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The fight for freedom of speech

Shall we protect our freedom of speech so far as to destroy it? Or shall we destroy our freedom of speech in order to protect it? it is your choice. and it is my choice. and yes, it really is that simple. Last week a fourteen year old boy came under fire for a poem he wrote through the eyes of hitler about the massacre of the Jews. presumably the class was to write a poem from someone else’s perspective. they have learnt that the best poems are those that spark a reaction. and so this boy creates a spark, or at least not so much a spark as a gargantuan bonfire. the story makes the nationals and it makes the broad sheet editorials. should it be published? should he be punished? But this story is an example, it is not the incident. Whether or not the boy agreed with what he was writing is not controversial: he made it perfectly clear in all his statements that he did not. what provoked controversy was that he had thought it permissible to write it in the first place. in fact, forget permissible – what is controversial is that he thought it clever to write it in the first place. reading the poem made people at least shiver if not feel distinct repulsion. this is a healthy attitude. there are dark overtones to it and reading it makes the world suddenly feel sunless. it is impossible to read lines such as “Make them make many paces for being one of the worst races, on their way to a gas chamber, where they will sleep in their manger” without a sense of isolation and fear resting on you. this too is a healthy reaction. No one agrees with what is said: least of all the actual author. But does that mean that it is unhealthy that it is written in the first place? It would be a tough call to find someone who did not believe we should practice religion freely, regardless of history. No one should have to see the tragedies and horrors of their religion’s past replayed and seemingly exalted through literature designed merely to provoke a reaction. the past is the past, let us learn from the lessons of the past and move on. and yet, at the same time, it would be a tough call to find someone who thought that those lessons can be learnt without them being taught. we should take courage from this boy knowing that he was sparking controversy when he wrote his poem. As a nation we believe in freedom of speech: that is one reason we are such a welcome choice to those desperate for political security. we stand for freedom. russian writers fled to Britain to publish writings that were illegal in their home country, both the Marxists under the reign of the tsar and the capitalists under stalin. to millions of people, both in the uK and out of it, we stand for political, religious and mental freedom. But these freedoms are separate from each other and they can, and do, clash. at what point does one become more important than another? Surely to discuss “freedom of religion” or “freedom of belief ” or “freedom from harm” is merely to assert one underlying freedom: that is to say, freedom of expression. i can practice my religion undercover but by demanding “freedom of religion” and in doing so i am demanding that i may make my religion open and not receive abuse for it. it requires compromise on both sides. it is through compromise that society succeeds. writers must be prepared not to write things merely to attack another social or religious group. this is something to which most people concur. however a less unanimously shared view is that those religious and social groups should not seek insults where insults were not intended. Just as we each have an obligation not to negatively impede on someone else’s life without due cause, so too does that someone else have that same obligation. if something is not intended to cause harm, then by creating unnecessary chaos over it is just as damaging to the original author. there are lines to draw and until they are drawn we must tread carefully. the chances are they may never be drawn. But it must be made clear that the only way to ensure that lessons are learnt from history is to ensure that those lessons continue to be taught. By provoking disgust and a sense of moral revulsion such as that which has been sparked by this poem, a whole generation is learning where the moral boundaries are. it is through speech, sometimes controversial, that lessons are passed on, and it is through those lessons that speech will be protected from controversy. it is through freedom of speech that freedom of speech is protected: that is the end we must seek. Sophie Moate is Junior Officer of OUCAARCHIVE: 6th week MT 2005

