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I bought pesto, pissed

Image Credit: Victoria Aleksandrova/ via Unsplash

I may be a food editor, but I am far from an accomplished cook. My staples are a Tesco meal deal, canned tomato soup, and crackers with some variation of spread. What I was thinking when I decided to purchase ridiculously overpriced truffle pesto in Italy is … not as much of a mystery as I’d like to pretend. I was in the middle of a day of wine tasting (without a spittoon), and I was lured in with free samples of everything from biscuits to chocolates to eventually, the pesto. It stayed in my suitcase for two weeks as I travelled, before I brought it to college where it sat in my cupboard for a month as I decided how best to use it.

Fortunately, I live with Jack, a second-year Univ medic who has spent the past few years’ worth of holidays working as a chef. When not producing an essay, he’s usually cooking something exotic I haven’t heard of. Unlike me, he actually enjoys being in the kitchen and was more than happy to take responsibility for my tiny €16 jar of pesto. His idea was to make his own pesto and compare the two for quality and price, which I can only believe will prove embarrassing for me and my (drunken) retail choices.

His immediate recommendations included buying the ingredients to match the quality of the pesto, meaning not the cheapest I could find, but focussing on more than the price per unit. I decided the best way to go about this was to ask him to do the shopping, with a promise of reimbursement, and after a quick trip to Tesco, he was cooking – or rather grinding – to the tune of Eminem’s Without Me.

Jack had several ideas for dishes that would incorporate pesto, from pizza to steak sandwiches, but settled on the student classic, pesto pasta. The beginning of this process was to grind together garlic and salt to a desired consistency in a pestle and mortar (or a blender for those without the muscle/energy), before toasting pine nuts on a low heat to draw out their flavour. Next, all these ingredients, and the basil, were added to the pestle and mortar, and ground to a “pesto-like paste” (I did ask, but no further clarification was forthcoming). Then Parmesan was grated in and combined using the pestle and mortar, until a lighter colour appeared, and olive oil was added to form a desirable consistency.

Upon its completion, I was given a taste. The freshness and quality of homemade was much better than shop bought, for the small price of £2 (ish). All that was left was to compare it to the €16 (£13.96) pesto I’d brought back from Italy. My pesto tasted strongly of its key ingredient, truffle, though it had a hard time sticking to the pasta and was largely lost, and any hint of basil or nut was disguised in a relatively thin sauce. Its umami flavour is admittedly difficult to balance (or so I’m told) and frankly was more interesting to eat, than comforting or pleasant. Jack’s pesto on the other hand was much creamier – indicative of a greater Parmesan content – and made for a rich dish that I’d happily eat any day of the week. It was thicker and coated the pasta well, though it was noticeably plain in comparison to the depths of the truffle.

On the whole, given the sheer chasm of a price difference, Jack’s pesto is a clear winner. Cheap, easy to make, and still delicious to eat, I can only wonder at what I was thinking, spending so much on so little. My truffle pesto did have one redeeming quality: it was unique to anything else in our flat. As an occasional treat, to enhance a classic dish and shake up the usual routine, it was well suited. But if I were given the choice between the two day-to-day, regardless of price, I would choose the comforting, creamy option every time.

If the quantities given in the recipe seem vague, it is because Jack produced this pesto measuring each element from memory, with an ease and familiarity derived from years of love for his craft. I could only watch with admiration, and gratitude that I have the opportunity to benefit from his skill. For anyone with a similar love for food, I would strongly recommend exploring ingredients and techniques in the kitchen, or alternatively as I have done, befriending a chef.

OUCA presidential candidate removed as Political Officer due to “doctored electoral evidence”

Image credit: Ella Carran

Following a Disciplinary Committee (DC) meeting, one of Oxford University Conservative Association (OUCA) presidential candidates has been removed from his post as Political Officer. Hugo Roma-Wilson pleaded guilty to “misleading the Returning Officer in the course of her execution of the election” and “disrupting the conduct of an election.”

In a report on the DC’s decision circulated to OUCA members earlier today it was announced that Roma-Wilson “submitted fraudulently doctored electoral evidence” to the Returning Officer “in an illicit attempt to induce [the Returning Officer] to accept electoral publicity past the deadline.” He also lied to members of the OUCA committee when questioned about the doctored evidence.

Roma-Wilson admitted to these actions and was consequently removed from his post as a Political Officer and fined £50. He told Cherwell that he had “submitt[ed] electoral evidence one minute late.” This has not yet been confirmed by OUCA.

Roma-Wilson, who is standing for the OUCA presidency in next week’s elections, will be allowed to retain his candidacy. According to Roma-Wilson, the Disciplinary Committee “did not consider my error severe enough to warrant disqualification from the election” adding that he “looks forward to running for President on Wednesday next week.”

