Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Charlotte Hall

Love, sex and psychedelics in 70s San Francisco

Pride. Sex. Psychedelics. The words spring to mind quickly when thinking of San Francisco in the seventies. Between the tail end of an active...

Sleep is for the Rich

This may sound familiar. Five political prisoners are locked in a gas chamber in 1940s Russia. In a military-sanctioned experiment, the subjects are kept awake...

Stubbly Saints: Hilda’s raises over £8000 for Movember

Moustaches made a moneymaking come-back for charity last month. St. Hilda’s College, taking part in Movember for the first time, has reportedly raised more...

Stubbly saints: St Hilda’s raises over £8000 for Movember

Moustaches made a moneymaking come-back for charity last month. St. Hilda’s College, taking part in Movember for the first time, has reportedly raised more...

Stubbly Saints: Hilda’s raises over £8000 for Movember

St. Hilda’s College, taking part in Movember for the first time, has reportedly raised more money than any other individual college in the charity month’s history.

Council makes £19 Million Climate Commitment

Oxford City Council has pledged £19 Million for a Climate Emergency Budget in response to the Assembly on Climate Change. They are working on a number of different initiatives, such as a network of charging ports for electric vehicles in the city and introducing electric busses.

The revolution turn-over

The thing about self-consciously revolutionary art, however, is that it rarely has a particularly long shelf-life. Perhaps this remains most obvious in pieces that are pragmatically revolutionary; demonstration posters, graffiti, propaganda. Things like Guerrilla Girls and posters of Johnson and Trump’s lovechild are destined – designed, even – to become quickly dated.

Why a No-Deal Brexit could mean the end of British Film

But it’s independent British films that have the most to fear in the looming shadow of a no-deal Brexit. Most people working in the film industry voted against leaving altogether – why? Because the European Union massively supports creative industries in a way that our government alone either can’t or won't.

“A Kind of Dirty Poetry”

What does it take to put on a show at Fringe? With the finish line in sight, Missing Cat discuss the joys and travails of their project: a raw and visceral rendition of Woyzeck.

Kiss My Genders – Celebrating identity with the Hayward Gallery

The Hayward Gallery's huge curation 'Kiss my Genders' attempts to unite over thirty artists from the LGBTQ+ community in a celebration of gender identity and fluidity. Charlotte Hall gathers her impressions of the exhibitions - how effective is it at breaking down stereotypes and prejudice?

Space Shifters at the Hayward Gallery

The Hayward Gallery’s latest and much-praised exhibition 'Shape Shifters' is quite an experience.

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