Fiona Wilson

Bonfire Night Statue and Round Up

A giant 25ft effigy is being created for Bonfire Night in a bid to raise money for charity.The wooden Guy Fawkes is being made...

Park End to be Refurbished

One of the largest nightclubs in Oxford, Park End, is about the undergo a redesign.Over the next month, Park End will be transformed into...

Clocks Go Back This Sunday

A reminder: don't forget to change all your clocks tomorrow (Sunday).

Fears over Oxford Infestation

Oxford's infested, claims an Oxford Academic, amid fears that the number of rats are on the rise in Oxford.The investigation comes after Dr Frances...

Employees Face Discipline over Facebook

Employees found misusing internet networking websites like Facebook or MySpace will face disciplinary hearings, it was warned earlier today.Local district councils, such as the...

College Warns of Unexpected Fire Hazards

Hertford College issued a warning to its students about fire safety earlier in the week after a student's pyjamas caught fire.The incident occurred when a...

Blue Plaque Unveiled

Jane Burden, wife of William Morris, was honoured with a blue plaque yesterday at St Helen's Passage, off Holywell Street.Burden, who was allegedly born...

Laptops Stolen From Office

£3000 worth of computers were stolen from an office in South Bar, Banbury, on Monday night.Four Toshiba laptops, each costing around £800, were stolen...

17-Year-Old "Seriously Ill" after Bloody Fight on High Street

Police voiced concerns about youth-culture in Oxford over the weekend, following a serious incident on High Street.A 17 Year-Old was put into a coma...

Fire at St John’s

Firefighters were called to St John's College on Friday evening, after a fire broke out in one of their student kitchens.The incident occurred when a fire...

Oxford: A Week in Pictures MT 2007, week 1

Post-Matriculation celebrations at The Turf   Share YOUR matriculation photos -  send them to online(at)!

Want to work on Cherwell24?

Want to work for Cherwell24? Updated daily throughout term time, Cherwell24 is the most up-to-date news-source in Oxford.We're looking for writers, broadcasters, photographers,...

Oxford to Cambridge by Airship

The future of travel between Oxford and Cambridge lies in airships, according to World SkyCat Ltd.The SkyCat helium balloon would carry around 200 passengers,...

Council Appeals to General Public for Photographs in Oxford Clean-Up

Oxford City Council has begun an online hall-of-shame for residents to submit their photographs of local graffiti and abandoned cars in the latest effort...

Flood Warning for Oxford Residents

Today, the government was accused by Association of British Insurers for failing to give homeowners and businesses enough money for flood defences.The insurers warned that...

Nobel Prize for Former Balliol Student

Former Balliol student Oliver Smithies will receive the 2007 Nobel Prize for Medicine, it was revealed yesterday.He, along with Martin J Evans and Mario...

Birds on Film

Zoologists at Oxford University are using newly developed video devices to record crows in the wild.Scientists have developed miniaturised video cameras, each weighing about 14...

Crackdown on Cyclists in City Centre

Police in Oxford have been cutting down on cyclists riding through pedestrianised areas of the city this week.In the second crackdown in three weeks,...

Anti-Halloween Posters to Hit Oxford

Police are looking to reduce trouble on Halloween this year through a poster campaign. The plan is to distribute posters to residents saying 'Sorry, no...

Former Oxford Student Tackles Thief

Former Oxford University student Benji Tucker was awared the High Sheriff's award for bravery, after he confronted a thief in October of last year.While...