Monday, March 17, 2025

Brian Wong

A fee hike for international students is deeply unfair

Increasing already extortionate fees will make the lives of international students even more difficult.

Polarising the free speech debate

The question of who deserves our attention does not allow us easy answers.

Our toxically Islamophobic culture is to blame for the Christchurch attack

The shooting in Christchurch is far from an isolated incident, but rather a reflection of broken and bigoted social structures.

The Spectre of Virtue Signalling

Brian Wong criticises the use of social justice causes for personal ends

The Imperative to Resist Injustice

Brian Wong argues that we all have a responsibility to fight today's social injustices

The obsession with meritocracy in university admissions is misguided: here’s why

Universities are more than merely merit-obsessed, mechanical institutions

Crazy Rich Asians – it’s not just a film

An exploration of the socio-cultural dialogue sparked by the release of the film Crazy Rich Asians

Gender pronouns matter, especially at school

Misgendering isn’t an issue of ‘snowflake culture’ or free speech and should not be treated as such

The Lola Olufemi ‘scandal’ is dishonest and damaging to BME progress

Silencing bias does not silence academic freedom, argues Brian Wong

The freshers’ ‘slave auction’ wasn’t just ill-judged banter. It goes deeper

Saying "they can't take a joke" suggests that slavery can be a joke

Not Wong: Banal racism

Brian Wong decries the casual racism which continues to pervade society

Not Wong: Dissecting the BNOC phenomenon

Brian Wong subjects the Oxford BNOC to rigorous analysis

Not Wong: In defence of lived experiences

Brian Wong crafts a compelling case for the importance of lived experiences to social justice

Not Wong: Beyond the social construct

Brian Wong asks us to embrace the fact that reality is socially constructed

Not Wong: The Invisibility Cloak

*Queerness is used here in a reclamatory manner. I want to talk about what it means to be an invisible Queer, and the hidden, pernicious...

The campaign for curriculum decolonisation in SOAS

Leaders of the movement cite the underrepresentation of non-European thinkers and the contributions of Oriental and African philosophies within European intellectual history as the primary justification for systemic reforms.

Not Wong: I can’t wait until I could see your political hot-take of the day

In some sense or another, this article is indubitably meta-, and suspiciously self-referential at points. In other senses, this is written in reaction to...

Not Wong: Eternal vigilance guarantees no freedom

Brian Wong urges readers to keep vigilant and work together to fight the rise of right-wing populism

Not Wong: A case for genuine equality

Brian Wong queries common ideas of equal treatment, and makes the case for unequal treatment in the short term so as to uphold genuine equality

Not Wong: Depression

Brian Wong offers a thoughtful meditation on the burden of depression in the Oxford community

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