The DC report noted that it was “mindful” that letting a “candidate at the highest level… act fraudulently without serious consequences” risked doing “significant damage” to confidence in OUCA’s elections. 

However, as Roma-Wilson pled guilty and “admitted to his mistake”, the DC considered it disproportionate to disqualify him. They stated instead that “members should be permitted to make their own judgements in the upcoming election.”

OUCA told Cherwell: “The Disciplinary Committee has accepted the Ex-Committee Member’s sincere apology and imposed a proportionate penalty under our internal procedures. OUCA looks forward to moving beyond this incident and focusing on continuing to deliver our excellent termcard.”

This is not the first shakeup of OUCA leadership that has occurred this term. In September, OUCA president Peter Walker resigned following two disciplinary complaints against him. The last elections were also marred by “chaotic” clashes between the ousted former president Caleb van Ryneveld and the OUCA committee.

The OUCA presidential elections, in which Roma-Wilson remains a candidate, are set to occur next Wednesday from 12 pm to 6 pm.

Over 1000 people protest for immediate ceasefire in Gaza

Image credit: Faris Firoozye

Around 1200 people gathered this Saturday to protest against Israel’s bombing in Gaza and demand an immediate ceasefire in response to the current humanitarian crisis. The protest, jointly organised by five Oxfordshire groups*, including the Oxford Palestine Society, featured a march from Cowley to Bonn Square.

This protest follows many other Oxford-based protests during the past month against Israel’s bombing of Gaza and its occupation of areas within the West Bank. The most recent large-scale protest occurred on 5 November, and a sit-down protest was organised last Friday outside the Radcliffe Camera and Bodleian Library.

Throughout the protest, familiar slogans were chanted, such as “From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free” and “Free Free Palestine.” More recent chants also emerged, including “Stop bombing children” and “Rishi Sunak / Keir Starmer is a wasteman.”

The American Jewish Council has said that, while advocating for Palestinian statehood is not antisemitic, the slogan ‘From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free’, counts as “calling for the elimination of the Jewish state, or suggesting that the Jews alone do not have the right to self-determination” and is antisemitic.

Additionally, protesters held up various banners and placards, which stated “Stop the Genocides”, “Labour side with Genocide”, and “Ceasefire Now.” Banners with a list of Gazans who lost their lives in the conflict were also displayed.

One of the protesters, an Oxford DPhil student, told Cherwell: “I think it is really important to keep coming out to these protests to remind the government that we don’t support what they’re calling for at the moment and that we need a ceasefire and to send a message out to all the people in Gaza and the West Bank to let them know we stand with them we’ll keep fighting for them until Palestine is free.”

Another student stated: “I think it’s amazing to see so many people out today. Of course, recently they announced a humanitarian pause but that’s clearly not enough. More people are going to the south but now that the attacks on the Shifa hospital are done, Israel is planning to move forward to the south. Where would those people go? We need to act right now before we witness something that the world will regret.”

These protests come after retaliatory attacks and an offensive by Israel in Gaza after the Hamas-led terrorist attack on 7th October. Over 12,000 people have been killed in Gaza following bombing raids by the Israel Defence Forces with 5000 children dead. In the UK, many Labour MPs have resigned over disagreement with Keir Starmer’s comments on the conflict. Ten local councillors have resigned in Oxford.

*Other groups include Action Against Oxford War Crimes, Oxford Palestine Solidarity Campaign, Oxford Ramallah Friendship Association, and Help the World Oxford.

Drowning in You

Image Credits: nail refit/Shutterstock

Read the latest from The Source on the theme of relationships, ‘Drowning in You’!

I feel like I’m drowning as I struggle with your embrace
I lift my chin and try to breathe, as the deep blue of your eyes overwhelm me.
I fight for air between kisses, I battle at equal pace
And as the warmth of your fingers lap gently across the surface
Of that satin dress you love, fumble clumsily over pearlescent buttons
My fingers roam hungrily, and my lips rove for purchase
On your rough neck that tastes of salt, like the sea I miss so dearly,
My pearl, you’re all that remains.

Hold me, darling, as I search for Atlantis- that hidden city many have failed to find
Clutch me like a clam, as I nibble at your calloused, sailor’s fingers
As I dive and explore you, that sunken and stony maze of your mind
You churn my stomach with florescent flotsam in the stormy sea of whatever this is
Whatever it is, whenever this is, I begin to drown again every time.
And as the fish swim by they blow me little bubble kisses, champagne fizz
They recognise me as I sink in countless moments, without rhythm or rhyme.

