Thursday, February 13, 2025

Angela Eichhorst

Is Oxford responsible for an anti-vaxxer?

"Twitter has shown themselves to be better arbiters of truth than Oxford University."

Anti-vaccine protest held during Oxford G7 Conference

Protesters marched through Oxford on Thursday to express their concerns about potential COVID vaccination policy in light of the G7 health ministers’ summit, hosted by the University of Oxford from June 3-4th.

Watching Youtube a predictor for COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy

"Top 5, Up Next and other algorithm tools were also blamed for increasing the likelihood of users getting stuck in echo chambers."

University return to sport: club Presidents react

After a remote Hilary, Cherwell asked Oxford University’s sports clubs about their plans for reopening. “You can't really get close to someone while you're on...

Government funds Oxford-researched Early Language Programme in 6,500 primary schools

"According to the National Literacy Trust, 16.4% of UK adults (7.1 million people) are functionally illiterate, which has been strongly linked to reduced economic, physical and personal wellbeing. Problems start early, with one in five 11-year-olds unable to read well."

Bodleian Library introduces suspension policy

"Dealing with a shortage of library slots since Michaelmas, the Bodleian Library has introduced a new booking system whereby students who fail to turn up to sessions without cancelling beforehand risk being suspended from the service."

Climate change makes repaying COVID-19 debt harder

"As sovereign-bonds issued during the Covid-19 pandemic mature over the next 30 or even 100 years, governments will “either have to invest to mitigate climate change as part of their commitments under the Paris climate agreement — or face the costs of global warming directly”, according to the report."

Expenses of Oxfordshire MPs reach almost £1 million in 2019-2020

"Layla Moran, MP of Oxford West and Abingdon, cost taxpayers £173,665.94, spending £130,072.44 on staffing, £21,093.07 on accommodation, £18,110.94 on office costs, £2,487.71 on staff travel and £1,901.78 on MP travel."

Colleges face flooding

"Lady Margaret Hall and Magdalen grounds were particularly affected, with pictures of flooded outdoor grounds shared across Twitter and Instagram by students."

Oxford study finds social media manipulation in all 81 countries surveyed

Facebook and Twitter revealed that they removed more than 317,000 accounts and pages from their platforms in a 22-month period, but they are up against an industry that has become “professionalised, with private firms offering disinformation-for-hire services,” says Dr Samantha Bradshaw, a researcher at the Oxford Internet Institute (OII).

Anyone Can Cook

If you walked into any Waterstones in the month of December you would have seen Yotam Ottelenghi’s most recent book, Flavour, piled high on...

Thames Valley Police will fine those who “wilfully and blatantly” break lockdown rules

Home Secretary Priti Patel defended police presence in a press conference on Tuesday (12 January), where she confirmed 45,000 fixed fine notices have been handed out across England for lockdown breaches to date.

I like what you like: lockdown albums and decision fatigue

"Lockdown has heightened our collective experience of album drops. In a time of physical separation, bonding over a shared auditory experience is a privilege we haven’t taken for granted."

The Lord Gave Me Brothers: Lockdown Lessons from Religious Lives

Angela Eichhorst writes about how we can learn from two religious communities, Greyfriars Franciscan Friary and the Buddha Vihara Temple, during the second lockdown.

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