Union members will be polled this Saturday on whether to impeach the society's President, Brendan McGrath, after 150 members signed a petition in support...
In 2017, with the Saudi-led blockade and bombing of Yemen at its height, a Pembroke Professor travelled to the UAE.
He was there to advise the country's military leaders and Prime Minister, a dictator accused of war crimes by the UN, on military strategy.
A controversial evangelical group with links to the far-right was quietly hosted at Wolfson College this September without the knowledge of the student...
Blackstone has been accused of fuelling the housing crisis, the deforestation of the Amazon and the UK's social care crisis.
An open letter is calling for full transparency over how this donation was processed.
Future Finance loans can result in students repaying more than three times the original amount of their loan over a decade, regardless of their earnings.
While the Union’s courting of the far-right has brought protests and boycotts, Bolton’s visit has gone largely unremarked - but he represents an immediate threat to the lives of people of colour.
Oxford was recently classed the least affordable city in the UK, with average weekly rental prices at £121.15, much higher than the national average of £87.68.
The activist was allegedly able to recite a poem for the onlookers before being removed from the statue by security guards, and detained by police outside the museum.
The group is part of Young Independents, the youth wing of Change UK-The Independent Group, a new political party founded by former Labour and Conservative MPs to oppose Brexit.
The University decided to suspend ties on the 8th of January, the same day that Chancellor Patten asked the government for advice on University policy towards the firm.
The organisers wrote: “In the wake of these horrific attacks on the mosques in Christchurch, it is more important now than ever, to stand together in unity and show that actions born of hate, intolerance and bigotry will fail to incite violence.”
"Reassuring (to an extent) that organised Far Right extremism is not behind the incident. Oxford will go on being watchful for such extremism. Deeply worrying that children would do this.”