Oxford's oldest student newspaper

Independent since 1920


North Korea and the Global Nuclear Order review – “An excellent account”

Dr Edward Howell, whose columns in the Spectator and the Telegraph are among the few intelligent and readable things left in those outlets, has produced an excellent account of...

A Revolution Betrayed by Peter Hitchens review – In Defence of Grammar Schools

Review – A Revolution Betrayed: How Egalitarians Wrecked the British Education System by Peter...

Veranilda by George Gissing review – The best historical novel never written

George Gissing remains the most underrated novelist in the English language. He wrote twenty-three...

Politics on the Edge by Rory Stewart review – “The prime minister we never had”

This is a marvellous book, a memoir of Rory Stewart’s nine years in Parliament,...

The Conservative Effect, 2010-2024 review: “Comprehensive and damning”

If you only read one book on British politics this year, make it this one. 

Painting the moment

Cherwell meets painter Clova Stuart-Hamilton to discuss Oxford Art Weeks, painting Calpol, and ‘in the moment-ness’

A right repentant madam

May Anderson is entertained by The City Madam

Review: Smother

Wild Beasts return with a cleaner, more atmospheric album

Papa Loach… and son

Cherwell takes a look at Ken Loach in the wake of the directorial debut of his son, Jim

Review: The Rover

Fiamma Mazzocchi Alemanni is wooed by Restoration comedy, The Rover

Review: She Was Yellow

May Anderson is provoked by a five-star production of a stunning piece of new writing

Review: Beastly

This revisiting of Beauty and the Beast set in high school makes The Twilight Saga look like a masterpiece

Review: The Miners’ Hymns

Jóhann Jóhannsson delivers an avant-garde concept album inspired by the miners of North East England

The Icelander at the coalface

En Liang Khong talks to Jóhann Jóhannsson about failed utopias and his new album, The Miners’ Hymns

Review: DNA

This play about a group of teenagers trying to escape the consequences of their actions is put on as part of Catz Arts Week, 25-28 May

Review: Glengarry Glen Ross

David Mamet's tale of capitalism and its vices is on at Keble O’Reilly, 25-28 May

Review: The Government Inspector

May Anderson is delighted by a farcical piece of outdoor theatre

Derelict in Menfi

Will Granger captures the atmosphere of a derelict Menfi in Sicily

Week In Pictures (3)

Kathleen Bloomfield captures Oxford's beautiful countryside

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