Oxford's oldest student newspaper

Independent since 1920


Nailed it! The evolution of nail art at our fingertips.

Nail art has truly taken the world by storm. With over 233 million people sharing their designs with #nails on Instagram, it is clear that this is not just...

Rags to riches: unravelling the stitched up class divide in fashion

Fashion trends come and go as quickly as the seasons change, but is the...

Self-Portrait of a Stranger: A Review of Frank Auerbach’s Charcoal Portraits

The Griffin Catalyst Exhibition, The Charcoal Heads, shows the early career of Frank Auerbach...

The Oxford Revue: A Room with Revue

'a simple and clever production which ranks as one of the most enjoyable shows I've seen all year'

Mistakes and Markers of Time

"It's very easy to criticise and cringe at old pictures of yourself, wondering how your mum ever let you leave the house in your most treasured white ripped ‘joni jeans’"

Fashion in Paris is moving in the right direction

Chloe Dootson-Graube takes a more optimistic view on the future of Parisian fashion

The fabric of fashion shapes the fabric of our society

Maninder Sachdeva discusses the impact of cultural diversity in the fashion world

Oxford pollution levels break health rules

Cancer-causing nitrogen dioxide levels break EU and WHO guidelines.

Doctor Who’s ‘Sonic Screwdriver’ included in Oxford Dictionary

The addition of the Doctor’s trademark gadget coincides with the premiere of the tenth season of the show

Animal Ethics Fellows for Oxford

The Centre’s Fellowship includes academics from various countries

Femininity, fashion and feminism

Chloe Dootson-Graube examines the role gender plays in the couture houses.

Facing the difficulties of going ‘au naturel’

Eleanor Birdsall-Smith examines our fascination with 'natural beauty' and its destructive effects

Lazy make-up-beauty tips every busy girl needs to know

Beth Brand shares tips and tricks for doing your make-up in half the time

Decoding Fashion and Politics

Miriam Nemmaoui looks at the uneasy coexistence of fashion and politics

The ageing face of fashion

Francesca Salisbury says it’s time for the fashion industry to grow up

The face of spring – this season’s big beauty trends

Cherwell's new Beauty Correspondent Beth Brand talks us through this seasons best beauty trends from the SS17 runways

AW17 Rundown: London, Paris and Milan

Chloe Dootson-Graube assesses the big trends from this year's catwalks

It’s Fashion, But is it Art?

Eleanor Birdsall-Smith explores the role gender plays in prejudice against fashion

C+: Why is my curriculum so white?

Becky Cook reports on the lack of diversity in the Oxford curriculum

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