Once I lie still, I struggle to tell if you anchor me or weigh me down, most likely both.
That’s in the nature of sea-crusted, auburn and rusting, heavy, interlocked, chains.
They are as necessary as their weight is crushing
Popping my lifeboat, my last means of escape
And as I stop fighting, I say a prayer to the watery powers above, God’s oath, in sinner’s pain.

I promise to never leave you, oh captain, my captain
And I hope you find with me that sunken treasure chest
I pray that it’s full of golden laughter and silvery midnight ranting
And all the rest, the countless, precious moments with you, my tragic Moby-Dick,
And all those jewel-toned sunsets that I love best.

And all that remains, my spiky pufferfish,
As my hands scope for sandy grains of magic in Dead Man’s Ocean grave
And my fingers dive through the seaweed of your hair,
That tenderly growing moss of your stubble in search of that cave.
That sea-cave where we first sat together, all those mourning years ago,
When, so impatient and young, we dove into this mess
Headstrong, headlong, as teenagers do best,
With their lean, keen, streamlined and focussed, neoprene frames.

Noah Kahan: Music Sensation or One-Album Wonder?

Image Credits: CC 1.0, via. RawPixel

I know very little about music. A vast amount of my Spotify wrapped includes Taylor Swift (about whom I know a lot), and what doesn’t is an eclectic mix of songs I’ve stolen from my friends’ music tastes and now appropriate as my own. So when it comes to reviewing music, I am hugely underqualified to do so. All of which is to say: take the following with a pinch of salt. 

I do, however, have a small obsession with Noah Kahan. You will find me on Hot Girl Walks listening to him, blasting his music in the car at full volume with the windows down, and sending his songs to my friends at every opportunity. Last April, we booked tickets to see an artist called Dermot Kennedy – whose songs I still can’t name even one of – just because Noah Kahan was his opener. The whole fiasco to get to the concert during train strikes involved borrowing a friend’s car with a worryingly dodgy clutch, driving two hours there (and a horrendous four hours back), all for a set that lasted under 45 minutes. 

So what is it about Kahan’s music that made those 45 minutes worth it?

Noah Kahan writes music that centres around his experience growing up in rural America, his struggles with alcoholism and mental health, and the ties he has to his hometown and the people in it as they grow up and leave. His writing hits a poignant note that captures the restlessness of being ready to leave home, but not being ready to say goodbye yet – the perfect album for his audience of students and young people moving away from home for the first time.

This explains why you may have heard the title track of the album going around TikTok, as well as its other single, Northern Attitude. Choosing which songs to tell you about is nearly impossible: it’s an album with virtually no skips. But let me suggest that you get into it the way I did, dipping your toes in the water with the titular single, moving on to the opening track of Northern Attitude, followed by Homesick and Everywhere, Everything, before you slow down a bit and brave the (more) emotional tracks of Growing Sideways and Orange Juice, two absolutely killer songs about Kahan’s experience with therapy and his friends’ experiences with a traumatic accident. I know it sounds like it might be a bit too heavy-hitting, but trust me, it’s worth it. Kahan writes in a way that is moving and hits the right balance between songs that touch on real life, whilst also making them perfectly cathartic to sing (shout) along to. His vivid and memorable lyrics will be stuck on repeat in your head for weeks. 

Stick Season gets its name from that time of year when the trees have lost all their leaves but it hasn’t yet snowed for the first time; a kind of liminal space between Hallowe’en and Christmas. Not only does this make it the perfect album to listen to as Michaelmas becomes colder and greyer, but it’s also perfect for branching out your music taste this term. Driven by Kahan’s voice and guitar, the album builds to some incredible bridges, backed by a steady, subtle kick drum (and yes, I did google what that is) that propels the music forward.  There’s also some banjo in there, but it’s in a cool, folk-pop way that adds dimension that lets you immerse yourself, rather than the more Keith Urban brand. 

The deluxe version of the album (Stick Season: We’ll All Be Here Forever), released at the beginning of June, also includes The View Between Villages (Extended Version), a haunting, incredible song that takes you with Kahan as he returns to his hometown. If any song is a must-listen, this one is. It’s a haunting song that you won’t be able to help getting swept up in. It starts out with Kahan’s vocals alone, slowly joined by the same drum as before, as he drives into the town. The guitar joins in to pick up the pace, the feeling a bit like you’re driving downhill, full speed, alongside Kahan. He passes all the monuments to his childhood, and you’re right there with him. A friend of mine listened to it for the first time and got literal goosebumps. It is full volume in the car, windows down kind of music. Hozier meets Phoebe Bridgers meets the nostalgia of The Lumineers. I love it. 

