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Beware colleges bearing gifts of welfare provision

Agatha Christie called herself a “perfect sausage machine”, but her approach to murder was positively schizophrenic compared to the tabloids’ formulaic techniques.

The perfect tabloid story drips in pathos and outrage. In the case of Lucy Braham’s murder, pathos was easily achieved by juxtaposing the contorted image of William Jaggs with the beaming smile of his innocent victim. Outrage, meanwhile, relies on the sound bites of relatives, particularly those comments that apportion blame.

So Harrow School came in for the greatest criticism when Braham’s father noted that “despite visible, spoken and written warnings about Jaggs’ behaviour…no action was ever taken”.

But Jason Braham also pointed the finger at the “despicable drugs fraternity at Oxford University”. The red tops ignored this, though, since drugs at university is as mundane a topic as pills in a pharmacy (until you reach the Cabinet, at least, and Jacqui Smith’s experiences with cannabis in Oxford were only really of public interest because her surname rhymes with “spliff”).

Those few columnists that didn’t ignore the “drugs fraternity” remark merely noted in passing that Oxford might somehow have failed Jaggs.

Uncharacteristically, they didn’t dig their teeth in because the lines are too blurred: a university is clearly more than a glorified boarding school, and yet for undergraduates it is far from a nine-to-five workplace. Nor is it a halfway house between school and work.

All but a handful of Oxford undergraduates have reached the age of majority and are legally responsible for their actions. But the moral responsibility of parents towards children does not end at the stroke of midnight on their eighteenth birthday. Which is lucky, because most workplaces do not feel the need to provide for the personal welfare needs of workers under the age of 22.

Why should the University or its colleges act any differently? Why should they worry about anything other than our academic welfare? It’s easy to argue that the intensity of an Oxford course (living and working in the same place) warrants greater provision of personal care.

But far from being helpful, the immaturity of this argument does none of us any favours. It ignores the unspeakable truth: that in many cases, students bring their academic difficulties upon themselves with excessive partying, drinking and drug use. And no college is going to make provision for these personal problems without wanting to tackle their origins. After all, prevention is better than cure… and more cost-effective.

Unfortunately, prevention means protective parenting as well as Orwellian measures unworthy of a fifteen-year-old. “Your essay this week was weak… and I notice that on Monday you returned to College thirteen minutes after the 9pm curfew.”

The consequences of a parental college run deeper: could we honestly expect the powers-that-be to take the views of a JCR seriously with such an asymmetric relationship in place? Scouts and gardeners would be more influential than undergraduates. They would have the power of employment law behind them; we would be subject to that curious law that makes parents always right.

Of course it is commendable that the door is left open for students who have genuine difficulty with their work; indeed, that even students such as Jaggs have a place held for them is reassuring. We are all human and the luxury of a second chance is very welcome.

However, we should resist colleges ever supervising the rehabilitation of those who have gone wrong for personal reasons; even acting in an advisory capacity, colleges must be kept in check. In crude terms, a college is generous to say “come back when you’ve sorted yourself out”, but it is taking liberties (quite literally) when it tries to do the “sorting” itself.

In this respect, Oriel’s tutors acted perfectly with Jaggs. But it is still possible to provide a reasonable level of care to students without compromising the relationship between college and student. This is where the role of the student union lies. Colleges and JCR welfare teams should be able to confidently refer beleaguered students to OUSU, whether for lack of publicity or effectiveness, this has not been the case.Effective student union welfare provision wouldn’t stop another Jaggs, but it would keep overzealous colleges at bay.

The latest review of drug legislation must not give in to media pressure

Endless newspaper reports link cannabis with suicides, murders and assaults. The headlines are dramatic: "Another cannabis teenager in knife killing: Boy on skunk butchered a grandmother"; "Get tough on skunk or more will die"; "Cannabis addiction soars as drug gets stronger"; and so on.

Is this a case of ‘moral panic’, or are concerns about the mental health effects, amid claims that cannabis is as much as 20 to 30 times stronger than in the past, justified? Did the reclassification of cannabis from Class B to C send out ‘the wrong message’ that it is safe, or at least less harmful than before?

