
Hello! I post archived Cherwell content from our old website.

Play with your food

Nick Pointer goes all Heston and delves into the gastronomical world of food experimentation.

Play with your food

Nick Pointer goes all Heston and delves into the gastronomical world of food experimentation.

In the Closet

Stepping out

Creaming Spires

'Freshers - make the most of it now'

Creaming Spires

Vampires and vaginas

Secret diary of a windsurfing instructor

Week 2: Spinning and Sun Cream

Been there, don that

A privileged look into the world of academic conferences.

Creaming Spires

Stereotypical straight girl jealousy about how easy it is to pull if you are a gay man.

Been there, don that

The intimate adventures of an Oxford tutor

Creaming Spires

Have you got a sex outfit? Creaming spires does, obv.

Luke & Jack Fill Your Ears with Films

Thoughts on Iron Man and the ever ubiquitous Jennifer Aniston

Been there, don that

The don tackles lectures, from the other side of the podium

Luke & Jack Fill Your Ears with Films

'The Time That Remains' reviewed, Jennifer Aniston watch, and all the latest from the world of film.

Raising the Bar

Aleks Klosok on twists, turns and triumph: all in a day's work for British Gymnast Beth Tweddle

My big fat Oxford week

Just how much can a director take?

Blind Date: Week 3

Self confessed 'big dog' meets high maintenance Jewish princess- what could possibly go wrong?

Review: The Importance of Being Earnest

LMH's Arts Week takes a walk on the Wilde side

The OFW Blog: The Style Show

Check out our extensive coverage of the week, beginning with The Style Show...

Been there, don that

The intimate adventures of an Oxford tutor