Since his huge success in the UK in April 2023, (2023 I’m assuming?), Noah Kahan has announced another tour around the UK in November, which sold out in less than five minutes. This resulted in extra dates being added and a second set of shows in February of 2024 (which has also sold out already – sorry to anyone who I’ve convinced to start listening). In the last few weeks alone, Kahan has been covered by Olivia Rodrigo, written songs with Zach Bryan, Lizzy McAlpine, and Post Malone, and has been covered on social media by a whole host of prominent artists. 

There you have it, then: the Stick Season songs seem set to stay on my playlists for the foreseeable future, and if the We’ll All Be Here Forever extra tracks are anything to go by, Kahan isn’t looking at stopping writing hit songs any time soon. 

Oxford Union fears return of ‘Trump’s America’ in decisive debate vote

Image credit: Gage Skidmore from Peoria, AZ, United States of America, CC BY-SA 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons

On Thursday night, the Oxford Union voted with a stonking majority in favour of the motion: This house fears the return of ‘Trump’s America’. 182 people voted in favour, whilst 55 voted against. The vote followed a debate marked by stark differences in tone of the proposition and opposition sides, with both drawing on aspects of the legacy of the Trump presidency in the United States and abroad. 

Trump is the frontrunner for the Republican nomination in the 2024 presidential election, while currently facing 91 felony charges in four different criminal cases. These cases concern his efforts to overturn the 2020 presidential election, the hush money payment to adult film actor Stormy Daniels in New York and his handling of classified state documents at his Mar-a-Lago resort in Florida.

Speakers for the proposition were: political reporter and White House Correspondent, April Ryan; academic, former social worker and Oxford Green party councillor, Larry Sanders; and Balliol student Isabelle Horrocks-Taylor. 

Opposing the motion were: former Deputy Assistant to the President during the Trump administration and host on right-wing Christian Salem Radio, Sebastian Gorka; Christ Church student Oliver Jones-Lyons; and St Anne’s student Charlie Chadwick, who stood in for absent American conservative activist and radio talk show host, Charlie Kirk. 

Horrocks-Taylor opened the debate for the proposition with a list of the “multiple of firsts” achieved by Trump, including his suspension from Twitter and his two-time impeachment. She argued that the wealth of pre-suspension Tweets, which included one telling black Democrat congresswomen to “go back” to their home countries was reflective of a “deep-set prejudice, deeply rooted in Trump’s political identity.” This, she stated, is “not befitting of a national leader, particularly of one of the most diverse nations.” 

Horrocks-Taylor further criticised Trump for his diplomacy, where “nuclear war codes were an appropriate tool for playground politics”, for his mishandling of the Black Lives Matter protests, and the January 6th insurrection. 

Opening the proposition, Oliver Jones-Lyons agreed with the proposition about the seminality of Trump’s presidency. However, he distinguished between Trump and the America that voted for him, citing the “silent minority” of white voters without college degrees, among whom “voter apathy is high.”

“For better or for worse, the neglected felt heard” in Trump’s America, Jones-Lyons argued. “Fearing the people who made Trump president will achieve nothing,” he added. 

April Ryan followed this speech by acknowledging that America wanted something “not familiar to previous political standards,” claiming that this could be found in Trump’s “reality TV charm.” Drawing in large part on her experience as a journalist working in close proximity to the president, she described Trump’s rhetoric as using terms that were “used by Hitler”. Ryan also noted how Trump had asked her, a woman of colour, to organise a meeting for the congressional black Caucus “like I was his secretary.” 

Sebastian Gorka’s booming case for the opposition was made using sharp terms, arguing that Trump, a president “untainted by the elite,” had “defended Western civilization against those who wish to destroy it.” Whilst Barack Obama had been soft on Islamic extremism, it was Jihadis and Isis, “who should fear my former boss,” as well as Iran and Vladimir Putin. This was met with laughter from the chamber.

Gorka characterised Joe Biden as a proponent of “high-tech lynching”, preceded by a suggestino that Trump was a godsend for the Israeli-Palestinian peace process. Despite repeated points of information attempts from Spectator, Gorka declined them with “I’m good, thank you.’

Closing the proposition, Larry Sanders asked the audience: “Do you know how many people died in Covid because of his stupid arrogance?”

“What did he do about income? What did he do about minimum wage? What did he do about taxes? He cut taxes for the rich. 1.5 trillion in tax cuts,” he continued. Bringing up Trump’s climate change policy, Sanders further argued that “the last eight years have been the hottest on record. What is Trump’s response to all this? He wants to increase fossil fuel extraction.”

Charlie Chadwick in his closing speech restated the opposition’s original contention that Trump’s America had not gone away, characterising Biden as a Trump continuity candidate. In the Middle East, “the only suggestion that has given any prospect of peace has been the Abraham accords, started by Trump. Who continued them? Biden.” 

