youtube is a repertoire of high-brow art, just that it makes people think in different ways and gives them the impetus to attempt new things. It might be the case that to find the gems, you have to surf through a sea of the substandard, but what is the harm in people trying to create something, even if they have the sum talent of a Cheeky Girl?

At a time when there has been an upsurge of homogeneity in the content produced by artists, when the independent has been ousted by the commercially minded, the internet has been vital in championing diversity. Instead of being forced to change their style to meet a brand image, artists have been able to gather a following online, showing the money men that there is a market for material that would otherwise never have appeared on the market. MySpace is often lamented for being at the axis of an emo generation; true, there are legions of fifteen-year-old girls trying to look sincere whilst pouring out their hearts through My Chemical Romance lyrics, but it also propels quality music that might otherwise go unheralded into the mainstream. Last year, Koopa made UK chart history by becoming the first unsigned band to have a top 40 single, which wouldn’t have happened without the online promotion power of MySpace.

The paradox for people living under oppressive rule is that many have the less desirable aspects of western culture forced upon them. For instance, KFC, the embodiment of American over-consumption, has over 1000 outlets in China; meanwhile, people are denied access to Western websites, inventions that could inspire rather than impair. The current situation of maintaining the internet from under a single roof in California is untenable: things will change. Let’s just hope that power will not be handed down to regimes that seek to control online expression.