Sunday, March 30, 2025


Cherwell Statement on Covid-19

We have been made aware of a number of cases of misinformation and speculation in relation to the spread of Covid-19 at Oxford. A number of sites have, either...


If you are interested in business and publishing then join the OSPL Summer Scheme! Who else can say that they worked as a business executive for a real publishing company whilst completing their degree?!

The Spectre of Virtue Signalling

Brian Wong criticises the use of social justice causes for personal ends

Not Wong: Beyond the social construct

Brian Wong asks us to embrace the fact that reality is socially constructed

My date with Theresa May

Charlotte Tosti imagines sitting down to talk biscuits and Brexit with the Prime Minister

On That Point: Hitchens and Chechnya

Keir Mather is less than impressed by the snap election and argues that it is imperative we help the oppressed gay community of Chechnya

Cherwell is recruiting for TT17

Applications are now open to join Cherwell for Trinity 2017

Not Wong: The Invisibility Cloak

*Queerness is used here in a reclamatory manner. I want to talk about what it means to be an invisible Queer, and the hidden, pernicious...

Why we should care about Wales

Wales has always been ignored by British media. A shadow of England, not as exciting as Scotland and not as politically unstable as Northern...

Not Wong: I can’t wait until I could see your political hot-take of the day

In some sense or another, this article is indubitably meta-, and suspiciously self-referential at points. In other senses, this is written in reaction to...

Courting Controversy: lives matter more than lies

Daniel Kodsi argues that there is more to reporting the truth than pointing out every time Donald Trump says something false

Not Wong: Eternal vigilance guarantees no freedom

Brian Wong urges readers to keep vigilant and work together to fight the rise of right-wing populism

The Devil’s Advocate: More heat than light—a critique of English press coverage of Northern Ireland

Gavin Fleming decries alarmist coverage of Northern Irish politics in the English press

Courting Controversy: against conservative callousness

In the first of a new blog series, Daniel Kodsi is repulsed by a Trump administration built on hatred

Not Wong: A case for genuine equality

Brian Wong queries common ideas of equal treatment, and makes the case for unequal treatment in the short term so as to uphold genuine equality

The Devil’s Advocate: hack! the herald angels sing

Gavin Flemming argues that Russian hacking is par for the course in the brutal world of geopolitics

The auto-revolution

James Evans considers the automated future which awaits us

Wednesday Weltanschauung: Marijuana Legalisation

Daniel Villar offers a justification for marijuana legalisation which goes beyond domestic interests to consider the effects of criminalisation upon other countries

Not Wong: Depression

Brian Wong offers a thoughtful meditation on the burden of depression in the Oxford community

If…everything was determined by referenda

Daniel Curtis explores a potential dystopian future in which the populist notion of direct democracy has been taken to the extreme—with bleak effects

Red on Blue: Should public services be state-owned or privatised?

Michelle Hufschmid focuses on the example of British Rail to make the case for nationalisation, while Peter Saville contends that the wave of privatisations since the 1980s has been an enormous net gain for ordinary people as well as business

Wednesday Weltanschauung: Counter-Devolution

Alexander Curtis argues that devolution to Wales and Scotland is a mistake, and one that threatens to split the United Kingdom

Not Wong: Lewandowski at the Union

Brian Wong attacks the use of classical liberal arguments to defend the presence of Trump's campaign manager at the Union, but argues he should be allowed to speak nevertheless

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