Cannabis is a potentially harmful drug. A few years ago, I heard an advocate for cannabis legalisation claim that the worst that can happen if you smoke too much is fall asleep. Does anyone today believe such nonsense? The Independent on Sunday, which had campaigned for the drug to be decriminalised, doesn’t: it declared an about turn with the front page headline:
"Cannabis, an apology".

In July the Prime Minister announced a review of cannabis classification, the second since the drug was reclassified in January 2004. The Government’s expert advisory body, the Advisory Council on the Misuse of Drugs (ACMD), reviewed the evidence two years ago and recommended the status quo. But the Home Secretary, in her recent letter to the Chair of the ACMD, said, "There is real public concern…in particular the use of stronger forms of the drug, commonly known as skunk."

It was also reported in July that a new study, published in The Lancet, found that cannabis users are 40 percent more likely to develop a psychotic illness and that smoking just one joint a day could double the risk of schizophrenia. Surely compelling and persuasive evidence that the harmfulness of cannabis has been underestimated? Well, it would be if the reports accurately reflected what the authors of the study concluded. Echoing the findings of the ACMD in 2005, the study found a consistent association between cannabis use and psychotic symptoms (sufficient to highlight the risks) but emphasised that an association does not establish causation.

Cannabis can worsen mental health problems or trigger relapse and may for a small proportion of the population trigger the onset of serious problems. But many people with mental health problems use cannabis to self-medicate, to relieve the symptoms of their condition or the effects of medication. Over 10 million adults (between ages 16 and 59) have used cannabis with around 3 million having done so in the past 12 months. The vast majority have not come to obvious harm, but quantifying those who do is fraught with difficulties. As yet, there is no evidence to confirm that the incidence of schizophrenia has increased in the last 30 years, despite a significant increase in cannabis use.

The cannabis market in the UK has changed substantially, which may explain why (not least among our politicians) there is the belief that the drug is ‘different’ from what it used to be and inevitably more potent. Ten years ago about 90 percent was imported, with cannabis resin (mostly from Morocco) dominating. Today up to 60 percent is grown here in the UK and sold in leaf or ‘herbal’ form. But not all ‘herbal’ cannabis is skunk (sinsemilla), indeed gangs responsible for many of the UK’s cannabis factories tend to use faster-growing, less potent plants. The average THC content (the main psychoactive constituent) of skunk has doubled over the last ten years or so and is on average twice as potent as resin: a worrying increase, but not of the magnitude some claim.

Cannabis is a harmful drug and reclassification did cause some confusion. But based on the overall harms caused, and compared with some other drugs (legal and illegal), it is not our greatest problem, yet it receives disproportionate media and political attention.

Since reclassification, levels of use have actually fallen, particularly among young people, although patterns of use can change. The latest review matters because it will test whether drug policy is proportionate and evidence-based, or driven (even in part) by media headlines and political considerations.

Martin Barnes is Chief
Executive of DrugScope

OUSU doesn’t need a fresh start: it needs to regain students’ support


Last term wasn’t the best for OUSU: disaffiliations, an (arguably) botched referendum campaign and a general feeling of dissatisfaction in many quarters of the student body led many to question the Student Union’s very existence.

But let’s get things in perspective.

The last year also saw a number of refreshing changes: a profit in our budget (reversing a financial crisis from the year before), greater engagement in our campaigns, and a restructuring that made the union more accessible and efficient.

OUSU has gone through its fair share of ‘crises’ in its 43-year history; those of Trinity 2007 weren’t the first and they probably won’t be the last. While Trinity can teach us one lesson – that talk of “change” and “reform” can only go on for so long – OUSU’s history teaches us that we are most strong when we engage with common rooms, support students, and deliver real results.

I was asked to write about how I hoped to make a “fresh start” in OUSU this year. In many ways, it’s not about a fresh start: organisations that constantly try to reinvent themselves don’t get that much done. It’s more about building on the good things that have been done over the recent years and learning from the mistakes we’ve made.

