Sunday, February 23, 2025

The Source

Dindymene: A Dream

And on the seventh day, we found HER temple, feasted on HER sight. Enthroned. Flanked by mammoths on both sides. There, there! Berry-ringed fingers on berry-strung vines: vision clipped with paralysed sparrow...

In the Beginning

I was alone with the earth and the sun before youcame along: there was...

To Julian – Ella O’Shea

you’re enwombed within stone, this anchorhold,wool on your skin, the draught on your feetink...


A letterA single-cell, Stuttering, Reoccurring, Scrap on /The page /Fragmented/Born from pain …A zygote...


like landmines or arms holding someone they love


Stupid rules are still rules

Addressed to the Stones:

We’re alive and beyond comparison

Sun sets, small town

So the masks are sloughed off, and my heart stretches a shining ladder, reaches

Wild Flowers

Join me as I walk past the best of gardensIts tulips nod my wayBut their colours filter through my sunglassesAnd don’t quite hit me...

Watching, Seeing

I wonder why it matters so much to me that they’re watching. When I picture you, pulling up at the side of a cobbled...

Slightly Stained

My breath is since-soured coffee and yours is sweet cigarette smoke.

The two

Its embers surround them, licking their skin and feeding their kisses.

The grey itself

Mutuality was not present that night.


The paleness of your legs made them vulnerable in the light that shone in from his bedroom window.


My books lay open all these three short years,Had time at hand to sit and space to stretch,With pavement walks, contented times quite soft,In...

Laurence and Olivia

Her feelings were in constant melancholy. When that Thursday had accumulated into a sunset, she was unmoved. The dwindling clouds did not produce in...

Ennis and Marie

Ennis reduced me from the thing I was,Rounded and massive friend of crazed Marie,And lifted me and placed me in his palmAs I were...


Of the firm landscapeMen see muchBut hold little for sure What they learn is grownBefore workGathers them into a field Each one admiresA settlingIn place,...


Heaven must beThat old dreamOf my garden, but lasting When I wake, the leavesSeem to shred In the wind like manuscripts The pollinated JunglelandBecomes a sodden...

On the relation between Autumn and Spring

The days of Spring are Autumn’s accoladeFor that it can enjoy them, unadornedWith the cloak of sparrows or with the skirt of maize,Preserving each...


Her golden plumage shivered to a mane That grew the stalks and limbs of flowers and trees

What follows is an apology

it was different back then; we didn’t know, didn’t understand…


made its blades stand sentinel and straight, made the lock stick on the kissing gate

The Philosopher on His Way to the Shops

God! Ah, fuck! By breezy decree, He’ll kick me straight to fire and rot

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