While climate change is at the top of the University's agenda in research and development, the University seems to have little qualms about accepting funds from the world's mega polluters.
A five-month long Cherwell investigation indicates that there have been a minimum total of 93 complaints of sexual harassment across the University of Oxford since the beginning of the 2017/18 academic year.
Vladimir Milov, Alexei Navalny’s chief economic adviser and a former Russian deputy energy minister, told Cherwell: “I can tell you that I think by any reasonable standards, Oxford did not do a proper due diligence on Fridman, Aven, or Blavatnik.”
"The friendly animosity of the rivalry between Oxford and Cambridge is an energetic distraction to the soul-burning and hand-hurting activities of academic life."
"Underneath the surface of floating pieces of coloured paper are multitudes of fans dancing, chanting and jumping in a relentless attempt to mute the opposition fans’ voices. Each is partaking in a ritual that has survived generations."
"The majority of Oxford and Cambridge colleges received the lowest 'U' grade in climate rankings published by the student-led group Climate League of Oxford and Cambridge. Anvee Bhutani, Oxford SU President, summarised on Twitter: 'Oxford colleges overwhelmingly fail'."
"The response rate for the survey was 49.3%. The University also reported 'there were virtually no differences in vaccination rates between different colleges and departments'."
In response to an open letter from English students in which they outlined their concerns regarding the Al Jazeera report into sexual harassment at Oxford, the Board of the Faculty of English told students that Professor Orchard will not teach students at undergraduate or Masters level.
"The University Race Equality Task Force has proposed a full-time senior equality, diversity, and inclusion (EDI) leadership role be created , as well as a joint University-college committee for EDI matters. The Task Force also proposed the launch of a communications strategy focussed on anti-racism"
"A University spokesperson has told Cherwell that the University of Oxford is 'committed' to holding degree ceremonies for all students who may have missed out on theirs due to the pandemic."
It’s always worth joining at least one society during your time at Oxford. Whether that may be sports, music, drama, politics, student journalism, or...