To start off we’ll be launching a major publicity campaign, beginning at Freshers’ Fair this week and carrying on through the term, that won’t just be talking about OUSU’s structures, policies or Council, but about the things we’ve been campaigning on and the real results we’ve delivered for students.

We’ll be talking about the fact that the Safety Bus is back for the first time in two years, making sure that students get home safely from our ZOO club nights (and any other nights, for that matter!).

We’ll be talking about our Student Advice Service and how we’re continuing to provide a free, impartial and confidential listening service to support Oxford Students; providing advice when things don’t go quite as planned.

And we’ll be talking about our successful campaign, which will hopefully come to fruition this year, to persuade the University to adopt a Socially Responsible Investment policy and make sure that the money used to fund our education is invested ethically.

But this can’t be a one-way conversation. Fundamentally, we want to be talking about the issues and concerns that matter most to you. You can email us on [email protected] and let us know what your top priorities are.

It’s important to remember that this is your Union. The policies we adopt, the views we represent and the issues we campaign on are all driven by JCRs, MCRs, SUs and students from across the University. In Sixth Week, we’ll be electing not only the full time officers for next year, but also the 13 member OUSU Executive who begin their term of office in Hilary Term; current students who run the Student Union and play a major part in shaping the priorities and direction of the organisation. We want as many people as possible to get involved to lead our campaigns and to represent students. Recently, I heard one JCR President say that participation is the key to invigorating colleges and Common Rooms. He couldn’t be more right and the same goes for OUSU and the University. The next year is going to be an exciting and important one but only with your energy, enthusiasm and involvement.

Got the Blues?

PERHAPS Oxford’s least-trumpeted asset is its ability to offer its students almost unparalleled opportunities to become involved in competitive sport whilst at university. Finding your own way through the maze that is Oxford sport can be daunting and difficult, however, so Cherwell has put together a brief, and hopefully informative, guide to explain sport underneath those dreaming spires.

University Sport

At the top of the Oxford sports pyramid are the university teams (referred to generally as the “Blues”), which compete in a range of sports from the traditional (rugby, netball) to the obscure (real tennis, fives). Blues sport generally requires a level of commitment that can leave little time for much else when work is also taken into account. The rewards, however, are worth it, especially if you are selected to play in a Varsity match against Cambridge. The Tabs, as the Light Blues are known in these parts, are the sworn enemy of every Oxonian, and the experience of defeating them in a Varsity fixture, no matter what the sport or level, is one that you’ll never forget.
Others, however, will tell you that it’s “all about the stash”, which Blues sportsmen and women are particularly fond of showing off everywhere from your 9am lecture to The Bridge. You simply cannot escape stash in Oxford as its students, for some mysterious reason, still really want to show off that Oxford University Trampoline Club hoodie that they “earned” in Michaelmas of their first year.
But Blues sport at its best is more than deserving of all that embroidered nylon. The rugby side draw large crowds as they take on Premiership sides with bold, running rugby. The netball girls will blow you away when you catch them in action and the rowers aren’t too bad either…

College Sport

For the slightly less gifted and the much less committed, inter-college sport offers a truly fantastic mix of leagues, rivalries and legends. Colleges range from the über-sporty (Teddy Hall, Catz) to places where balls and exercise are practically banned (Merton, Trinity).
The most popular sports have leagues that are keenly contested and reported and all sports have a Cuppers competition – essentially a knock-out tournament between the colleges.
College sport itself also offers many levels of participation – you’ll spend as much time playing alongside a Blue in the first XV as you do frustrated at the dropped catches of the quiet kid from biochemistry you spoke to once in fresher’s week. Most of all, however, you’ll drop to your knees and thank UCAS that you go to university in a town that must have the highest number of picturesque, well-maintained sports grounds in the world per head.
On the stash front, college kit is generally a bit cheaper and less dark blue than its university equivalent. It is still highly prized, however, especially cheap polo shirts from Primark that can be printed by those helpful chaps at Elmer Cotton.