Other aspects of Trump’s policy mentioned by Chadwick appeared more than anything to distinguish him from Biden: Chadwick suggested that Trump’s “threat of tariffs on China guaranteed a fairer deal for the American people,” and further that Trump’s “tax cuts led to a booming economy,” a claim which ran contrary to his contention that the “soaring inflation” that has come about as a result of Biden’s Inflation Reduction Act was also a “continuation of Trump’s legacy.”

The next US presidential election will take place on 5 November 2024, with incumbent Joe Biden running for reelection, whilst his predecessor, Donald Trump, will also run for re-election to a second, non-consecutive term.

Oxford turns to public to collect artefacts for new digital World War II archive

Image credit: HuddyHuddy via Wikimedia Commons

Their Finest Hour, a University of Oxford project launched in July 2022, has received funding from the National Lottery Heritage and will be made accessible from the 6 June 2024. The online archive aims to catalogue local stories and relics from the Second World War, documenting human stories through everyday objects. The project follows the hugely successful Lest We Forget online archive for artefacts from the First World War. 

The project focuses on community archive collection as it builds an archival database. It will run a series of events and digital collection days scheduled at museums, libraries, and heritage centres across the UK. Organisers encourage members of the public to bring in their war-related stories and objects – whether this be documents, medals, letters, photographs, or stories passed down throughout generations. Dr Stuart Lee of the Oxford Faculty of English said: “Our aim is to empower local communities to digitally preserve these stories and objects before they are lost to posterity.”

Organisers say a Second World War project will become particularly crucial as the number of people 1939-1945 generation declines. Stories passed on through children and grandchildren will become vital in preserving the experiences of the wartime generation. As a free digital platform, both Lest We Forget and Their Finest Hour make wartime heritage accessible for all.

Items brought to a collection event in Gosport included a passport with a mysterious alteration. Valerie Cope, who brought in a British passport owned by her grandfather bearing visa stamps from locations in Latvia and Western Russia from the beginning of the war. His occupation was crossed out, a common identifier of wartime spies. Mysteries like this one will be researched and digitised by the database in an attempt to preserve stories and diverse narratives from the Second World War. Event volunteer Stephanie Cunningham said “We’re in danger of losing [these artefacts] and we have many people coming to the events saying they didn’t know where else to turn.”

Organisers emphasise that they would like stories and artefacts from children as well as narratives from relatives who refused to discuss their wartime experiences. Narratives from underrepresented backgrounds in wartime heritage, including those from women and the commonwealth, are particularly encouraged. 

Feminist Samurai in Netflix’s new “Anime”?: Ōoku: The Inner Chambers Review

alt=Image Of a Woman from the Visiting Kawachi Episode of the Tales of Ise 17th C
Image Credits: Public Domain via Rawpixel

This review contains spoilers and mentions of sexual violence.

What would society look like if three-quarters of the male population disappeared? Ōoku: The Inner Chambers depicts such a scenario in an alternative history in which an epidemic wipes out the young men that populate 17th century Japan. Amidst the Oppenheimer media centrality over the summer and attention on Sex Education’s finale season in the autumn, the release of Ōoku in June 2023 has been a modest one. The animated Netflix series is based on a Japanese manga of the same name and is originally produced in Japanese, but dubbed and subtitled in eleven and thirty-seven languages, respectively. It is (in the writer’s opinion, questionably) categorized by Netflix UK as an “emotional” and “romantic” animated drama.

The epidemic forces the practice of patrilineage to be abandoned, with women becoming heads of businesses and inheriting family property. The disease does not discriminate towards aristocratic and warlord families, forcing even the nation-governing Tokugawa family to secretly appoint a female shogun under her father’s name, Iemitsu, with a screen and male spokesperson to disguise her gender during public appearances. From the age of ten, Iemitsu cross-dresses as male and adopts the lifestyle of a samurai. Under the guidance of her councilors, she builds a male concubine cohort to ensure the production of a male heir to succeed her. Thus begins the “Ōoku”, or the “inner chambers” of Iemitsu’s court, and the series’ exploration of gender and power dynamics in the Japan of history and today. 

The series follows the development of romance between Iemitsu and the soft-spoken Arikoto, who is selected for his delicate beauty by senior councilor Kasuga. The gender-queerness of Iemitsu and Arikoto’s unexpected budding relationship in the reversed world of gender norms is embraced by the couple; as one of the other male concubines comments, “it’s hard to tell which one is a man and the other a woman”. It is their embrace in episode five— Arikoto in a harmonious josou (female-presenting cross-dressing) of rouge, women’s kimono, and hair extensions embracing the top-knotted Iemitsu— that compels their official confessions of their love. 

