If you are reading this you most likely live in the United Kingdom. You might also, like me, be new here. As a first-year international student, I suddenly find...
It is vital to recognise when to ask for help, and to know where to ask for it. Sharing a problem can often lighten the load of the problem. That’s part of the learning experience.
“Staying with the trouble”. This was a quote from feminist geographer and all-round academic queen Donna Haraway (2016), cited in Elwood and Leszczynski’s (2018)...
"You wake up the next morning fifteen minutes before the submission deadline and after swiping through attempt after attempt of varying degrees of failure eventually arrive at the very first take."
"I have many a playlist (a surplus one might say - a boring one mind you) and each one has a very specific vibe, a specific function, a certain 'je ne sais quoi'"
And it looks as though there will be a next time. I think Trump will run, and if/when he does, he will almost certainly be the Republican nominee; frankly he will be quasi-coronated.
"There are a series of faux pas which I have witnessed (and on occasion committed) at student dinner parties, and in this short piece I hope to provide inspiration."
"The day proceeded as a series of endless lines parading back and forth, adorned in seemingly endless variations of every possible garment, in front of the same blank faces."
"The idea of writing a column about a breakfast condiment may seem fanciful, but this particular marmalade does have a genuine place in British culture."
Kobi Mohan deconstructs the perception of corruption as a historically distant or ‘foreign’ concept. Recent British and foreign governments have been involved in scandals...