Netflix’s popular and influential show Sex Education has received great acclaim for its honest portrayal of sexual interactions between secondary school teens. However, its...
COP26 has brought forth a multitude of images which embody the climate crisis: koalas clinging to rescue workers in Australian forest fires, polar bears...
A shock decision by Spotify has fundamentally shaped the concept of the album in the digital age. Adele’s new album, 30, can no longer be shuffled as...
"Monsters takes the listener on a whirlwind tour of raw human emotion. Whether you love or hate Odell’s marmite exposition of various moods, the album clearly provides something for everyone."
Mercurio told the Oxford Union that he tried to draw comparisons between real life policing and on-screen policing. He spoke of parallels between the deaths of Stephen Lawrence and Christopher Alder in racially-motivated attacks and the plot and name of Christopher Lawrence in Line of Duty’s season six.
When asked by Cherwell how we may tackle our own internalised misogyny and attitudes towards rape culture, Sara encouraged the audience to read testimonies and repeatedly “check yourself”
"“We are disappointed to hear that Oriel’s Governing Body will not be removing the Rhodes statue due to the regulatory and financial challenges involved in the process. Dismantling systemic racism in Oxford is one of the greatest challenges this university community has faced, but we believe this is no excuse for inaction… Cecil Rhodes is a symbol of colonialism, white supremacy, and racism, all of which have no place in Oriel College, nor any other part of this University.” "
"The marquee has capacity for 30 students, in line with government guidance. It will be open-sided and accessible, with toilets nearby. Student event organisers may bring their own food and drink or pay to have it provided by the University catering company."
Oxford University has updated their arrangements for students after 17 May, following this week’s Government announcement. Updated guidance for in-person teaching, returning to Oxford and...
"While Oxford American Society is glad that the jury returned a guilty verdict on all counts, we understand that this verdict cannot bring back the life that was lost nor does it provide justice for any of the other individuals that have fallen victim to police brutality.”
Police and Crime Commissioner candidates for Thames Valley have published their manifestos for elections on 6 May. Cherwell asked them for their views on...
Jesus College has announced a new bursary scheme that will provide financial support for Welsh students. The bursary has been developed with actor and...