"The organisers of the historic Varsity Trip have announced that this year’s trip will take place in Val Thorens, located in Les Trois Vallées resort in the south of France."
The second hand clothes sale will run between 11am and 3pm. Schools Plus is inviting students to make donations of clothes, in particular formal wear and clothing that is size 10 or larger.
The University outlined its “expectation” that “everyone who can will transition to returning to their offices and labs, so that by the beginning of Michaelmas term we will be fully prepared for the next academic year”.
"Achieving your goal feels great, and not achieving what you set out to get is painful for a while. But both outcomes contain emotions that only last for a while."
"Esthy Yi-Hang Hung, Jacob Kelly and Harry Twohig have been announced as the winners of the Vice-Chancellors’s Social Impact Awards 2021. The annual awards are given to students who have 'demonstrated an exceptional impact and commitment to positive social change while at the university'."
"'The biggest uncertainty was not knowing how my grades would actually be determined. My grades had fluctuated over the two years so it was difficult to tell which grades would be used as evidence, but it all worked out for the best'."
"The scholarship will cover the full cost of a student’s tuition and some of the student’s living expenses, as well as offer a student work experience opportunities with any of the ten Formula 1 teams, with a primary focus being on mechanical engineering."
"Though the weather was soon to change, as lightning gradually approached Mattioli Woods Welford Road, the Dark Blues’ performance refused any kind of change."
"It has been the case for every other sports club in the university that this has been a strange and difficult academic year, but OURFC have the chance to cap it all off with two wins over the Tabs in front of a crowd of dark blue in Leicester. "
"A team of Oxford medicine students from Tingewick have climbed a total of 22,862m, which is over the height of Olympus Mons, the largest planetary mountain in the solar system and twice and a half times the size of Mount Everest, by running up Headington Hill over the weekend."
"Prizes included in the latest raffle hopes to promote local businesses, with prizes including a bag of coffee beans from The Missing Bean and Jericho Coffee Traders, a pair of tickets for an event at The Bullingdon and an £849 touring bike donated by Cycloanalysts."
"Crew members have had to quickly adapt to conditions after British Rowing and the event organisers reached an agreement for named rowers to get back to training on the water in early March."
The letter wishes to take strong action against forms of sexual violence and discrimination and outlines its pledges to “facilitate a discussion on sexism, racism and other forms of discrimination among our community”.
"Oxford’s athletes will be eagerly awaiting their return to the green grass of Iffley Sports Ground and the drink-spilled dancefloors of Park End. But for the time being, they must fight on from home."