Identity crisis

The desire to identify oneself with something at university is a fairly self-evident step that people take. however, for this identity to be dictated by the college one chooses or ends up in, is to base one’s Oxford life around convenience and circumstance. it is not a rational choice, but one that goes beyond immediate practicalities and stems from a desire for belonging and happiness. The idea that colleges have a certain type is, broadly speaking, a fallacy. Oxford is no longer the kind of place where it is possible to know what one is to expect – the Brideshead image of life in Oxford has been well and truly demolished as a reality of Oxford life. Today the university is broader, more diverse and varied then at any time in its history, yet still we like to think of ourselves as Jesubites or hughsies, and hold this ideological attachment foremost in our minds, often ahead of one to the university. Oxbridge is peculiar in this aspect because, although ivy League universities do have colleges, in the case of Yale, for example, they are merely glorified boarding houses. people are primarily Yaleys, whereas we are more likely to think of ourselves as stanners rather than Oxonians. Our distinctness from other english universities (durham the possible exception) is even greater. clearly we get this identity from an empathy with the place we live and work, in the same way that one might have about a town or even a nation, yet as we uphold a collegiate spirit in the light of perceived attacks, who or what are we really defending? Surely the propensity of hacks or thesps or jocks to congregate is saner and more sensible then our earnest desire for college affi liation: whatever their faults, these groups have consciously come together because they have something in common to work for. The shared experience of a studio rehearsal room or union debating chamber must be greater than post-hangover cups of coffee and curious glances at opposite ends of the Jcr. Yet it is for the latter which we feel the greater attachment. and it is this distorted viewpoint that has given rise to the hilda’s controversy. without wanting to sound patronising, it is fairly safe to say that Oxford students are an intelligent and aware bunch of individuals. so why is it that if consciously and explicitly ironic article is published, there are people who think we are expressing a serious point? stereotypes such as those about “hildabeasts” are clear objects of ridicule, and anyone who believes them to be true has a fairly distorted perspective on such issues in the first place. So, while the last week has shown that Cherwell’s ability to provoke remains firmly intact, perhaps more comforting is the oldest and perhaps singularly unscarred of Oxford traditions – collegiate loyalty and pride. it is inevitable and understandable, therefore, that we raised objection from those who felt a common identity under attack. But as that identity we satirise rests firmly in the domain of stereotypes, and hilda’s is no different from any other college in comprising of randomly bunched together individuals, our article must be taken for the explicitly intended irony that it was.ARCHIVE: 6th week MT 2005

Left on the ropes

he is now busy rebuilding his life and raking in the profits of a new autobiography, but Frank Bruno’s retirement from professional boxing came at a high price. Bruno had been battling manic depression since hanging up his gloves in 1996 and, in June 2003, was sectioned under the Mental Health Act. Many reasons have been suggested for his breakdown: his mother blamed acrimonious divorce proceedings and he himself cited reckless drug abuse, but these things are symptoms of a more powerful malady. Boxing, the very thing that made him popular and successful, was his downfall. Professional boxing makes such intense demands on mind and body that Bruno failed to see beyond his next fight and, like many of his opponents, never made provisions for his future livelihood. All boxers live in the moment, wrapped up in the rigours of a sport that flatters to deceive and offers the most fortunate only a fleeting fame. It’s hardly surprising then, that the vast majority lack any further education or training and, when retirement interrupts the ritual cycle of training and fighting, are left completely resourceless. Henry Ccooper said that retirement comes as a shock to most boxers: “One day you are a boxer and the next you wake up and you have retired.” Gone are the regimented training routines and familiar pre-fight preparations. Ssuddenly, all that pent-up aggression must be channelled away from the punchbag, in a new direction. And that is easier said than done.Boxers who have depended for years on their sport’s unique adrenaline rush often return to the ring. Sugar Rray Leonard came out of retirement three times, most memorably when he challenged Marvellous Marvin Hagler in 1987, and George Foreman returned ten years after losing to Muhammad Ali. Not every boxer has the sense of perspective shown by Lennox Lewis who, after retiring, was asked what he would do if he was offered “silly money” to return to the ring: “I’d look just as silly” he said. All well and good for a man who has amassed a personal fortune of more than £100 million, but what about the jobbing professionals who can’t see where their next pay-packet is coming from? This is where the real problem lies; it is clear that most boxers, to coin a phrase, cannot “think outside the ring” and return to boxing through fear of the unknown. In California, the Rretired Boxers’ Foundation offers financial, medical and psychological help to retired professionals and aims to provide them with the life skills needed in retirement. If the sport is to prosper in this country, a similar support network is sorely needed and it is up to the BoxingCcontrol to pick up the gauntlet. Hhelping retired boxers reacclimatiseBoard of to the wider world is one thing, but broadening the horizons of competing professionals is also important;encouraging them to think outside the ring will offer some lasting reward for boxers and reduce the suddenshock of retirement that has taken the likes of Bruno so long to control.What is more, his story demonstrates problems facing all fighters and suggests that more should be done to ease their transition to happy retirement.ARCHIVE: 6th week MT 2005

