Alec Holt

Delusions of grandeur: why Prada’s new advertising campaign does intellectual fashion a disservice

when they lay claim to a depth they do not obviously possess it makes it harder to take seriously

Archival fashion is having a renaissance – but is it here to stay?

And really, where else is there for a fashion enthusiast to turn other than to the past?

Live Review: Jon Hopkins at the Brighton Dome

Jon Hopkins is not so much a polarising figure as one whose music can appeal to people for precisely opposite reasons. As beloved to...

Photo Editorial: Inheritance

"Sentimental value": it's an emotional attachment that can be hard to put your finger on, an intimate sense of connection which runs more deeply...

The Pitfalls of Sale Season Shopping

The end of a season is always a slightly odd time. A season in terms of the annual fashion cycle, that is. Spring might seem...

In Defence of Fun Fashion

There are any number of qualities people tend to associate with high fashion. “Glamour” springs to mind. “Elegance”, perhaps. “Innovation”? Sure. These are virtues on which...

From Kampala With Love

At its Southern extremities, the River Nile flows from Lake Victoria into the plains of Uganda as the Victoria Nile. The city of Jinja...

Photo Editorial: Off-Duty Suiting

Fashion in the latter half of the 2010s was defined by the unprecedented cross-contamination of streetwear with the old luxury houses, of the casual...

The Ghost of Sanders Past: Jil Sander A/W 2020 in Review

Since the initial departure of its peerless founder and namesake in 2000, Jil Sander has spent much of the last two decades wrangling with its sense...

Stopping the fast fashion juggernaut

A sceptical look at sustainability in the fashion industry