Oxford's oldest student newspaper

Independent since 1920


North Korea and the Global Nuclear Order review – “An excellent account”

Dr Edward Howell, whose columns in the Spectator and the Telegraph are among the few intelligent and readable things left in those outlets, has produced an excellent account of...

A Revolution Betrayed by Peter Hitchens review – In Defence of Grammar Schools

Review – A Revolution Betrayed: How Egalitarians Wrecked the British Education System by Peter...

Veranilda by George Gissing review – The best historical novel never written

George Gissing remains the most underrated novelist in the English language. He wrote twenty-three...

Politics on the Edge by Rory Stewart review – “The prime minister we never had”

This is a marvellous book, a memoir of Rory Stewart’s nine years in Parliament,...

The Conservative Effect, 2010-2024 review: “Comprehensive and damning”

If you only read one book on British politics this year, make it this one. 

Signs of the times

Cherwell photographers were out to record the messages left around Oxford.

First night review: Troilus and Cressida

An ancient tale full of modern twists

The fight continues…

The vote on tuition fee hikes passed but the student movement hasn't lost its vigour...

Music replay

A look at how listening has developed over the years

Review: Joan As Police Woman

Joan As Police Woman's new album veers away from the emotional loss that shaped previous outings

Review: Cold War Kids

Cold War Kids move away from their once distinctive sound in their new album

Review: Bruno Mars

Patrick Scott looks at Bruno Mars' long-awaited debut album.

Why we can’t afford to cut our libraries

Philip Pullman and others defend the importance of local libraries

A trip into the darkness of nazist paranoia

Concepta Cassar is shaken by a strong adaptation of Brecht

Chinese New Year’s Gala

Clare Richards and Maryam Ahmed went to see the glitter and light of the Chinese New Year's gala to bring us a piece of the wonderful Oxonian diversity



The poet’s Saul

Concepta Cassar is introduced to poetic dancing with Saul Williams

‘I’d like to thank my hamster’

Cherwell takes a quick look at the Oscar nominations

Review: The Fighter

Cherwell finds Christian Bale on top form in the much-awaited David O. Russell film

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