Ōoku is rife with sexual violence and coercion, both committed by the shogunate’s powerful figures and among the male concubines. The frequency begs questions of necessity and veers the series close to sensationalism. The violence committed upon the young men in the Ōoku, however, grimly spotlights the inevitability of such realities upon women concubines in the shogunate and their roles in the court, reminding us of our perhaps subconscious— yet still complacent— acceptance of sexual violence, particularly against women, in reported history and historical media. 

The depiction of sexual misconduct against men and boys is also particularly poignant in consideration of the March 2023 BBC exposé of sexual assault crimes committed by Japan’s late idol production mogul Johnny Kitazawa against the young male idols in his employment. Although allegations have been scarcely reported upon in Japanese media for decades, the company’s public acknowledgement of the allegations in September 2023 prompted televised coverage across national news. It is important to remember that Japan only recognized men as victims of non-consensual sexual intercourse in their 2017 revision to the Penal Code (formerly it only applied to women victims); only this summer, the legal age of consent was raised from 13 years to 16.

The altering gender roles in Ōoku’s Japan also has economic and political implications that echo in the country today. In the series finale the narrator expounds how despite the participation of women in work,

“The roles of men and women were not exactly reversed. The job of men just became fathering children, while women took upon child-rearing labor and business matters.”

With the burden of both household and business being thrust upon the female population in Ōoku’s world, one cannot help but think of the increasing demands upon women in twenty-first century Japan as more women enter full-time employment amid a workplace culture unsupportive of working mothers, yet face social and government pressure to have children as the birth rate declines. The all-male cabinet of Iemitsu’s Shogunate at the beginning of Ōoku also nods to the male domination of politics in the current Japanese parliament; according to the Gender Equality Bureau Office, 20.7% of the representatives in the House of Councillors are female. This is double the percentage of women in the House of Representatives: 10.1%. 

On the international stage, Japan sent a male representative for the G7 Ministerial Meeting on Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment in 2023 (a conference that otherwise consisted of women). Locally, Kanagawa prefecture’s “Women Act” committee, which functions to support “participation of women in central roles in society”* yet came under scrutiny in 2015 for appointing an all-male cabinet. The Women Act website cites the reasoning behind the deliberate all-male appointment to the need for 意識改革 (ishiki-kaikaku, “consciousness reform”) among the industry heads in Kanagawa, of which 90% are men; this reform was thought to be most effective when “top men negotiated with top men”. Since November 2022, prompted by “consideration of changes in ideas around gender and diversity”, the twenty-one member Women Act committee now includes four women.

In contrast, as we see in the first foundation episode of Ōoku set generations after Iemitsu’s first female shogunate, the entire cabinet is composed of women and is led by an openly female shogun. In its unsettling alternative take on history Ōoku thus highlights the absurdity of male domination of top positions in politics and corporations and posits the potential for actual female participation in leadership roles. Timed at a moment in Japanese society, media, and legislation in which progress is being made towards gender equality as well as destigmatization of LGBTQ+ issues and towards allegations of sexual misconduct, Ōoku is an animated series that is sure to continue discussion beyond the “emotional” and “romantic”. 

An American’s take of the Americans’ take

Satirical cartoon of Kevin McCarthy who is holding a gun back to back with Nancy Pelosi who is holding a gavel.
Cartoon by Amelia Dovell

This term, the Oxford Union has planned to host two former United States Speakers of the House, Nancy Pelosi and Kevin McCarthy. In an already star-studded term card, the Union is bringing not just trailblazing Pelosi, but at the time it was released, they were to host the current (now former) Speaker of the House for the United States. In the post-Trump era it is truly significant for the Union to provide an opportunity for members to hear from former office holders of America’s third most powerful political position. You might line up for hours to attend the event. So, as an American in Oxford, I hope to share the importance of Speaker Pelosi and Speaker McCarthy coming to the Union. Especially in this time of continuous political turmoil across the pond.

Former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is a Democratic Congresswoman who has represented San Francisco in California’s 11th District for nearly forty years. Her political career has been host to many milestones and in 2007 she made history by becoming the first woman to become Speaker of the House. She got her start as a bit of a political nepo-baby, as her father was a Representative for Maryland, and eventually the Mayor of Baltimore. Upon moving to the West Coast, she became active in the Democratic Party in San Francisco, becoming head of the California Democratic Party in 1981. After the death of a friend holding California’s Fifth District, Pelosi ran in a special election to fill the seat, becoming a Congresswoman in 1987, at a time when only a handful of women held seats in the house. 

