Sunday, March 9, 2025


The Madness … And Genius

In the autumn of 1797 a person from Porlock knocked on the door of a remote farm on Exmoor. He received no answer. He...

Ready For The Floor?

James Louis Gallagher reviews Hot Chip live at the Carling Academy Hot Chip’s reputation as one of the best live bands on the electro scene...

Comment: An End to Oxford Application Fees?

If it walks like a duck, and it quacks like a duck, is it a duck? Yes. So if there is something that looks...

Gee Whiz: Elephants buzz off

Enter the elephant, a towering colossus, gigantic in strength, lording over the beasts of the forest. Enter his opponent: the bee, a piddling nonentity....

Blues footballers prepare to face Tabs

One month from today, on Saturday 29th March 2008, Oxford take on Cambridge at Craven Cottage in the 124th Varsity Match. Coached by ex-Arsenal...

The Penny Drops

 Union Returning Officer resigns amid complaints of intimidation and "interrogation-style knifing sessions"Union Returning Officer Cameron Penny resigned on Wednesday amidst allegations that he intimidated...

Student Soapboax

For many of us (second year lawyers in particular) last term was punctuated by corporate events in which representatives of the leading firms came...

The Boss Of It All

3/5 ‘Here comes a film, and if it already looks a bit weird, hang in there, because anyone can see it… It’s a comedy, and...

Filth bouncers further accusations of violence

Filth bouncers have been accused of violence against students for the second time in two weeks, after a first year Christ Church student claimed...

Comment: Unfair Stereotypes for Idea Idols

It saddened me to read the recent editorial, ‘Idea Idle’, as I feel entrepreneurship needs to be encouraged and not belittled.The Delboy model of...

Editorial: Hail to the Chief

Seventh week editorials have in the past been used to advocate a certain Presidential candidate over another. A year ago, this space was used...

Hardship bursaries inaccessible, say students

 Students who face financial hardship are not applying for college bursaries because they are put off by complicated application forms or assume they will...

Margot At The Wedding

2/5 If you are expecting yet another hilarious American wedding comedy á la My Big Fat Greek Wedding or Wedding Singer, you will be disappointed....

If I were Vice-Chancellor for a day…I’d ban Cherwell once and for all

As Sweeny Todd once said, ‘There’s a hole in the world like a great black pit/and it’s filled with people who are full of...

The Accidental Husband

4/5 You would be forgiven for thinking that the ‘rom com’ has had its day but The Accidental Husband is a little gem. The film...

Race for the Reichstag

The poster says it all. The symbol is the word ‘capital’ being crushed inside a hammer. The slogan: ‘We’ll win the final battle.’ The...

Fears of academic exodus over Darling’s ‘non-dom’ tax

Government proposals to introduce new taxes for non-domicile workers living in the UK has created concern among foreign academics at Oxford.Under the new system,...

Old Stagers: The Rehearsal

It’s a lucky theatre-goer who has never had to witness an unfortunate actor fluff a line or two. The awful cavernous silence while they...

John Lloyd: A quite interesting man

John Lloyd is a man of many trades. His work has shaped the way British comedy has developed, both on television and the radio....

Oxford students secure six figure investment deal

Two Oxford students have secured a six-figure investment for their online business after winning the support of a London development firm.The founders of GroupSpaces,...

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