Monday, January 20, 2025


What Gisèle Pelicot can teach us about student consent workshops 

"Consent is not just a rule dictated in an isolated workshop."

Smoke and mirrors: Oxford’s changing smoking culture

Behind a constant veil of thick tobacco smoke, students relax and chat in a...

Intoxtigation 2024: Merton drinks least, Christ Church most, and two thirds tipsy around tutors

In an Oxford first, the Cherwell Features team gathered data from 1,250 students on all things drinking.

Bridging the gap to a better clubbing scene

Oxford's monopolised club scene dampens the creativity and expression of young artists.

Brazil: What Happened to South America’s biggest democracy?

IN FOCUS: Julia Willemyns explores the democracy of Bolsorano's Brazil

#AmINext sheds light on us all

CW: Violence, sexual assault In South Africa, women are shining a spotlight on the government’s glaring failure to halt the sustained and rising tide of...

Homelessness: An Undying Crisis of Invisibility

On a Tuesday afternoon on Bromley High Street, in London’s most south-eastern borough, It doesn’t come as a surprise to witness many of the homeless...

A Very British Coup

‘It’s a drama fit for the stage, not for Parliament, and it looks like something out of another century.’

Anarchy unmasked; Peterloo 200 years on

Felicity Victoria Graham discusses the 200th anniversary of The Peterloo Massacre and what we could learn from it

In the Spotlight, at Last

After a week as Prime Minister, has Boris Johnson set himself up to fail?

The Rise of Podcast Journalism

Exploring the new media phenomenon

The long read: the libertarian links of a private tuition programme

The Oxford Study Abroad Programme faces a worrying lack of scrutiny.

The long read: the politics of Eurovision 2019

This year's Eurovision was filled with political controversy over the failed boycott, held due to the competition being hosted in Israel.

The new body movement

Why the rise of the body neutrality movement is cause for celebration.

From Kowloon to Kennedy Town

An exploration of the hidden beauty and history of Hong Kong's tram line.

How Ukraine’s comedian-president is reshaping national identity

What is the future of Ukraine's wary yet hopefully electorate?

Eating like a caveman

We must resist the recent movement towards counterfactual dietary and health advice.

The UCU strikes, one year on

Abby Ridsill-Smith explores the new and continuing priorities of the UCU

The demonisation of antifascist protestors cannot continue

"Throughout these myopic, finger-pointing generalisations, it soon becomes easy to forget that those protesting outside the Union are united behind a cause we all sympathise with. They are saying no to fascism, racism and hate speech."

Behind the curtain of opera’s accessibility crisis

Josh Taylor explores opera's apparent lack of appeal

Oxfess – the good, the bad and the ugly

Niuniu Zhao investigates what Oxfess can tell us about Oxford's student culture

The Gilets Jaunes and working class anger

Daniil Ukhorskiy sets out to understand the Gilets Jaunes on a walk through Paris

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