Moosa Harraj running for the #Bridge slate has been elected Union President for Michaelmas Term 2025 with 833 first preferences, by a margin of around 200 votes over Chris...
Key donors preventing the society from going under includes an adviser to a Saudi-Arabian minister, who has overseen more than 80% of fundraising for a key Union initiative.
Keble MCR has published a report encouraging JCRs and MCRs to revise their financial relationship with the Oxford University Student Union while remaining affiliated...
Oxford University should cut its ties with UK government to go private “loudly and proudly,” according to a senior research professor at the University,...
An Oxford chemistry graduate planning to launch the first English language newspaper in Iraq for more than a decade. The Baghdad Bulletin, the brainchild...
An extraordinary thing happened in Oxford UCCE’s game against Hampshire. Oxford declared on the final afternoon, setting Hampshire a target and giving both sides...
Oxford postgraduates will soon find themselves scouted by exam boards to mark A-level and GCSE scripts matter of months after sitting their own finals,...
Antonella Magnani, 28, recently sat her final law exam while in labour in a hospital delivery room, after college authorities concluded that giving birth...
Angry York residents are lying in wait every night for unsuspecting student revellers, after the University’s Vice-Chancellor has offered a reward for information relating...
Schizophrenic weather changes, grass stains, undercooked beefburgers, and a mixed-bag of bands: last weekend, Wadham College managed to recreate the authentic summer festival feeling...
The Turf is synonymous with matriculation, mods, finals and student scum. Its mistreatment by absurdly-dressed, braying idiots, commences with the ceremony that makes one...
In 1953, a year after deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) was identified as the molecule that carries the biochemical information responsible for the physiology, anatomy and...