Oxford's oldest student newspaper

Independent since 1920


Can the St George’s flag ever be reclaimed?

"Flying the St George’s flag, bellowing that we should be proud to be English, just seems brash, ignorant and boastful."

Eat the rich! (Unless it’s Taylor Swift?)

"Ultimately, if someone does something damaging, we should be able to criticize their actions. Even if that person is a woman, even if that woman is Taylor Swift."

Orange is the new orange – the many trials of DJ Trump

"Trump coming through these trials and remaining electable would be an indictment and a warning for institutional decay which demands a response."

The Rwanda deal: Inspiration for other countries?

"Rwanda still has the chance to be the last line of defence against this policy"

Who are Trump and Biden speaking to?

We should keep in mind when reading about American politics, who the candidates are trying to convince (or scare) in order to win. That is, in most cases, why they are saying what they are saying.

It’s time to bake a cake filled with rainbows and smiles

Oxford is too cliquey. Let's break down some barriers.

The results of the election are in, so why are we still waiting for the verdict on fees?

We need to know the parties' higher education policies to make an informed choice

5 Minute Tute: Human Evolution

Prof Peter Mitchell explains the wonders of our ancestry

A Lot to Bragg About

When it comes to talking to Melvyn Bragg, Joseph King isn't sure who's doing the interviewing

The Wrongs of Politics and Our Right to Vote

Daily Mail former political editor David Seymour talks to Joseph King about his book Why Vote?

Forget the red top. Next Thursday, we’re going yellow

Dr Steve Goddard is the clear choice for Oxford East

Everybody’s at it and nobody’s judging. Try something new today

Without wanting to sound too like the opening of an underprepared essay, what does it mean to be 'gay'? We're not going to get...

Totally Major

Theo Merz meets John Major. Also known as the one before Blair, but after Thatcher.

‘We are all slaves to carbon’

Intellectual leaders are needed to set an example of restraint

Cameron’s great mistake

If the first rule of a political campaign is ‘never give a sucker an even break', David Cameron has clearly failed to abide by...

I’m no femme fatale

Lose the stereotypes and let's have a proper argument says Izzy Boggild-Jones

The road ahead for Sri Lanka’s president

Electoral success for the Tiger-slayer, but what next?

Religion, condoms, and bears

Henry Carr weighs up the Catholic Church and Revolution Islam

The 80s are back

Unions are the reactionary force controlling the Labour Party

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