Rowing is an integral part of Oxford life, and you really should experience it in some way at least once if you get the chance. What you get from the Isis will depend on whether you’re an ultra-competitive, tireless monster, or someone who just wants to mess about on the river.
The first option is to jump right in this term, with 6am wake-ups, frostbite and discovering a mythical machine known as the “erg”. Training for college first and second boats is extremely serious, especially at the “Big Three” of Pembroke, Oriel and Magdalen. You’ll certainly make lots of friends very quickly but, unfortunately, they’ll all be rowers.
An alternative is to wait until Trinity term and catch crabs while the sun shines. Afternoon training, silly costumes and copious amounts of Pimm’s are the order of the day, and Summer Eights is an event not to be missed in the Oxford sporting calendar.

Cherwell’s Guide to Oxford Sports Talk

Blue, a
Awarded to those who compete in a first team Varsity match. Only an elite of sports are awarded Full Blue status, the rest are only given Half Blues.

Blues, the
General term referring to a university first team in eligible sports.

For women, a girl who likes a good sportsman on her arm. For men, someone who hangs out with Blues in order to get himself ahead.

Crew Date
Your team goes for a curry or to  hall with a team or boat from another college, preferably of the opposite sex. There are good crew dates and bad, but never sober ones.
Inter-college competition. Winning ensures legendary status, at least until the end of term.

Elmer Cotton
Turl Street-based sports shop. Flash the Bod Card for discounts.

Iffley Road
Site of the university sports centre, rugby, football and hockey pitches, swimming pool and athletics track. Take the third exit at the Plain roundabout as you head towards Cowley.

What you will be forced to go through in order to gain the acceptance of your older, wiser team mates. You’ll enjoy it a whole lot more next year.
Isis, the
River where rowing takes place, found at the bottom of St. Aldate’s. Prone to reaching dangerous levels at even the slightest drop of rain.

Parks, the
Home to the Blues’ cricket and lacrosse sides, as well as a few college teams.

A player obtained from somewhere else (usually Brookes) to compete in a College game. Frowned upon, but rarely reported to the authorities.

Worn everywhere, prized above a first-class degree, obtaining rooms full of the stuff is the single most important thing you can do in your time in Oxford.

Essential and dedicated for Blues teams, optional and ill-attended at college level.

Invitation-only social club for male members of university sides. And Blue-tack, if they’re lucky.

Can New steal Worcester’s crown?

IT’S a familiar scenario at the outset of what promises to be another compelling season of college football as the chasing pack look to wrestle the Premier League title from a Worcester side out to retain their crown for the third time in succession.
With flame-haired goal machine Mike Hobbiss having graduated, this could be the year where the likes of New College begin a new Oxford football dynasty of their own.
For New’s captain Tom Howell, thoughts of what might have been last season still linger. “Many of our boys still feel robbed of the league last year after a shocking linesman decision cost us three points against Worcester” he said. “We will be fighting for top spot again this year but still expect Worcester to be the team to beat.”
The other Premiership side to watch will be St. Anne’s, whose remarkable 2006-07 season ended with promotion from Division One as champions and a Cuppers final appearance after an odds-defying run. Having proved their strength in defeating Premiership opposition last season, captain Ryan Fox is confident that his side can cope with the step up in class this year.
“It’ll be real test to deal with the quality of the Premier Division” he said, “but with last year’s cup run behind us, there’s no reason why we can’t at least hold our own. We’ve also retained almost all of last year’s side, so with a few decent freshers we should have  enough strength in depth to last the season.
“A great deal depends on our giant striker Ed Border, who was the driving force behind last season’s success. As well as being a fantastic target man, he’s also one of the most skilful players in college football, so it will be an important season for him.”
The First Division is shaping up to be Oxford’s most competitive this year, with almost every side looking to make a decent stab at promotion.
Relegated St. Catherine’s, St. Hugh’s and Keble will want to make a speedy return to top flight football, whilst the likes of Somerville, Magdalen and newly-promoted Exeter will be keen to deny their more esteemed rivals promotion to the elite league.
Exeter can draw on a fine Cuppers run last year where they defeated Premiership sides Catz and Teddy Hall, before succumbing to eventual winners Brasenose. “We managed to beat Hall 8-0 in the cup” said captain Daivd Lee, “so we shouldn’t be written off in Division One this season. We’ll take things one game at a time, but with Jon George, who bagged 23 goals for us last season, we’ll be more than a match for anyone in this league.”
For Keble, however, anything less than promotion is not an option after being relegated last year despite only finishing two points of third spot.
“The end of last season was very frustrating” says captain Sebastian Singh. “We’re definitely not going to underestimate this division, but we should have enough quality and strength in depth to go straight back up.”

