In an open letter, the students write: “We refuse to succumb to this environment of fear and suspicion. We refuse to see our friends as enemies. We refuse to hate those we hold dear. This is not our war.”
Oxford University Labour Club has voted to
disaffiliate from Labour Students, the body
which formally links student clubs to the
national party.
The decision comes as controversial elections...
Turning Point USA aims to shift student politics to the right; its tactics have included intimidating academics and covertly funnelling thousands of dollars into student political campaigns
Cherwell understands that as many as seven Nuffield students complained to College administrators about Noah Carl’s conduct in the wake of last year’s revelation...
Former Nuffield College researcher Noah Carl has been denounced by hundreds of academics for what they describe as his “racist pseudoscience.” Carl is now...
Jesus is now the third Oxford college to have hosted Christian Concern in recent years, along with Exeter and Trinity, whilst LMH is currently considering whether or not to host the group
Dr Stephen Pax Leonard wrote, 'liked' and retweet anti-Semitic content, and was due to attend the Traditional Britain Group (TBG) conference held last Saturday week