Love Oxland: “If she were a true fan of Rick and Morty, she would be able to quote it verbatim.”

Samuel Juniper

Third Year, Maths


Going to a bar with a total stranger was far less awkward than I feared it might be. Claire and I quickly found common ground over cocktails, philosophy, and our respective parents’ contempt for our respective cartilage piercings. However, at one point I dropped a quote from Rick and Morty in conversation, which she failed to notice. Frankly, I was disgusted. If she were a true fan, she would be able to quote season 1, episode 8 verbatim, like me. Despite this unfortunate impasse, I thought she was great company, and the evening flew by. She appeared far less keen to cycle after a few drinks than I was, so I rolled her a cigarette and walked her home. Who said chivalry was dead?

What was your first impression?

She accidentally blanked me


Better than this answer


Sweet, sarcastic, sanguine

Any awkward moments?

She accidentally blanked me


Claire Castle

Second Year, Keble


Being five minutes late (as normal), I was slightly on edge when I arrived. This was not helped by the fact that I walked straight past Sam before realising who he was. Initially, his brightly coloured jacket and cartilage piercing made me worry that he was “too edgy for me”, but I quickly learned that he actually studied maths. Luckily, conversation flowed pretty well; ranging from TV show opinions, to run-ins with the Somerville/Keble nurse, to philosophy and existential considerations. Sam was funny and friendly, and even walked back with me when I was too much of a wimp to cycle home after a few drinks.

What was your first impression?

Charity shop chic


A mix of funny and mildly dark


Edgy nerd

Any awkward moments?

Nodding along to a maths chat

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