Wednesday, March 12, 2025

George Newton

Creativity and Covid-19: How social interaction fuels the creative industries

"Social interaction is fundamental for the financial wellbeing of creative industries, to provide a stimulus for new art, to exhibit art and also to remunerate those who devote their time to create it." George Newton discusses the impact of lockdown on artistic creativity and stimulus.

Music History: Django Reinhardt

George Newton reflects on the life of the jazz guitarist who defined an era.

Endangered Languages – The Loss of Human Identity

‘Linguistic diversity is beautiful’. In the face of a globalised economy, George Newton tells us the importance of keeping endangered languages alive and what you can do to help.

L’endive au jambon: Northern French and Belgian winter comfort food

Have you heard of the endive? If you know what I’m referring to, or have indeed eaten an endive, you probably saw it raw...

Nu Jazz – How it Began

The evolution of jazz into the present day

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