Tuesday, March 18, 2025


Reflections on the perils of overthinking

here is a lot to be said for blind positivity. On a good day, I’m a manifester, a big believer in my ability to speak things into existence. During my English A-Level, I had complete confidence that the crystals hidden in my bra would provide enough luck to snag me an A*. Today, I put great faith in words, relying on the same ‘I can do it’ that gets Olympic athletes across the finish line, to help me through difficult situations.

The fourth year: Oxford after your year abroad

I’m now in my fourth year, and as such, must grapple with the reality of my Oxford days drawing to a close. Granted, this is something that every student must contend with, and I watched on as most of my friends bade a fond farewell to this city where our friendships began when they graduated last summer. Yet there is something about the fourth year that I’m certain makes the final year even more strange: a sense of something already lost, of living in a moment that has already passed.

An evening at Pierre Victoire: French bistro dining at its best

Pierre Victoire has been here on Little Clarendon Street for decades – one of...

Being Cupid isn’t easy: What I learned from a term of running Cherpse

Now, having exhausted myself with these relentless pursuits, the job has been passed on to a new bright-eyed Cupid, and in my retirement I’ve become fondly reflective, and decided to curate my insights into this list: 

Restaurant Review: Pan Pan

A restaurant where Korean food can finally garner the acclaim it deserves.

Recipe: Scallops with Celeriac Purée, Chorizo Oil, Fennel and Grapefruit

This recipe serves 1 and takes approximately 90 minutes to prepare

Crossing continents

How to build your academic career halfway around the world

‘New year, new me’: why it’s time to ditch new year’s resolutions

Only 8% of us actually stick to our New Year's resolutions

The omnipresence of Christmas in the UK, from someone who didn’t celebrate it

Maybe because I didn’t grow up with Christmas, and find little personal reason to celebrate the birth of Christ.

The decline of Wonderland: festive fun or Christmas consumerism?

"Hyde Park’s Winter Wonderland has become a behemoth, logistically impossible and perhaps overhyped extortionate vehicle of money wasting and consumerism."

Nothing beats a traditional German Christmas market

As any Christmas enthusiast can testify, no two Christmas markets are the same

“Ugly Delicious” explores the twisted perceptions of Eastern cuisines in the West

Why do most of us associate French food with sophisticated candle-lit date nights and Chinese, Indian or Mexican food with greasy takeaways?

Ten reasons you should try Veganuary

The food we eat seems to be all the talk in the media. From William Sitwell’s comments on veganism to the establishment of World Vegan...

Varsity Ski Trip: a downhill slope?

There is nothing like finishing term and starting the Christmas festivities than getting stuffed onto a musty old coach for twenty-something hours

Recipe: Mull with OJ, spice and all things nice

Georgina MacRae shares her tips for the perfect Christmas mull

Restaurant Review: Jee Saheb

The traditional restaurant sticks to the classics from India, Bangladesh, and Pakistan

Making myself at home

"When you're here for most of the year, making this city your true home is a feat that seems impossible."

Restaurant Review: Zheng

This Chinese-Malaysian in Jericho didn't live up to expectations

How to beat the fifth week blues

Brownies, smoothies and good-old chicken nuggets: this is your guide

‘I just try to see the world clearly’: An Interview with Louis Theroux

Louis Theroux speaks to Abby Ridsdill-Smith about politics, popularity, and participating in a sensual eating party

Brexit, lunch and dinner

A post Brexit trade deal with the US will have huge impacts on our food

Gin and tonic’s history might leave you with a bitter taste

Colonialism, empire and disease: this tasty tipple has an interesting story

Are Waitrose taking the piss(ata)?

What are you stocking up on for your kitchen essentials at university? There are some classics staples in every student kitchen – pesto and...

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