Matilda Gettins

Merton College funds housing project 60 miles away from Oxford

In a joint venture with St Modwen Properties, Merton College is planning to create up to 1,250 homes and over 80,000 metres of logistics...

Cherwell Explained: Local Elections

"Local elections will be taking place across the UK on Thursday 6th of May, with polling stations open from 7 am to 10 pm. Oxford residents (including students and EU nationals) can cast their votes for Oxford City Council, Oxfordshire County Council, and the Police and Crime Commissioner for Thames Valley. Cherwell has put together a list of 9 reasons why local politics matter."

Meet the St Peter’s student running for the Liberal Democrats in the local elections

"I realised that actually, local politics is the most important in terms of being transformative to people's lives: things like housing, the amount of money we pay for council tax, the local services that are provided to us."

Local election candidates reveal views on climate action

"Communities for Zero Carbon Oxford, a collective of local environmental groups in Oxford, have created a twelve question survey for Oxford candidates in the May 6th local elections, covering a range of environmental issues."

Oxford: a fossil fool?

"In less than 10 years, the climate crisis will cause an additional 250 000 deaths per year, according to the World Health Organisation (WHO). Over a third of these will be due to childhood undernutrition. If the university wishes to remain at all consistent, it must stop accepting funding from fossil fuel companies." In the wake of the OCJC Report, Matilda Gettins argues against the monetary relationship between Oxford University and fossil fuel companies.

Meet the students running for the Green Party in Oxford

"The interesting thing about the current political landscape is that there is so much unharnessed power and potential of local government to transform our communities and start building an alternative society; one which is much more democratic, socially just, and environmentally just."

Oxford Brookes Union organises Black Students Careers Week

"Oxford Brookes Student Union is currently running a Black Students Careers Week."

How to register to vote in the local elections before the 19th April deadline

"On 6 May, local elections will be taking place across the UK. ... The deadline for registration is Sunday 19 April."

Vaccine Distribution: EU vs UK

Back in April 2020, the number of COVID-19 deaths in the UK reached over 350 people per million – about twice as high as...

Oxford businesses ready to reopen today: Westgate, Gloucester Green Market and more

"Non-essential retail, personal care, leisure centres and outdoor hospitality venues are allowed to reopen on Monday 12th April, according to government guidance."

Oxford City Council makes plans to pedestrianise the city centre

"Oxford City Council is planning multiple initiatives to pedestrianise streets in Oxford."

Launch of the University’s Sustainability Strategy: ‘net zero carbon and biodiversity net gain by 2035’

"The University’s Environmental Sustainability Strategy has become policy, following recent approval by the University Council."

Why we should listen to the activists of 2020

"You don’t need to “be an activist” to take action." Matilda Gettins explores why, today more than ever, it is important to reflect on social protest movements.

How COVID-19 can affect your toes and skin

""COVID toes" are a dermatological symptom of COVID-19. They resemble chilblains”, which are red or purplish swellings one may experience if hands or feet are exposed to the cold for too long."

Science Snippet: Analysis of COVID-19 symptoms on twitter

"Researchers from the University of Utah examined twitter posts from early April 2020 (and) found references to 36 other unique symptoms, including 3 898 cases of the now well documented symptom of loss of taste."

Monetary effect of ‘naming and shaming’ campaigns on multinational companies revealed by a study

'The study acknowledges that the reactions are more strategically then morally motivated, writing that, in the past, hedge funds have “not shied away from investing in companies associated with regimes responsible for severe human right violations”.'