Oxford blow away Tabs at Lord’s

Oxford maintained their proud record in Varsity cricket with a comprehensive six wicket victory over Cambridge in the one-day fixture after the four-day match was hit by rain.
It was the Blues’ second consecutive limited-overs victory over the Tabs, and they haven’t been defeated in the longer form of the game since 1998.
Macadam, Dingle, Woods and Hobiss all picked up a brace of wickets to dismiss Cambridge for a total of 135, a score that was never going to be terribly competitive.
Oxford still had a lot of work to do in tricky conditions, but unbeaten 40s from Alex Ball and Spencer Crawley ensured the victory.

Cambridge dropout denied Boat Race Blue

The Oxbridge boat race committee has refused to award a Cambridge rower a Blue after he failed to complete his academic course and instead returned to the German national team to prepare for the Beijing Olympics.
Thorsten Engelmann, a former World Championships silver medallist, left during the second year of his economics degree, making him the first Boat Race participant in decades to not receive a Blue despite helping his team to victory.
Engelmann’s departure was in breach of a Joint Understanding between the Oxford and Cambridge University Boat Clubs, which states that all members of the crew must be enrolled and residing at either University for the full academic year in which the race takes place. The rules are intended to avoid either university ‘parachuting in’ international rowers merely to win the Boat Race.
The Vice-Chancellors of both universities are rumoured to have discussed the matter and lawyers have been consulted for suitable action.
OUBC President Nick Brodie condemned Cambridge for knowingly allowing Engelmann’s participation. “Cambridge admitted to us that on the day of the race he knew he would not, and nor did he intend to complete his course, hence a blatant breach of the rules,” he said. “At the end of the  day we were the second boat to cross the finish line and this will always be the case, however according to the rules we were the first eligible crew to cross the finish line.”
Both clubs intend to pursue the matter further and will be meeting several times in coming months to reach a resolution.
“As President of OUBC this year I will ensure that this matter is properly addressed and not merely swept under the rug with the removal of a Blue, not only for last year’s boat but because it is my duty to uphold the standards and traditions of the Boat Race,” he said.
Chairman of the Boat Race Company Ltd, Giles Vardey, said in a statement, “It is our job to protect the integrity of the Race. The organisers of the Boat Race and the University Boat Clubs are guardians of one of the greatest amateur sporting events in the world.
“We all view very seriously any behaviour that is inconsistent with Boat Race traditions,” he added.
Engelmann was unavailable for comment at time of going to press.

