Nick Hilton

Union Secretary resigns for "personal reasons"

Union Secretary Cai Wilshaw has resigned, three days after his election

“OUS -who?” ask students in elections

Administrative errors and expected low turnout for OUSU election

OUSU living wage "hypocrisy"

19 months after endorsing Living Wage Campaign, OUSU still uses cleaners paid 15% less than campaigners demand

Abortion campaigners clash on Cornmarket

UK Repent's anti-abortion protest hampered by student opposition

OUSU Council divided over gender balancing

'Angry' and 'hostile' meeting reveals splits in OUSU over failed NUS motion

Review: Girls

Nick Hilton defends his masculine right to be head-over-heels in love with Girls

Wadhamites walk to Wembley

A group of students have raised £6000 for a charity run by walking to Wembley stadium

Hilda’s joins Catz in declaring war on Magdalen

Following a JCR meeting on Sunday, St Hilda's has become the latest college to declare war on Magdalen, and has formed an alliance with St Catz

Review: Flight

Denzel Washington is flying high and not-so-dry in this 'extremely fun drama'.

St Catz declares war on Magdalen

A JCR motion to declare war on Magdalen College has passed at St Catz, prompting the common room to grant their JCR President powers to set up a war committee

Questions surround latest Ashmolean treasures

Some suggest that the Ashmolean’s most recent acquisition may contain artefacts looted from Jewish collectors

Once upon a time in Utah…

Nick Hilton looks ahead to the Sundance Festival, levelling the playing field for indie film

Review: The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey

Nick Hilton is simultaneously impressed and frustrated with Peter Jackson's dense vision of The Hobbit

140 Characters in search of a Tweeter

Nick Hilton gives you the low-down on tweeting about Film & TV, and how to make the most of microblogging

On the set of Locked In A Garage Band

Nick Hilton remembers life on the set of independent film Locked In A Garage Band, after its world premiere in London

Illyria Film Fund opens in Oxford

Nick Hilton speaks to the founders of a new film fund aimed at aspiring film-makers amongst Oxford students

Cultural Conversation Starters

A Guide to How to Appear More Interesting Than You Actually Are Through the Medium of Culture

Colleges and their Movies

A Guide to Oxford Colleges as Represented by Spurious Movie Associations

Films for Freshers

A Guide to Five Movies that Sort of Explain How Your First Term at Oxford Will Be

Batman’s Moral Maze

Nick Hilton explores the difficult political allegiances of The Dark Knight Rises