Return of the King

Diego Maradona’s recovery from well-documented battles with drugs, alcohol and obesity is, to quote Bobby robson’s reaction to The hand of God, "a bloody miracle". everyone haunted by the harrowing images of Maradona’s slack-jawed sneer and grotesque girth before his first heart attack in 2000 would scarcely have believed such a transformation possible, but the Argentinean Football Association (AFA) seems set to take advantage. It intends to offer him a role in the national team’s coaching set-up and england’s world cup nemesis may once again come back to haunt them.  The man voted FiFa’s player of the century, jointly with Pele, is thought to harbour ambitions of one day managing his country and there is mounting pressure on the AFA to recall their prodigal son in some capacity. That would have been unthinkable for most of the past decade, during which Maradona has suffered a succession of serious health scares. Having admitted a twenty year drug habit, which resulted in a fifteen month ban in italy, ejection from the 1994 World Cup and a career-ending scandal on his return to Boca Juniors in argentina in 1997, he developed heart problems, required psychiatric help for his habit and ballooned to around twenty stone.But now, following a successful recovery that included a recent operation to staple his stomach, the 45 year old football idol has slimmed down to such an extent that he has been prancing around on the italian equivalent of strictly come dancing. And his foray into the world of television does not stop there. Maradona is hosting his own chat show in argentina called The Night of the Number Ten and has already interviewed Pele, Robbie Williams and Fidel castro.His only official role in football at present is as Vice-president of Boca Juniors but the AFA is keen to harness Maradona’s unparalleled influence. his role would be to mentor players in the junior national teams, preparing them for full honours, and would not infringe on the work of current manager, Jose pekermen. Julio Grondona, President of the AFA, reiterated his backing for pekermen but said that the current manager had told Maradona: "You are the national team." Maradona has demonstrated his newfound diplomacy by vowing not to tread on anyone’s toes but Grondona clearly shares pekermen’s view: "things go according to plan, Maradona has a future with the national team and i don’t think there’s anyone who deserves it more." asked whether Maradona could manage the national team after the World Cup next year, the President gave his strongest indication yet, saying "he carries on like this, then why not?"One of the abiding themes of his autobiography, el diego, which was written from a cuban hospital bed, is Maradona’s fervent national pride and desire to see a revival in Argentinean football to match his own personal resurgence: "would love it if today’s kids, and tomorrow’s kids, could get this into their heads – there’s a special quality, a mystique, to be an argentinean footballer in the blue and white jersey. we can’t afford to lose that."And surely Argentinean football, and football in general, can’t afford to lose Maradona. The mere presence of a man who won the World Cup in Mexico in 1986 and led his team to the 1990 final in italy should provide extra motivation in Germany next year, but his renewed enthusiasm will also be invaluable. As leader of a new campaign, this time to restore the "mystique" of Argentinean football, Maradona would be in his element and would add another chapter to his remarkable reinvention.ARCHIVE: 6th week MT 2005

Cambridge can’t mix it up with the Dark Blues

Oxford’s Mixed Lacrosse squad finally got their season started with a satisfying Busa league victory over Cambridge. After suffering a succession of cancelled or postponed matches a hungry, motivated side blew the tabs away and, led by seven goal hero Nick troen, kept the cambridge keeper busy fishing the ball out of the Light Blue net all day.The match got off to a sluggish start as Cambridge arrived late, delaying the start by thirty minues and leaving some Oxford players concerned about a lack of light. But despite this disruption, Oxford sprang from the blocks, playing aggressively and at a fast pace. it took just two minutes for Troen to open Oxford’s account. By the end of the first quarter the Dark Blues had gone on to notch up seven goals, while had responded with only one, leaving Oxford goalkeeper sarah Lewis with little to do. The Oxford midfield outclassed its rival with Laurence Witherington, David howie and Oliver proudfoot confidently picking up and distributing the ball with thoughtful passes that regularly produced scoring opportunities, and the Light Blue defence just could not cope with troen’s pace and clinical finishing.After the first quarter Oxford started to make use of their other advantage, a large squad of substitutes. Tired players were given time to catch breath with a few minutes on the sidelines and as a result Oxford stayed on top of the match. in fact had no female subs at all, forcing one of their girls to play on through injury to ensure her team had the obligatory six women on the pitch.Throughout the remainder of the match Oxford continued to notch up goals, albeit at less of a pace than in the first quarter. There was an outbreak of grumbling about barging from in the fourth quarter but referee emily dennis quickly quelled it and the match finished in good humour. Oxford can now look forward to their next game against Hertfordshire with some confidence as they build up to their match with uea, who promise to be a sterner test.Oxford co-captain Bryony tomlinson was clearly satisfied with the outcome of the match, stating after the final whistle: "we were awesome, once we settled into the match, the play was simply beautiful." Cambridge, meanwhile, were hoping for improvement. Mark Lee, playing left defence, explained, "Oxford definitely got the better of us, but we were down a couple of players and Iam sure that come Varsity the result will be much closer."  ARCHIVE: 6th week MT 2005

