Telekommunikationsüberwachungsmaßnahmen. Now that’s a word to get your tongue around after a few. But that hasn’t stopped the Bavarian authorities from using it to...
Renate Künast, co-leader of the Greens in Germany, was making a parliamentary speech and quoted a piece the political columnist Hugo Müller-Vogg had written...
It's a health and safety risk. As Times columnist Daniel Finkelstein points out on Comment Central:Goethe’s novel Die Leiden des jungen Werthers (The Sorrows...
The REAL election '08I picked up this election leaflet (pictured) outside Frankfurt University the other day. It's from the far-left Party for Social Equality...
Germany’s widest-read newsmagazine, Focus (think Economist, but guest-edited by the Private Eye team, plus a bit of Stuff thrown in), celebrated its 15th birthday...
To mark last week's panel discussion on online journalism, held by the German Union of Journalists:(Hat tip: Spreeblick) Cherwell 24 is not responsible for...
Bild (sensationalist red-top) columnist Franz Josef Wagner always writes a letter to a person or group as his regular newspaper piece. His latest one...
The REAL election '08The wonderfully named Guido Westerwelle, leader of Germany's centre-right liberal Free Democrats, has taken after Hillary Clinton (and everyone else) and...
I came across a "German Newspaper Front Pages" application on Facebook. I thought it went well with this blog. Its description tells us:This application...