Toby Williams

May’s government: the first 100 days

May’s opening act avoids the issues which started the show

An academic education isn’t everything

Academic and vocational qualifications should be treated as equals

Nice attack: terror made at home, not abroad

Toby Williams argues that France must treat problems at home if it hopes to combat terrorism

Can 17,410,742 people be wrong?

While some may cry ‘vox populi vox dei’, it certainly wasn’t the voice of any God the people expressed last Thursday.

Georgi Pirinski: an MEP’s Brexit perspective

Toby Williams sits down with the former Deputy Prime Minister of Bulgaria and current MEP to discuss the benefits of the EU for Britain

Jeremy Corbyn: weak leadership and a middle-class fantasy

Toby Williams proposes that left-wing politics, both in Oxford and nationally, is drifting from pragmatic electability to idealist fantasy

Why is it never ‘terrorism’ when they’re white?

Toby Williams examines the racial and religious connotations of the word 'terrorist' and their dangerous political consequences