A strong supporter of LGBTQ and immigration rights, Pelosi had stood behind issues like the legalization of same-sex marriage, and publically disagreed with Republican immigration policy leading to the separation of families on the Southern Border. The Affordable Care Act of the Obama administration was practically made possible thanks to her consistent push for healthcare reform, and ability to gather the 219 votes needed for the bill to pass. 

This achievement was one of the most significant outcomes of the Obama Administration and was part of an effort to give all Americans the healthcare they deserved, not just the wealthy, emphasising Speaker Pelosi’s fight for progress throughout her tenure as she consistently looked out for the interests of all. She also notably participated in the passage of the post-economic collapse Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform Act and the Recovery Act of 2009, plus the repeal of Don’t Ask Don’t Tell, showing just a glimpse of the magnitude of her tenure and its impact on America as a whole.

In terms of breaking glass ceilings, Nancy Pelosi has shattered them. She joins the likes of Vice President Kamala Harris and Former SCOTUS Justice Sandra Day O’Connor in being the first woman to hold her position, something to celebrate in a country which has yet to have a woman president. Her commitment to her career and steadfast support of what the Democratic Party stands for has gained her acclaim and awards worldwide. To have her speak at the Union is an honour for us to witness, and a priceless chance to hear from one of the greatest political figures of our time, and a woman who rose to the top of the inherently patriarchal system that is government.

Some may feel I am waxing poetic, but the role Speaker Pelosi has played in expanding women’s and girls’ idea of what is possible in my country is paramount to her political career. She paved the way for progressive women in Congress, leading America to accept female leadership in positions of power, bringing us to the 118th Congress of today which boasts the largest number of women in Congressional history. This is her legacy, not only her policy, but what she has represented for millions of Americans as an impactful leader, and an inspiration for many young girls to grow up and study politics because she showed them they could. Nancy Pelosi can be heard at the annual Benazir Bhutto Memorial Lecture on the ninth of November.

A fellow Californian, Kevin McCarthy is the Republican Congressman for California’s 20th district, in the Central Valley region. He climbed the political ladder, being elected to the California State Assembly in 2002, and becoming a US Representative in 2006. His time as House Speaker was a matter of mere months thanks to the ongoing polarisation in American Politics. He is a long serving Member of Congress and has served as both House Majority Leader from 2014-2019, and Minority Leader from 2019-2023. In his time as Minority Leader, McCarthy remained a staunch Trump supporter, particularly in the face of his impeachment and loss of the 2020 election. 

He was one of many Republicans who signed an amicus brief supporting Texas v. Pennsylvania, a lawsuit filed at the Supreme Court which contested the results of the election, a choice which is judged by anyone with the sense to recognize a fair election or mature enough to be a good loser. His work while he was speaker focused on the controversy surrounding the 2020 election and attacks of January Sixth, as well as navigating the debt ceiling crisis of this past May. 

On the international scale, McCarthy touched on a few foreign affairs issues, holding a CCP-condemned meeting with the President of Taiwan, and working to represent the interests of Congress about the war in Ukraine. His tenure was short-lived, ranking near the bottom of the list of time served by House Speakers, so one must rely on speculation alone to imagine what else he may have achieved in the office of Speaker. He was seen on the 28th of October speaking for the opposition alongside Frank Luntz during the special event, “This House Believes US Interventionism Has Done More Harm than Good”.

McCarthy’s departure from his former role as Speaker of the House has made headlines around the world, as Congress descended into an unprecedented level of chaos. By doing what one would expect of a politician and cooperating on a bipartisan plan to prevent a government shutdown, McCarthy lost the support of some of his most conservative party members. With a motion from Congressman Matt Gaetz of Florida demanding his removal, McCarthy’s role as speaker was in the hands of his colleagues. 

On the third of October, the House voted to oust Congressman McCarthy from his role of Speaker, in an incredibly close 216-210 vote influenced by several far-right conservatives, who joined the Democratic Congress Members. It may have taken fifteen rounds of voting for the former Speaker to gain his status, but only one vote led to his removal. Now these two Califonians both have a historic first, as this is the only time in American History where the House removed its leader. As Americans watched their government implode, we were all left thinking, “Who will be next?” 

The House ran without a leader for several weeks, with Patrick McHenry taking the wheel as Speaker pro tempore until congress members could decide how to sort out the mess they had made. Several prospective candidates later, McCarthy has since been replaced with Louisiana Congressman Mike Johnson, whose beliefs can best be summed up as representing the Christian Right. While former Speaker McCarthy has now been nationally disgraced and has often been criticised for holding some extreme views, he was a more familiar face to the American people than his successor, a relative unknown in the political world, who will certainly keep us on our toes as we wonder what lies ahead for the 118th congress.

