
Reflections on the perils of overthinking

here is a lot to be said for blind positivity. On a good day, I’m a manifester, a big believer in my ability to speak things into existence. During my English A-Level, I had complete confidence that the crystals hidden in my bra would provide enough luck to snag me an A*. Today, I put great faith in words, relying on the same ‘I can do it’ that gets Olympic athletes across the finish line, to help me through difficult situations.

The fourth year: Oxford after your year abroad

I’m now in my fourth year, and as such, must grapple with the reality of my Oxford days drawing to a close. Granted, this is something that every student must contend with, and I watched on as most of my friends bade a fond farewell to this city where our friendships began when they graduated last summer. Yet there is something about the fourth year that I’m certain makes the final year even more strange: a sense of something already lost, of living in a moment that has already passed.

An evening at Pierre Victoire: French bistro dining at its best

Pierre Victoire has been here on Little Clarendon Street for decades – one of...

Being Cupid isn’t easy: What I learned from a term of running Cherpse

Now, having exhausted myself with these relentless pursuits, the job has been passed on to a new bright-eyed Cupid, and in my retirement I’ve become fondly reflective, and decided to curate my insights into this list: 

The Importance of Lentils

A delicious recipe for lentil bolognese.

Comfort food of China

When my parents and my older brother arrived at the Los Angeles airport in the spring of 1997, their worth became one-tenth of what...

Review: Lincoln College Hall

Lincoln College likes very much to boast about its reputation for the best food in Oxford – something which had me, an unashamedly pretentious...

The Unscheduled Life of a History Student

I round the corner. The door is in sight. I make awkward eye contact with the person coming the other way down the path...

Between a rock and a hard place

This week I went rock climbing at the Brookes Sports Centre. For 9 pounds you get to strap yourself into very hard shoes and pull...

Finding friends: what’s the hurry?

We talk about the rat race: the fiercely competitive struggle for success, the unrelenting battle we rage against our peers to come out on top. But...

Girl not (quite) Goddess

Maybe the myths are true; veganism actually does make you feel like a saint.

An Oxford Supermarket Guide

A student friendly review of where you should do your shopping in Oxford.

A Guide to Oxford College Bars

The best college bars to go to for your different drinking needs

A Definitive Guide to the Falafel and Hummus wraps of Oxford, ranked

1. The Alternative Tuck Shop The sandwich-press finish and unrivalled chat from our much-loved staff members means ATS’s offering is the true pinnacle of chickpea-based...

St. Anne’s vegan hall change

A proper vegan option has finally been added to the St Anne's menu.

Final year blues

All work and no play make Jack a dull boy. I’m inclined to believe that Jack would have had a quarter life crisis regardless of the...

Oxford’s top 10 food stops

They say your second brain is in your stomach. If you’re stuck on that essay or problem sheet, why not let it do some thinking? Try these to get you started.

Food on Film

Food is an important sensual vehicle used in films.

Playing with food: how meals turn political

Food is more than just a means of sustenance; it can take on significant political and social meaning.

Street food: Genuine or gentrified?

Camden Market in Central London has always been famous for its street food. It was the kind of food that was as likely to...

Impossible heights: meat-free meat turns hyper-realistic

Two weeks ago, fast-food giant Burger King hit the headlines with the announcement that customers would soon be able to find the ‘Impossible Whopper’...

Restaurant review: Rick’s Kitchen

Oliver Black writes about his chance encounter with Rick and his kitchen.

Rate my tinny!

It's 2019's first heatwave and that means tinnies in the park. But why settle for lager when you can have cocktails? Ellen Sharman reviews what's on offer.

Lady Pat. R. Honising – First, Blue, or Spouse?

"A first unfortunately doesn’t happen overnight, honey."