Mia Millman

Twelve private schools gain more Oxford offers than the north

Privileged elite continue to dominate Oxbridge admissions

Campaigners tell Oxford: “pay your taxes” after fossil fuel investments leak

Campaigners accuse University of “lying to its students, faculty, and the world”

Former Union president and Tory MP candidate accused of sexual assault

Stuart Cullen, who denies the allegations, has now been suspended from the party, “subject to further inquiry”

David Lammy slams Oxford for “social apartheid”

Nearly one in three colleges didn't accept any black British A-Level students in 2015

Oxford to become first city to ban all polluting vehicles

Council rules out special treatment for students arriving at affected colleges

Richardson stands firm in homophobia row

Oxford SU demands a public apology as Richardson claims her comments were "misconstrued"

Oxford’s ethnic minority graduates have higher starting salaries, new study finds

Research finds that ethnic-minority Oxford graduates earn more than their white classmates and that social background doesn't impact Oxford graduate career prospects

Daily Mail pays out £5k to Oxford grad for publishing naked calendar photos without permission

Ex-RAG president Louis Geary has obtained a £5000 pay-out from the Daily Mail publishing RAG naked calendar photos

New Sainsbury’s set to open on St Aldates

...below Christ Church's new 'state-of-the-art' student accommodation block

Three-quarters of graduates will never pay off student loan, says major report

Graduates will still be making payments into their 50s, IFS report finds

OUSU launches student consultation on scholars’ gowns

Consultation by OUSU regarding the wearing of scholars' gowns in exams opens today

New gin restaurant set to open in Oxford

Plans have been approved for The Oxford Artisan Distillery to build a gin restaurant and garden in South Park

WATCH: Hugh Grant drinks from a shoe in New College bar

After talk on press ethics and formal hall, actor Hugh Grant seen “doing a shoe” to the delight of the College rugby team

Torpids, trashings, and other traditions

Mia Millman discusses strange Oxford traditions and how they impact students and outreach

Opt in for lower battels—Wadham SU

If accepted, the plan would let students opt-in and receive a subsidy, paid for by increasing the fees of other students.

Oxford students to run for Council positions

Students will be running for seats in divisions including Abingdon East and Cowley

Yangon University is modelled on Oxford, but there are no dreaming spires

Mia Millman explores the history of university in Burma and imagines life without education