Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Anvee Bhutani

Student Profile: Zac Lumley

I joined my Zoom call with Zac on a warm afternoon in the middle of March. The first time I came across Zac’s name...

Significant reductions in COVID-19 infections found after single dose of Oxford-AstraZeneca and Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine

"Researchers analysed nose and throat swabs and found that 21 days after a single dose of either Oxford-AstraZeneca or Pfizer-BioNTech vaccines (with no second dose), the rates of all new COVID-19 infections had dropped by 65%, symptomatic infections by 72% and infections without reported symptoms by 57%."

Everything wrong with social media infographics: an informative thread

"Infographics also generate slacktivism, which gives you the warm fuzzy feeling of doing something and creating change, whilst in reality not much is being done." Anvee Bhutani investigates the problems inherent in social media infographics.

In pictures: Extinction Rebellion Oxford stages protest outside Barclays bank

“As a low income student, I'm not ready to just lay down and die. Minority communities are going to be the hardest hit by the climate crisis. And that's my friend, that's my neighbour. They’re not millionaires and neither am I so of course I’ll help them.”

Over 100 protestors rally at ‘Kill the Bill’ protest in Oxford

Protesters were seen chanting slogans like “Kill the bill” and “No justice, no peace”. Signs were seen condemning fascism, racism and political figures such as Priti Patel while supporting the right to protest.

New day support venue for the homeless and vulnerably-housed opening in Oxford

The new day centre, known as the “Living Room”, will provide support in a small and friendly environment to its guests, specially targeting those who may feel more able to engage in this setting.

Balliol College apologises for 300 years of taking money linked to the slave trade

“Of course, looking back on this now we are sorry that we took those donations — whatever might have been in the minds of people who took them at the time.”

The UN Anti-Racism Day protests in Oxford in photos

"The goal of the protest was to 'come together united against racism, Islamophobia, antisemitism and fascism [and] stand in solidarity with refugees and migrants to send a powerful message to those in power that racism will be defeated.'"

Gun Laws in America Are The Problem: Trust me, I Grew Up There

CW: Violence “Crouching in a corner and holding your breath as you hear voices and sirens outside is the norm for me.” Three years on from the Parkland shooting in Florida, Anvee Bhutani uses anecdotal experience to argue why gun reform is necessary.

Olympic Games 2021: what’s in store?

CW // Sexism There is worldwide anticipation presently as the cancelled 2020 Summer Olympics which were set for last year have been given the green...

Report says vaccine passports face 12 challenges

"A primary concern remains that any passport should be able to show if the individual is protected from the virus and will not transmit it."

£70,000 to be spent to boost Oxford tourism

All of the money together will fund Oxfordshire’s official tourism promotion organisation and sort out long-term logistical problems with coaches in the city centre.

Air ambulance crew help distribute Covid vaccines

The Thames Valley Air Ambulance crew have been helping with the COVID-19 vaccine rollout across the Oxford community. The charity delivered advanced medical care to...

Hundreds turned away from Oxford vaccination centre due to booking errors

While no definitive party has been identified as being responsible for the situation, confusion may have resulted from a list posted on the National Careers Service website that included early years providers, including nursery staff and childminders, as social care workers who were included in this phase of the roll out and were therefore offered appointments for jabs.

City Council donates laptops to schools

Students without access to laptops for home schooling will be supported by Oxford City Council in partnership with other local groups.

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