Sunday, March 9, 2025


Sextigation 2025: Top one percent of shaggers do 15% of all shagging

You may have seen the headlines about income inequality – the top one percent in Britain earn somewhere around 15% of all income. Cherwell’s fourth annual Sextigation has found an inequality just...

“All faiths and none?”: What college chapels can offer their students

The rustle of a scholar’s gown. Dappled evening light glowing behind a stained-glass saint....

You wouldn’t steal a Cherwell article: AI and copyright infringement

Hello, Cherwell reader! Think this is a good article? A TikToker probably thinks so...

Much ado about funding: Financing Oxford student theatre

Last term, I performed in my first show at Oxford University, and I couldn’t...

THRIVE OR SURVIVE? Experiences from Year Abroad

BERLIN - Marte van der Graaf I didn’t want to go on a year abroad at all. I remember telling my mum at the end of...

The Problem with Plush: Oxford’s Disappearing Queer Scene

TW: contains discussion of hate crimes, especially anti-trans violence Navigating the world as a queer person is exhausting. In every new situation, when meeting...

Modi’s India: Division Over Democracy

Demonstrations have been met with harsh police crackdowns and resulted in international outcry; it appears to all that the sanctity of human rights has been cast aside in the world’s largest democracy.

Truth and Technology: a Fraught Relationship

Recent discussion on the topic of so-called ‘fake news’ has exponentially grown. The use of the term “fake news” itself has increased by 40x...

Rebranding Climate Change: An Imagery Crisis

We have no time to sit and mourn the collapse of a single ice cap or, more brutally, the death of a few Arctic polar bears; we are now facing a human crisis, with human impacts. To stop large-scale death and destruction in the world’s poorest areas, we must act now.

100 Years of Sexism in the United Nations

This week marks 100 years since the League of Nations, parent to the United Nations, was founded at the 1920 Paris Peace Conference. The...

Opinion – Authentically Insincere: the conflict between sincerity and authenticity in British Politics

After nine years of Tory rule, voters have looked at our country and said ‘yeah, this is good, more of the same.’ How did this...

Interview: James Fredrickson, Conservative candidate for Oxford West and Abingdon

After a day of canvassing and lengthy hustings, James Frederickson is full of energy as we sit down in Leon for a ‘short and...

Extinction Rebellion: One Year On

"The events of the last two weeks have divulged the reality of Extinction Rebellion. "

Brazil: What Happened to South America’s biggest democracy?

IN FOCUS: Julia Willemyns explores the democracy of Bolsorano's Brazil

#AmINext sheds light on us all

CW: Violence, sexual assault In South Africa, women are shining a spotlight on the government’s glaring failure to halt the sustained and rising tide of...

Homelessness: An Undying Crisis of Invisibility

On a Tuesday afternoon on Bromley High Street, in London’s most south-eastern borough, It doesn’t come as a surprise to witness many of the homeless...

A Very British Coup

‘It’s a drama fit for the stage, not for Parliament, and it looks like something out of another century.’

Anarchy unmasked; Peterloo 200 years on

Felicity Victoria Graham discusses the 200th anniversary of The Peterloo Massacre and what we could learn from it

In the Spotlight, at Last

After a week as Prime Minister, has Boris Johnson set himself up to fail?

The Rise of Podcast Journalism

Exploring the new media phenomenon

The long read: the libertarian links of a private tuition programme

The Oxford Study Abroad Programme faces a worrying lack of scrutiny.

The long read: the politics of Eurovision 2019

This year's Eurovision was filled with political controversy over the failed boycott, held due to the competition being hosted in Israel.

The new body movement

Why the rise of the body neutrality movement is cause for celebration.

From Kowloon to Kennedy Town

An exploration of the hidden beauty and history of Hong Kong's tram line.

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