Oxford's oldest student newspaper

Independent since 1920


The last tutorial: Let the nostalgia – and the anxiety – sink in

Many of us have heard the dreaded ‘So… any idea what you’re doing next?’. It makes me a little irate, anxious, and on the verge of a minor breakdown, as you can probably tell. Two years of my undergraduate degree have somehow disappeared with the blink of an eye – I am older but seem to be none the wiser.

Abolish the high table

There’s something that makes the high table feel a bit off. Maybe it’s because the hierarchy of academia it represents hits a bit too close to home. A bit too close to the bitter sentiment in British society towards class domination.

The Breakfast Club: Bringing the mid to midday

Brunch is a particular love of mine. Between the poached eggs at Brasenose brunch, the coconut pancakes at The Handle Bar Cafe, and huevos rancheros at the Oxford Brunch Bar, there is no shortage of weekend brunch options in Oxford. The Breakfast Club could have been a perfect addition to this lovely list - alas, it did not make the cut.

Red flags or human flaws: Has university dating culture forgotten what it means to love someone warts and all?

All it takes is for me to catch a glimpse of a boy on a VOI and I’m out. It’s now possible to designate a character trait as a red flag and rule someone out completely. What happened to second chances?

Grieving someone I never knew

It feels natural to carry sadness for moments missed, for the advice that might have been shared, and for the unique kind of love that could have shaped your life.

X days ’til Christmas

Ah yes, November. The clocks have gone forward, Halloween has been and gone and, according to TikTok, Mariah Carey has officially begun her annual...

A guide to homesickness

We’re now in the middle of the Michaelmas term. The first term always feels like the longest because there are no bank holidays or...

Vegan sage gnocchi

Outside the church at the end of my street I recently spotted a small, carefully cultivated herb garden. Upon further inspection of this aromatic...

The Not So Secret History: moments of clarity

Is ‘happy fifth week’ a contradiction in terms? Either way, I hope yours isn’t going too badly. We’ve reached the stage in term where...

I bought pesto, pissed

I can only wonder at what I was thinking, spending so much on so little

A care leaver’s note on Oxford’s whacky traditions

This week is National Care Leavers Week. The act of dedicating a week to raise awareness for a cause is a PR strategy as...

The Not So Secret History – The Party

I’m beginning to think a fortnightly column simply isn’t enough to cover everything that goes on in this house of mine. To give you...

Pedal to the metal

Oxford is a city ruled by cyclists. In this cycling paradise, pedestrians often find themselves swept up in the whirlwind of cyclists and tourists,...

A taste of Tuscany

Wine was so prevalent throughout my Tuscan culinary experience, it replaced whole courses when dining out

Procrastination: title pending…

In today’s high-pressure society, it is no secret that we all fall prey to procrastination. Whether it’s that looming essay deadline or last-minute revision...

The Not So Secret History: Healthy Habits

As this is the first instalment of my column, it would be natural to give a little bit of background to what I’m going...

Dinner date with yourself

When one of my closest friends first introduced me to the phrase “date yourself”, I found it ridiculous. I have always enjoyed my own...

Grabbing lunch out without going broke

On more days than I care to admit, I wander about town, lunch box empty and stomach growling

Why is the care leaver population so low at Oxford?

"Arbitrary cut-off points in the admissions process fail people from the care system."

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