Blues skate past Dynamos

In an exciting match full of goals and even more narrow misses Oxford, led by player of the match Dominique Chaput, were able to retain their composure in defence to come out convincing winners and provide the perfect birthday present for their Captain, Marcie Reinhart.The Blues were on top from the off, Catherine Pinder netting with just forty seconds gone after some quick passing and heavy pressure at Invicta’s net, Jamie Waller doubling the lead only minutes later. The Dynamos came charging back however, with the masterful Chelsea Meaney driving a slap shot past the helpless Andrea Lewis before Kate Hancock levelled the scores. Only some athletic net minding from Lewis prevented Invicta from taking the lead. However, Reinhart now capped a fine first period performance with a stunning goal to regain the momentum for her side and give the Blues a 3-2 lead at the end of a breathless first half.The second period saw the Blues stamp their authority on the game, netting another three to put the result beyond doubt and leave out in the cold. Meaney continued to harass the Blues defence who at times struggled to get to grips with her speed and stick control. Meaney’s enthusiasm, however, got the better of her as she was sent to the sin bin for two minutes after a vicious body check. The Blues wasted no time in capitalising on the power play to put yet another past the helpless Vallerie Fraser who could only witness the onslaught unfold before her. Cat Pinder then added a fifth in what was a period dominated by the Blues. The final period saw the Oxford defence split open yet again by Meaney, who failed to capitalise on three opportunities as she tried to drag her team out of the huge deficit by their bootstraps. In the end though it was Lisa Villeneuve and Pinder’s partnership that paid dividends as they combined some incisive passes for Villeneuve to shoot the puck once again into the Dynamos’ net. Oxford’s Georgia Gale-Grant and Cat Pinder were unlucky yet again as they were denied what would have been fantastic goals by only inches as the puck flew tantalisingly close to Invicta net. Alina Turek who capped a great performance both by herself and the team by adding a seventh to the score board, heaping further dismay upon a disheartened side.a performance of such dominance and finesse against an side who currently top the British League South Division One must leave the Blues with very high confidence for the remainder of their season.The game was finally put even further beyond doubt by Rip-roaring, non-stop, end-to-end action” was the order of the day on Saturday as Oxford’s Women’s Ice Hockey team crushed the highly rated Iinvicta Dynamos at the Oxford Ice Rink.ARCHIVE: 6th week MT 2005

Blues shine at Fours Head

Alex Cairns’ women’s squad provided another outstanding performance, winning two pennants in the Women’s Senior 2 and Senior 3 coxed fours, while the lightweights also claimed an impressive performance with a top 100 finish.Oxford came out on top as Dark and Light Blue raised their oars in anger for the first time this year at Ssaturday’s Fours Hhead. President Barney Williams’ coxless four overtook Cambridge en route to overall victory in their category, ahead of the top two Cambridge crews. Olympic Champion Paul Daniels’ crew came out on top of Cambridge in the coxed four.ARCHIVE: 6th week MT 2005

Women’s rugby scrape past Cardiff

Oxford gave new meaning to the phrase ‘winning ugly’ as they struggled past Cardiff University in the BUSA Women’s Premier Division on Wednesday. The Blues were clearly the better side, dominating posession and monopolising territory. Yet 70 minutes in they had yet to score. As they dropped passes, conceded penalties or chose poor options at critical moments. Their blushes were saved by Rhiannon Eevans, another Welsh representative, who crashed over after taking a quick penalty in the Cardiff 22, before Bethan Walsh made certain with a well taken penalty with 78 minutes gone.ARCHIVE: 6th week MT 2005