Oxford's oldest student newspaper

Independent since 1920

Ciara Beale

Can our individual habits solve the fast fashion problem?

​​It is no mystery that fast fashion is a Bad Thing. I’ve spent a lot of time in recent years thinking about fast fashion,...

These boots are made for livin’: Queer footwear at Oxford’s sparkliest ball

When I showed my friend the dress I was going to wear for the Glitterball (a floor length beige dress covered in rainbow sequins...

Exclusive report! The fashion trends to rock 2022

When Madi, Iustina and I introduced ourselves on the now-rebooted Cherwell fashion Instagram (@cherwellfashion – give us a cheeky follow), we each answered the...

Accidentally in Love: Shrek Twenty Years Later

I watched Shrek for the first time when I was two years old. It quickly became a daily habit: my parents would plonk me...

Poetic politics: artistic responses to sexual harassment

Art personalises and humanises the cold calculated figures, gives a face and a story to the numbers we are so used to seeing.

‘Femboys’, fads and anti-boy-band fashion: is gender fluid dressing still a distant dream?

We can only hope that, as trends usually do, the co-ed conception of fashion will trickle down from high fashion into the high street.

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