Saturday, February 8, 2025

SPONSORED: 180 Degrees Consulting Oxford – Apply Now!

Interested in management consultancy or charitable endeavours? 180 Degrees Consulting Oxford is currently recruiting student consultants for Michaelmas 2020. 

180 Degrees Consulting (180DC) Oxford is part of the world’s largest network of consulting societies, all united behind charitable objectives. You likely know at least one person who has travelled to help developing economies by planting trees or building schools, and you may well have identified that this is well-meaning but inefficient. 180DC’s approach is different, and we know that the most meaningful asset Oxford students can contribute to charities are their skills of analysis and external perspective. Each term, 180DC consultants in over 35 countries help charities and nonprofits to improve their responses to critical issues including poverty and education, improving charitable contributions to communities and to the world.

As part of 180DC, student consultants work in small teams to tackle a charity’s most-pressing project, working directly with the charity. These teams allow consultants to apply their academic capabilities to make a positive difference for charities, and previous Oxford teams have tackled issues ranging from strategising donation strategy for a Singaporean non-profit to helping to design a museum which perpetuates the inclusive message of a pioneering South African civil rights figure.

180DC consulting projects help participants develop the effective team working and leadership abilities which employers search for. Moreover, 180DC Oxford is partnered with BCG, a leading consulting firm which introduces Oxford student consultants to how to tackle challenges with structured but creative thinking, as well as offering networking opportunities. Taking advantage of these professional development opportunities, 180DC Oxford student consultants volunteer and participate in work experience at the same time, and previous consultants have emerged from their projects with newly-developed skills of communication and collaboration, a strong understanding of the consulting sector and friends who share their passion for social impact.

This student consultancy with a difference accepts applications from all disciplines and from everyone ranging from freshers to postdocs – just be sure to highlight how you have made a difference in your academic life and extracurriculars through communication, teamwork and proactive problem-solving! Making an application is simple, and it comprises just two short questions during the first stage and a brief second stage interview.

You can apply today by heading to and selecting Oxford. Do not wait too long – applications close on Wednesday 14th October!

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