Sunday, March 16, 2025

Xin Fan

BBC boss ‘disturbed’ at number of Oxbridge employees

Mark Thompson, Director-General of the BBC, has expressed concern at the number of Oxbridge graduates occupying a large number of senior roles at the organisation

Economics module dropped

An optional finals economics module has been scrapped from next year due to a lack of tutors

Don’t apply to Oxbridge, say teachers

60% of teachers at state secondary schools would not advise even their brightest pupils to apply to Oxbridge

Armando Iannucci abseils down hospital for charity

The creator of the BBC 4 sitcom The Thick of It, has abseiled down the John Radcliffe Infirmary to raise money for the hospital's Silver Star baby unit

Oxford Council husts hotly contested

Students among number of prospective councillors hoping to win in the election on May 3

Working Titles

Xin Fan digs up a few first titles from a selection of perennial favourites

Green housing for graduates to go ahead

Summertown House set to be renovated with addition of an energy centre providing sustainable heating after residents raised concerns

Oxford applications fall

Applications to Oxford decrease as fees are set to rise, though more private school pupils and overseas students apply

£10,000 spent on fake Oxford room

East London college spends thousands recreating an Oxford Don's room to help students prepare for interviews

Report: Oxford Forum for International Development 2012

Rachel Savage meets the movers and shakers at the forefront of international development and policy, speaking to leading figures including Tim Harford and Sir Graeme Lamb.

Snog Marry Avoid? #5

Xin Fan and Vickie Morrish travel to the ends of Broad Street as they chart current opinion on which of Balliol, Wadham, and Pembroke's founders fly fine or flounder.

Cherwell: Over To You

Cherwell is recruiting now for Trinity Term 2012. What are you waiting for?

Uses of Exam Regulations

Xin Fan highlights some of the slightly less conventional applications of one of the less well-read books in Oxford

Report: Oxford Climate Forum 2012

Rachel Savage talks to top-flight figures and attendees at the biggest student-led climate change forum in the country.

Snog Marry Avoid? #4

Xin Fan and Vickie Morrish take the SMAorgasBoard to Narnia this week as the discerning Oxford townspeople give their vote on which CS Lewis creation they most approve of.

Snog Marry Avoid? #3

Xin Fan and Vickie Morrish kick off the new year with a fresh instalment of perky Oxford opinions. Which Romantic composer will our connoisseurs take note of?

Ten Things to Do in 2012

Xin Fan offers us some advice before the Mayan apocalypse takes place at the end of the year

2011: An Alternative Look

Xin Fan takes an irreverent look at the events of the last twelve months

Snog Marry Avoid? #2

Vickie Morrish and Xin Fan herald the festive period by harking the literary adorations of Oxford folk. Which renowned writer will win their reviews?

Snog Marry Avoid? #1

Vickie Morrish and Xin Fan take to the streets to investigate the aesthetic appeal of our illustrious party leaders. Which gentleman will tickle our Oxfordians' fancy?

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