To hear from former Speakers Pelosi and McCarthy provides a rare chance to hear from some of the United States’ most powerful people during the politically turbulent years of the Trump and Biden Administrations and to hear the perspective of both parties from their former leaders. While Speaker Pelosi’s career accomplishments certainly outshine those of McCarthy, his appearance at the Union is no less impressive as the most recent person to hold the position of Speaker, and an influential Republican through the last decade, providing listeners with a better perspective of what the Trumpian party actually believes from one of its own, especially through the intense factionalism within the party itself. 

While discussing politics of the recent years here, it seems that the subtleties of the Republican Party have been hidden behind the sensationalist voices of the far right, and to hear a Republican debate in the United Kingdom may reveal a bit more about the party than the extremist representation it has overseas. 

In the wake of his fallout with the Republican party, it was especially interesting to hear Congressman McCarthy debate at the Union, only weeks out from a pivotal moment in his career. To hear him argue in favour of historical American interventions while seeking to limit US funding of Ukraine and stating he did not want to send “blank checks” to the country in the face of war with Russia, was something to behold. 

The chance to witness Pelosi give the Memorial Lecture will be a testament to her life’s work, and an honour well deserved for her commitment to progressive causes and equal rights. Most likely more muted on the political front than McCarthy’s debate, her lecture, I expect, will focus on hope for worldwide progress.

The American political arena has been perilously divided in the past few years. My country is easily victim to appearing foolish on international news outlets all while its policies tear apart families who can no longer share dinner at the same table – nor even in the same country. To have both a high-ranking Democrat and Republican come to Oxford is a small step towards recovering from this division. I hope that hearing Pelosi and McCarthy at the Union will show that, once again, America is more than its current political struggles. 

As an American who has answered questions about abortion, guns, the election of President Trump time and time again, and faced general ridicule for the political system in which I vote, I hope these talks will offer the opportunity to recover what American politics really beholds. 

The political world is a confusing game, but thanks to the talks at the Oxford Union, a closer look at some of the players might bring the political clarity we need, and the cross-spectrum connection we seek. 

While the American political system is as flawed as any other, this does not always reflect those who serve and represent its citizens. When you have heard the Speakers at their respective events, This ought to be an opportunity to see the impact of their leadership (particularly of longer-standing Speaker Pelosi) and to alter your understanding of American politics with a glimpse of its innards.

Oxford announces new AI Environment centre amidst wider UK investment

Image credit: Tara Winstead via Pexels

The University has announced plans to open a new “Intelligent Earth Centre” focusing on theintersection between Artificial Intelligence and environmental sciences. The centre will be funded by a £12 million grant from UK Research and Innovation (UKRI), with nearly £3 million more from the university itself and partners including Google DeepMind, IBM, the European Space Agency and the Met Office.

The “Intelligent Earth Centre” is intended to train almost 100 PhD students to use AI technologies to tackle environmental crises over the first eight years. The announcement follows the recent AI Safety summit which signalled the UK’s determination to regain its dominance in the AI field.

The centre is one of 12 new UKRI centres for doctoral training with over £117 million awarded, building on their previous 2018 investment of £100 million. Other centres include Biomedical Innovation at the University of Edinburgh, Sustainability at the University of Southampton, and Decision Making for Complex Systems at the University of Manchester.

This is part of an investment in British technological developments and comes amidst a wider industrial strategy shift as nations compete for dominance in the AI sector. The UKRI website states that: “The investment will continue to ensure that the UK has the skills needed to seize the potential of the AI era, and to nurture the British tech talent that will push the AI revolution forwards.”

Similarly, Secretary of State for Science, Innovation and Technology, Michelle Donelan, said: “The UK is at the very front of the global race to turn AI’s awesome potential into a giant leap forward for people’s quality of life and productivity at work [and these plans] will future-proof our nation’s skill base, meaning we can reap the benefits of AI as it continues to develop.”

Oxford claims the centre aims to address a “crucial skills gap” between environmental scientists and data scientists. It will do this through a multidisciplinary training programme and specific interdisciplinary measures. Each project is advised by both an environmental science supervisor, an AI supervisor, and an advisor from one of their non-academic partners as a secondment host.

Training will be in both environmental science and data science and there will be entry streams for both “numerate candidates from environmental science backgrounds” and “for environmentally-driven candidates from computer science, data science, mathematics, statistics, or physics backgrounds.”

The programme is also intended to be student-led with students being matched with supervisors and partners throughout the first year of training and developing their project proposal with their personal supervisory team rather than applying to a singular predefined project. The first PhD positions will start in September 2024 and applications will open later this month.

According to the Director of the new Intelligent Earth Centre, Professor Stier, students are not just expected to graduate into a wide range of industries but “to drive innovation and found their own start-ups.”