Monday, March 10, 2025

Elijah Ferrante

Is soft socialism the way forward for Labour?

Whether in Opposition or in Government, the position of (Shadow) Chancellor of the Exchequer is key to the functioning and coherence of any cabinet. You only...

Review: Caging Skies and Jojo Rabbit

When depicting the world and ideology of Nazi-Germany, the theme of childhood or the child-like figure is quite a well-used one. Key examples include...

Radical Reshuffle: Cummings Takes Back Control

To a casual observer reading the past few days’ headlines, the contents of Boris Johnson’s reshuffle of his government would have come as something...

Review: ‘American Dirt’

There was high expectation placed in American Dirt, what with Oprah Winfrey evangelising on Apple TV and a flood of celebrity endorsements on Twitter and...

Review: Don Giovanni

Premiered in 1787 in Prague and in the Habsburg court in Vienna, Mozart’s Don Giovanni offered a biting social comedy. Breathing new life into...

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