Liam OConnor
Leaked examiners reports shed light on STEM’s gender woes
The documents show the University struggling to tackle a significant performance gap between male and female STEM students.
SU Council frustrated by rep absences
The meeting was four students short of reaching a quorum, so no business could be voted on.
Committee elections, a resolution to ban slates, and approval of National Union of Students affiliations were all on the agenda.
A quarter-century of inequality in Oxford’s exams
Students are twice as likely to get a first as in 1990, but women are 22% less likely to get a first than men are.
Oxford interns paid below minimum wage
Undergraduates interning in the University of Oxford’s Mathematical, Physical and Life Sciences Division last summer were paid below the minimum wage, Cherwell has learnt....
Oxford SU backs PPH inclusion in College Contribution Scheme
Oxford SU have voted unanimously this week to support the inclusion of Private Permanent Halls in the College Contribution Scheme. Regent’s Park JCR President...