Catz reign supreme once more

N A REPEAT of the 2006 Cuppers Final, Queen’s/Wycliffe were seeking revenge against Catz, who, although strengthened by Vadim Varvarin and Matt Brooke-Hitching, were lacking the all important no.1: Blues player Tim Weir.
In the first round Catz had the advantage, but after barely one set of play the rain poured down on the Queen’s courts. As the players huddled in the Queen’s pavilion, the teams agreed to relocate to the “magical” Catz/Trinity courts, where Catz had won their Quarter Final fixture only 3 weeks previously, in the pouring rain.
As if rehearsing for Wimbledon, the clouds returned and another heavy shower rained down, this time on the Catz courts, but it finally cleared, and play got underway, Brooke-Hitching and Luke Reeve Tucker salvaged a draw against Tyler and Thomas, the strong Queens 2nd pair.
The Catz 3rd pairing, Taylor and Iltchev, also halved against Carpenter and Craig, the Queens 1st pair. Varvarin and Szlachcic had little trouble in overcoming Grainger and Stott, the Queens 3rd pair, with a convincing 6-0, 6-1 win, making the overall score 4-2 in Catz’s favour.
In the Second Round, Reeve Tucker and Brooke-Hitching forced their way past Grainger and Stott, but Iltchev and Taylor struggled to draw with Tyler and Thomas, who raised their game having been a break down in each set. The Queens 1st pair gained a good win against Varvarin and Szlachcic, taking advantage of Varvarin’s twisted ankle. The score stood at 7-5.
In the final round, Varvarin and Szchachic lost 6-4, 7-5, despite being close to winning the second set, while the battle of the third pairs was won by Iltchev and Taylor.
At 8pm, 7 hours after the supposed start time, Catz were up 9-7 with the final match to go between the first pairs. A quick count-up showed that Catz had a large game advantage, meaning that even a heavy loss in the final match would make no difference to the overall score.
For the third year running, Catz pulled off a Cuppers Final Victory, but the captain was keen to give credit to the Queen’s side, who, for the second time this year, gave the Catz boys a serious run for their money, and provided a ‘highly entertaining afternoon of top quality tennis.’

Challengers aim to stop Keble

THE STORY of last season’s college rugby campaign was undoubtedly the unstoppable rise of Keble from nobodies to undisputed champions of the university.
After claiming both the Third and Second Division titles in 2005-06, Peter Bolton’s side saw off all comers to win both the Michaelmas and Hilary First Division crowns before seeing off Teddy Hall in the Cuppers final to cap a remarkable year.
What is certain is that the likes of Hall will not want to see another college dominate in the same way this season.
Although they tasted victory in the Sevens tournament, the Teddies will be hurting from last year’s trophy drought and looking to make an immediate impact this time around. Whether they will have sufficient strength in depth to compensate for the loss of Blues and 21s players this term is another question.
Also trying to make amends for the previous season will be St. Peter’s who find themselves promoted back to the First Division after being comprehensively relegated last Michaelmas. An epic Cuppers victory over St. Catherine’s last year will have given them the belief that they can dominate the top flight again, but they’ll have to wait until third week for what will surely be a hard-fought encounter against arch-rivals Hall.
Catz have the ability to cause anyone problems and will hope that their never-ending injury crisis of last year isn’t repeated. St. Hugh’s and Magdalen will start as relegation favourites, but expectations are more than likely to be overturned in what is sure to be an especially competitive division  this Michaelmas.
Division Two promises to be equally tight, with four out of the six sides having played top flight rugby in recent seasons.
Newly promoted Christ Church are the side to watch, however, riding the crest of a double promotion wave that has given them belief in their ability to reach the First Division this time around. “Our aim is to reach the top division if not this term, then in Hilary” said club secretary Jack Marsh. “We’re a strong, powerful side that builds our game around the forwards and solidity at the set play.
“The season opener against Exeter should be a real crunch game, as they just pipped us to the Third Division championship in a tight game last Hilary. With experienced players like Chris Perfect, Duncan Chiah and Chris Hughes in the ranks, we’re determined to get promotion at some stage this year.”
To achieve that goal Christ Church will have to make their way past Worcester and LMH/Trinity, both of who will have felt aggrieved at having been relegated last season.
The Tigers in particular have become something of a yo-yo club, and the smart money is on them repeating the trend by returning to the top flight. Similarly, Worcester handled themselves well in their brief flirtation with Division One rugby, and will rightly be looking to bounce straight back.
The Michaelmas season of college rugby always throws up its fair share of surprises and if the less-fancied sides can capitalise on others’ missing Blues or 21s players, then both the First and Second Divisions could be blown wide open.
But don’t write off the possibility of Keble crushing all before them for a second successive year.