University begins regular asymptomatic testing

The University of Oxford has announced that it will begin regular asymptomatic testing for students and on-site staff from the 12th of April.  Students that are able to return to Oxford for Trinity term will be expected to take two Lateral Flow Device (LFD) tests which will be available from their college upon arrival. After these initial tests, students are “strongly encouraged” to visit the sites twice a week for asymptomatic testing. 

Students will have access to two dedicated testing sites around Oxford, St Luke’s Chapel (Radcliffe Observatory Quarter) and the University Club (Mansfield Rd). Another site, the Richard Doll Building on the Old Road Campus will become operational on 26 April. Students can book the free tests two weeks in advance on the symptom-free testing for COVID-19 webpage and should aim to get tested on the same day each week. The result will take 30 minutes and will be communicated electronically.  

The updated guidance states: “Although testing is voluntary, we strongly encourage you to participate in the programme if you are required to be on site, whether for work or study.   This includes staff and students who have been vaccinated or have had COVID-19 more than 90 days ago.” 

“The risk of COVID-19 remains very high and it is essential that we as a community take all necessary precautions to stop the spread of the virus. Testing is a major component of this effort and we hope that the vast majority of eligible staff and students will join us in helping to stop the spread of COVID-19.   ” 

Students and staff who have symptoms of Covid-19 are reminded to instead book a PCR test through the Early Alert Service. If they receive a positive LFD test, they must self-isolate and also book a confirmatory test. 

Image Credit: Commonwealth Media Services / CC BY 2.0

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